The Ten Thousand Hands God intertwined countless hands and handed a blue card to Ryuzaki. Ryuzaki showed it to Jonouchi according to the rules.

"Search for ritual monsters - Red King!"

On the card, a warrior wearing Red-Eyes Black Dragon armor was wantonly wielding his own power in the raging sea of ​​fire.

"Red... King?" Jonouchi stared at the card blankly. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the warrior was very familiar. "Another Red-Eyes card I haven't heard of! Is it a ritual monster this time?"

"Humph, this guy is not comparable to the garbage monster like Meteor Black Dragon!" Ryuzaki smiled coldly, "Activate the magic card, Red-Eyes Reincarnation! Release the monster from the hand card to 8 stars or above, or instead exclude the Red-Eyes monster in the graveyard and ritually summon the Red King from the hand card!"

"Using the monster in the graveyard as a ritual sacrifice... Another card that exceeds the score!" Honda smacked his lips.

"Damn Honda, cheer for me!"

"I'll use the Red-Eyes Black Dragon in the graveyard and the Ten Thousand Hands God on the field as sacrifices, and ritual summon! Come down from the flames, Red King!"

The burning red lotus gushed out from the ground. The lone warrior, wrapped in the reincarnated black dragon soul, stood in purgatory. Now is the time to cut off the darkness!

[Red King]

[Race: Dragon][Lv8][Attribute: Fire]

[ATK: 2400][DEF: 2100]

"So... so handsome!" Looking at the monster that somehow felt so familiar, Jonouchi's eyes flickered with countless little stars, "Red-Eyes Black Dragon has turned into armor... Not good, what kind of special effects hero is this? Too handsome!"

"Fools who are obsessed with appearance, let me show you the power of Red King! Field magic, Orichalcum's barrier, activated!" Ryuzaki slammed the card in his hand hard on the field area. Green light shot up into the sky, and the hexagram barrier spread rapidly, trying to include the two.

"Linked to the barrier of Orichalcum, the effect of the Crimson King is activated. Once per turn, when you or your opponent activates the effect of a magic, trap, or monster other than the [Crimson King], target 1 card on the field... Magic Trap, and destroy that card! Destroy the mediocre face-up card, Crimson King!" Ryuzaki shouted.

Compared to the Sword Saint with 0 interference ability outside the turn, that face-up card is more dangerous. And if Jonouchi links the effect of the Crimson King to activate that face-up card, then he can also link that card to activate the effect of the Crimson King to destroy the Sword Saint.

The Crimson King glanced back at Ryuzaki with contempt. He jumped high and performed an eight-way turn in the air with a difficulty coefficient of 5.0. His body was wrapped in surging black flames, and he kicked Jonouchi's face-up card with full special effects.

"Tsk..." Jonouchi watched the card turn into steam in the black flames. That was the physical strength enhancer Super Z, a life-saving card. It was destroyed so easily.

"Hmph, did you see that, mediocre person? This is the power of the True Crimson King!" Ryuzaki said complacently, with his hands on his hips.

At this time, because his own activation was chained by the True Crimson King, the barrier of the Orichalcum finally arrived and fully unfolded. At the same time, the barrier began to exert its sustainable effect, trying to infect the True Crimson King and let the warrior degenerate into a dark monster.

However, as if it had been expected, before the green light eroded himself, the True Crimson King directly let the black flame energy that should have been completely controlled run away and devoured his body.

"Boom!!!" The lone warrior was unwilling to be at the mercy of darkness and exploded!

"What!!!??? How could the True Crimson King... Jonouchi, did you do something!?" Ryuzaki laughed in disbelief.

"I didn't do anything... But I can understand the choice of the Crimson King... It's better to self-destruct than to become a puppet of Orichalcum like you!" Jonouchi rubbed his nose fiercely and said angrily, "Even your own monsters abandoned you, don't you feel ashamed as a duelist, Ryuzaki!?"

"Stop... stop talking nonsense! Just Jonouchi, I'll kill you next turn!" Ryuzaki gritted his teeth.

Why did the Crimson King suddenly self-destruct? What happened in such a short moment? I'm sure all the readers with the thinking circuits of card masters have figured it out!

[①: As the effect of this card when it is activated, if there are special summoned monsters on your field, all those monsters are destroyed. ]

That's right, the card activated by Ryuzaki is not an Orichalcum barrier at all, but the Orichalcum barrier provided by Hoshimi Hitomi!

Hoshimi Hitomi is not a philanthropist, how could she give the real barrier to Ryuzaki and Yuga? Besides, the True Red King is a gift to be given away, how can it be corroded by the dark power of Orichalcum?

However, even if it is a monkey version, under the operation of Alai, the ability to seal the soul is the same as the real one - of course, it only works on Ryuzaki!

Nanwusan, what a cruel and sophisticated egoist! Actual capitalist!

"Tsk... End of turn!" Ryuzaki glanced at the hand card, and gave the Normal Summon to the Ten Thousand Hands God. He had nothing to do.

"My turn!" Jonouchi put his hand on the top of the deck. I can feel... the excitement of the deck!

"Draw! Card!" Turning over the drawn card, Jonouchi's eyes lit up slightly.

Orichalcum police, emergency dispatch!

"Come on, legendary dragon - Hemo!" After inserting the card into the magic trap area, Jonouchi rubbed his nose with excitement. The three legendary dragons chose Yugi, Kaiba and his uncle Jonouchi respectively. Doesn't it mean that he is an equal duelist with the other two?

Although... it may seem that this should belong to Hoshimi's legendary dragon...

Hoshimi Hitomi, you bastard... I'm going to wake you up!

With a blazing fire burning in his eyes, Jonouchi clenched his right fist: "Legendary Dragon Hemo, merge with the monster Red-Eyes Black Dragon in my hand card to become equipment magic!"

The scarlet legendary dragon roared loudly, combined with the red-eyed black-scaled dragon, and gave birth to a new power. Unprecedented and unrivaled, the dragon sword that cuts off the darkness turned into a black light that split the blue and descended in front of the sword master!

"Ryuzaki, since you're using the Red-Eyes card I've never heard of, I'll fight back with Red-Eyes as well! Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword, equip the Sword Saint!"

The shirtless Sword Saint reached out and grasped the great sword wrapped in black flames, and the excitement of testing the sword suddenly emerged in his heart. However, Ryuzaki's field was blank, and there was no one to kill, so he had to suppress the impulse. (The Sword Saint's must-hit effect)

"The black flames of the Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword will increase the attack power of the equipped monster by 1000 points!" Jonouchi rubbed his nose, and the victory was decided!

[Sword Saint - Shirtless Kia Freed][ATK: 3400→4400]

[Ryuzaki LP: 4600]

"What, just like that?" Ryuzaki showed a disdainful expression, "The power of the legendary dragon is just like this."

As everyone knows, as long as the duelist's LP is not 0, it can be covered with a cloth and not seen. There is no essential difference between 200 and 20000. Therefore, Ryuzaki was not panicked at all.

"Soleiwado Gana?" Jonouchi's mouth curled up, revealing a triumphant smile.

"Another effect of Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword is to increase the ATK of the equipped monster by 500 points equal to the number of Dragon-Type monsters on the field or in the graveyard of both parties!"

"Ryuzaki, there are Meteor Dragon, Meteor Black Dragon, Red King in your graveyard, and Red-Eyes Black Dragon in my graveyard, a total of 4 Dragon-Type monsters! Therefore, the ATK of Shirtless Kia Freed is——"

[Sword Saint—Shirtless Kia Freed][ATK: 4400→6400]

"Stop the darkness! Black Dragon Skybreaker!"

"I actually——Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

[Ryuzaki LP: 4600→0]

[Winner: Jonouchi Katsuya]



There is no need to force a chestnut ball Guts or something to continue the chapter to beat Ryuzaki (no mercy)

Chapter 74 40 Gin is going to start cleaning up the traitors (forcing)

[Ryuzaki LP: 4600→0]

[Winner: Jonouchi Katsuya]

“Wow!!! I won! What a dinosaur Ryuzaki, I was defeated by the invincible me again!” Jonouchi jumped up and down happily, “Hey Honda, did you see that? I won perfectly… Hey, Honda?”

Honda ignored Jonouchi who was so proud of himself that his tail was up to the sky, and walked to Ryuzaki who had become a vegetable and fell to the ground with a strange look on his face.

Jonouchi’s strength has indeed become much stronger, but Ryuzaki was far below his standard in this duel, and he didn’t even use a single trap. Otherwise, Jonouchi would never have won so easily. This is very strange.

Ryuzaki fell to the ground, and the three cards in his hand also fell to the ground. Honda picked it up and looked at it——

“Grass (Plant)!” The yellow card base represents its status as a common monster, and more than 4 stars represent its status as a high-level monster, as well as the card names of ‘Molinfin’, ‘Lion Wizard’, and ‘Seahorsemon’… What kind of a shitty card is this! ?

Honda pulled out Ryuzaki’s deck and spread it out, and found that the remaining cards were all high-star common monsters——In his entire deck, only Red-Eyes Fusion, Red-Eyes Reincarnation, and Red King could barely be considered a system!

“Ryuzaki, he is also a skilled duelist, why would he use such a deck to duel?” Honda was puzzled. Logically speaking, Ryuzaki joined the Doma Organization and should have received a lot of Lea Card reinforcements. Why did the deck not only not strengthen, but plummeted?

(I actually wanted to give you a Red-Eyes deck, with Black Blade Dragon, Black Flame Bullet, Armored Spin, etc. The problem is that Pegasus has no prints. In that case, just use Mortal Bone to fill the gap, anyway, Ryuzaki is just a multifunctional two-legged beast~by the unnamed capitalist)

"As I said before, this is a duel with the deck at stake." Honda shook his head. No matter what, Jonouchi won. "Red-Eyes Fusion, Meteor Dragon, Meteor Black Dragon, Ten Thousand Hands God, Red-Eyes Reincarnation, Red King... Jonouchi, these cards are yours."

Seeing Jonouchi hesitate, Honda quickly added: "Jounouchi, don't forget that we are now hostile to Doma. If you don't take these cards, they will return to Doma's hands and be used to do bad things."

"If your duelist's self-esteem does not allow you to do this, you should first keep them for Ryuzaki. After we defeat Doma and free everyone's souls, we will have a fair fight with the restored Ryuzaki to decide who these cards belong to!"

"Honda... you can actually speak human language!" Jonouchi said in surprise, "I know, Red-Eye Fusion and Red King, I will make good use of it!"

"..."Honda punched Jonouchi's shoulder hard, making Jonouchi gasp, "I don't know how Yugi and the others are doing."

"Yugi is one of the Duel Kings, there must be no problem. But we..." Jonouchi looked around, only the desolate scenery of the American West, no one, not even a trace of man-made buildings, only the railroad tracks under his feet extended to the end of the wilderness.

The train was only halfway through, and they were left behind halfway. There is indeed a road along the railroad tracks, but whether you go forward or back, you have to go a long way. By the time they return to the city, Dorma's plan may be completed!

Just when the two were having a headache, the sound of the propeller sounded. The two looked up at the soft ladder hanging from the helicopter and the figure hanging on the ladder, and were shocked to speechlessness at the same time.

"It's you!!!" ×2

"Hmph, come on up, you mediocre people. Today I will show mercy and give you a ride." Kaiba looked down at the two of them with a smug look on his face. Only small fish and shrimps were left in the grassroots of Doma, and he also returned from the front line. The next step is to receive the game, and it will be the moment of the decisive battle with Doma.

——————————————Soul of the Mad☆Warrior☆Seven☆Continuous☆Hits——————————

"Bang!!!" Hoshimi Hitomi's fist slammed heavily on the table, and the force was so great that it even cracked the wooden table.

"Who is it!? Who ordered Yuga and Ryuzaki to attack the train!?" Hoshimi Hitomi was almost roaring, his eyes were spitting fire, and he stared fiercely at the other two swordsmen across the table.

Yuga and Ryuzaki are special forces directly under Hoshimi Hitomi. In addition to Hoshimi Hitomi, they only accept instructions from Dazhi and the other two swordsmen. No one else can mobilize them.

Because of this inexplicable order, two precious combat forces were lost for nothing, which undoubtedly put more pressure on the already scarce high-level combat forces of Doma.

"I didn't give such an order." Rafiru said in a deep voice, and glanced at Baron with the corner of his eye. Xing Jiantong was almost torn off his face to confront Pharaoh and his group, and Baron seemed to have been paddling and OBing on the edge except for snatching the God Card.

Especially the previous airport, when Jonouchi was dragged by Peacock Dance, it was obviously the best time to solve Pharaoh three on one, but it was abandoned for an inexplicable reason. After that, he and Peacock Dance left the team, and the precious high-level combat forces were lost again... Did he plan this long ago? Is it possible that Baron is actually on Pharaoh's side? Even Peacock Dance is an undercover?

"I don't know, I didn't give that kind of order." Baron said lightly. He actually didn't like Xing Jiantong's combat, and preferred a one-on-one, punch-to-flesh refreshing battle. But no matter how annoying it is, he won't deliberately destroy the plan. This stupid order was certainly not given by him.

Seeing the two people in front of him deny it, Xing Jiantong laughed: "Okay, the case is solved. It was my order. I have schizophrenia. I ordered Yuge and Longqi to die when I didn't know, right?"

"..." Unbearable silence. The three of them didn't speak for a while.


After a long time, Xing Jiantong broke the silence, his voice hoarse, and said: "Baron, go out. Close the door."

Baron stood up silently and turned around and left.

With a loud "bang", the door was slammed shut. The force was so great that the whole house was shaking slightly, showing Baron's inner dissatisfaction.

Facing Rafiru's inquiring eyes, Xing Jiantong looked exhausted and said in a deep voice: "Baron, I'm afraid he has betrayed."

"Of course there is evidence. I called up the surveillance in the train where Pharaoh and his group were. Look." Xing Jiantong turned the screen of the notebook towards Rafiru. There was a static picture on the screen. Yuga and Ryuuzaki seemed to be on a train, which should be the train where they died.

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