In the picture, Feather Moth is holding a mobile phone in his hand and seems to have just confirmed the message. As luck would have it, the phone screen was facing the surveillance probe. Although the text on it was blurry, it was still vaguely legible after Hoshimi Hitomi's processing.

That was an order, exactly the order for Yu Mo and Ryuzaki to attack the Pharaoh and his party. But that’s not the point. The point is the sender’s number——

That's the mobile phone number Balong is using.

Rafilu's pupils shrank slightly.

Set the time back twenty minutes.

Hoshimi Hitomi greeted Barong, who was the first to feel after receiving the order, with a serious face: "Barong, can I trust you?"

Barong, who was tired of life, was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became serious: "You can trust me, this is a man's promise."

"Rafilu, betrayed."

"...Gah?" This shocking news shocked all the people in Barong. No, even if Baron betrayed Doma, Rafilu wouldn't betray him, right?

"Calm down and listen to me. When Rafiru dueled with the unknown Pharaoh before, the Pharaoh used the forbidden power of a millennium item to seal the elf that Rafiru regarded as his family, the guardian Aitos, and with this Blackmail Rafiru. If Rafiru doesn't comply, he will do something like this to Aitos," Hoshimi Hitomi said in a serious tone, not like he was joking.

What kind of thing? Baron opened his mouth to refute, but then Hoshimi Hitomi showed him the evidence: the mobile phone number that sent the message to Feather Moth in the picture was indeed Rafilu's number.

"Then... what should we do?" I still didn't believe it in my heart, but there was such irrefutable evidence that Balong couldn't refute it. Fortunately, Mai went to look for Jonouchi, otherwise he would not have the confidence to protect Mai from such a messy stall.

"It's okay, Lord Dazi has his own way of dealing with Rafilu. Before that, we can just be on guard against him without letting Rafilu notice any abnormalities."

"...I understand." Barong nodded in agreement.

Time returns to the present.

"Then... what should we do?" Rafilu said in a deep voice. He had already been a little suspicious of Barong, and he came to this party alone. Peacock Wu was missing, and he might have either rebelled or been buried by Barong.

Although I don’t know how the other party got rid of the influence of Oliha Steel, the deal is already done, and how to deal with Barong is the most important thing.

"It's okay, Lord Dazi has his own way of dealing with Barong. Before that, we can just be on guard against him without Baron discovering anything unusual. By the way, remember, never team up with Barong. . Not even if you act alone." Xing Jian Tong's eyes narrowed and he opened his eyes twice.

"I understand." Rafilu nodded slightly, "The nameless Pharaoh's side..."

"Balong has rebelled, and Peacock Wu, who has been with him for a long time, is no longer trustworthy. Now, there are only two of us left with high-level combat power. For the current plan, we can only form a team first and surround the Pharaoh. King, beheading has begun!" Xing Jiantong made a singing gesture, with a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

In the open wilderness, Rafiru drove an off-road vehicle. Hoshimi Hitomi and Barong, who were sitting in the back row, seemed to be bored with each other, each looking down at their mobile phones. In fact, he was communicating on his mobile phone without telling Rafiru.

[Rafiru's individual ability is better than the two of us, and he is also connected to the Pharaoh. We are in a disadvantageous situation one-on-one. 】 Hoshimi Hitomi edited the information with empty eyes and began to dig holes.

[But Rafilu doesn’t know that he has been exposed yet. I guess... he will propose to split up and want to form a team with someone from the two of us. Then after we separate, we will first deal with the teammates, and then deal with the other person who is alone. Therefore, we absolutely cannot team up with Rafiru. 】

[But I can't team up with you because we are so unhappy on the surface. If we behave abnormally, it may arouse Rafilu's suspicion, and he may even realize that he has been exposed, forcing him to attack us on the spot. There are two talks about whether he can win, but he will definitely provoke the snake and be noticed by the Pharaoh and his party. 】

[Then what should we do? 】Baron glanced at Rafiru who was driving out of the corner of his eye, and a hint of wariness flashed in his eyes.

Of course, he would not believe Hoshimi Hitomi's family story, and had already tried to contact Dazi. However, Oliha Gang's communication could not be transmitted, and the information received on the mobile phone proved that there was something going on, and Rafiru had betrayed.

Now that Dazi has been confirmed, even if Barong doesn't believe it, he still has to admit this fact - Rafilu has indeed betrayed!

[I will pretend to team up with Rafilu and pretend to trust him completely. And you have to object strongly and say something unpleasant. Then I would pretend to be irritated and suggest that the three of us split up. Rafiru will refuse on the surface, but he will definitely agree in the end, because our separation will undoubtedly make it easier for him to start. 】

[We carefully avoid tracking, meet at the designated place, and kill the unknown Pharaoh together! 】

Baron lowered his head and thought for a while. He felt that the plan was very cautious, with clear goals and no logical errors. So I agreed.

Hitomi Hoshimi is really reliable as a partner!

"The unknown Pharaoh and his party went to the Florida Museum to look for the stone tablet inscribed with information about the Doma Organization. Lord Dazi ordered us to stop the Pharaoh and his party - at any cost." Hitomi Hoshimi said calmly.

"Hmph, I don't know if it's really Lord Dazi's order or if someone is just making it up." Barong snorted coldly and muttered. On the surface, he is very dissatisfied with Hitomi Hoshimi, and wants to deliberately create some conflicts to play Rafiru.

Rafilu remained calm, but nodded secretly in his heart: He didn't even listen to Xing Jiantong's words, and Barong had indeed rebelled.

He drove the car with a steady hand, but in his mind he recalled what Hoshimi Hitomi said when he talked to him before.

"However, Balong will definitely try his best to hinder our actions. Therefore, I will ask to form a team with you, and Balong will definitely oppose it with all his strength. Then I will pretend to be irritated and propose that the three of us split up. At this time, You may refuse on the surface, but you must agree in the end because the individual strength of Barong is at a disadvantage, and it is to our advantage to act separately.”

"Then you follow my text message and meet at the designated place to surround and kill the unknown Pharaoh together!"

"Yes! I understand!" Rafilu responded in a deep voice with a stern look on his face. Lord Dazi’s plan cannot fail! Traitor Barong, let him live a little longer!

In front of the off-road vehicle is the brightly lit state of Florida. Behind it, there is boundless darkness. Where will the fate of the Three Musketeers go?

It's all according to plan...whose plan? Anyway, it’s okay if it’s not from Dazi.

Chapter 75 41 I play Iron Beast, you play Red Eye, we both have a bright future

"The situation... is wrong." Hoshimi Hitomi and the others stood on the top floor of the high-rise building, looking down at the brightly lit city. "North America should have been plunged into flames... but the city in front of us does not look like a war at all."

"Could it be that... the head of the North American branch also betrayed you!?" Hoshimi Tong said with an angry look on his face, and at the same time, he emphasized the word "ye" very hard.

Who betrayed him? Anyway, it’s right that it’s not Hitomi Hoshimi (completely wrong).

Rafiru and Barong also looked solemn: shouldn't it be a big advantage to push to the opposite spring? Why did all three routes suddenly collapse?

"Tch...unexpected changes!" Xing Jiantong said bitterly, "Let's split up! Rafilu and I are stronger, and we will go together to kill the Pharaoh! Barong, you go to the North American branch chief to confirm what is going on!"

Rafilu and Baron's eyes flashed: Here we come! It's time for him to perform!

Barong was the first to attack, with a sarcastic look on his face: "Huh? Does someone take himself too seriously? Who do you think you are? I, Barong, am not your little brother who comes and goes at a moment's notice!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Rafilu from the corner of his eye, as if silently mocking: It was so obvious who the "little brother" was.

Rafilu raised his eyebrows, and a trace of anger surged in his heart. As expected, Barong began to object as Xing Jiantong said. This guy is indeed a traitor!

"I think Hoshimi Hitomi's proposal is very reasonable. Barong, don't you obey Lord Dazi's order?" Rafilu said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, I only obey Master Dazi's orders. Who do you Hoshimi Tong and Rafiru mean to you!" Baron pointed at Hoshimi Tong's nose and cursed, while sneering in his heart: Rafiru is indeed just like Hoshimi Tong. In general, I agreed with the proposal to form a team. This guy has indeed betrayed him!

"Barong, you bastard!!!" Xing Jiantong exploded instantly, grabbed Barong's collar and started to attack.

"Hmph!" Barong, who is proficient in fighting, effortlessly pushed away Hoshimi Tong's hands. He seemed to be a little scrupulous and did not fight back. "The bereaved dogs should join each other to keep warm. I won't accompany you anymore!"

As he spoke, he stepped on the edge, and azure blue armor appeared on his body, as if he was ready to jump off the top of the building at any time.

"Wait a minute, Barong, if you are dissatisfied with Hoshimi Hitomi's proposal, why don't we form a team!" Rafiru pretended to dissuade him. You still have to pretend when necessary, otherwise it will arouse Baron's suspicion.

"Are you kidding? I'm going to puke!" However, this apparent kindness only received Barong's middle finger.

"...Damn it, I'm really being looked down upon!" Hoshimi Tong said bitterly, "bastard Barong, let you die! Rafilu, you go kill the nameless Pharaoh, and I'll question him North American branch director!”

"No, if we act separately, we will easily be sniped down one by one by the Pharaoh!" Rafiru pretended to persuade.

"Ha, are you frustrated?" Baron smiled coldly, "I've long been tired of playing the game of hosting a banquet! It's because you two losers are holding me back that I let the Pharaoh live until now!"

"...Hmph!" Xing Jiantong snorted coldly and sank directly into the shadow. He looked like he didn't mean to say more than half a sentence.

Before leaving, he secretly made eye contact with Barong.

You did a great job. Xing Jiantong nodded slightly, his eyes full of approval.

Barong blinked and watched Hoshimi Tong's figure sink into the shadows and disappear. Then he jumped and disappeared into the neon lights of the night. He had received a text message from Hitomi Hoshimi before and was going to meet at the place in the text message.

What Baron didn't notice was that Hitomi Hoshimi also locked eyes with Rafiru.

What was contained in his eyes was a familiar look of approval, and...a deep-hidden joking.

Peacock dances with high boots on its feet, walking in a familiar city.

The architecture in Florida is very different from Las Vegas, but the luxurious atmosphere is the same. Everyone on the street is well-dressed, every item in the store is exquisite and beautiful, and every homeless person in the alley is ragged. America is such a dreamy and strange place.

As long as you have money, you can enjoy the king's enjoyment here. But without money, you will become a street vagrant, and there will be no tomorrow.

Peacock Dance is naturally one of the rich people. Although she almost went bankrupt by buying aliens at a high price before, she bought some Paradis stocks at a low price after joining Doma, and then sold them at a high price. In this way, she barely made back the money she earned from buying aliens.

She came to Florida at this moment, of course, not for sightseeing. She received a text message from Hoshimi Hitomi, informing her to come and snipe Jonouchi and Muto Yugi.

She disdained Doma's orders, but Jonouchi and Yugi were an exception - this was the purpose of her joining Doma.

So, following the guidance of the text message, she came to the bustling street under her feet, and... met the boy she had been thinking about day and night.

"Jounouchi... Let's fight!" Peacock Dance's eyes were firmly fixed on Jonouchi, and everything else was ignored. She unfolded the duel disk without hesitation, this time... she must show her full strength!

"Wu..." Jonouchi's expression was a little complicated. But there are things that men cannot escape from——

"Yugi, you go first! Leave this to me! I have something to say to Mai!" The duel disk was unfolded. The man Jonouchi and Peacock Dance stood face to face. Words were useless, and all thoughts and ideas would be expressed in the duel——

"...Hmm!" Wang Yang, who was in a good mood after playing cards with Xiaobiao, held down Honda who wanted to say something, and looked at Jonouchi deeply, "Let's go first! Jonouchi, you must catch up!"

After the voice fell, they left in a hurry, as if chasing someone. But, who was it that made Wang Yang not even care about Jonouchi?

But anyway, the things over there have nothing to do with this couple for the time being.

"Come on, Jonouchi/Mai!" ×2

"Duel!!!" ×2

[Jounouchi LP: 8000]

[Peacock Dance LP: 8000]


Time moves forward a little bit.

Rafiru followed the instructions of Hoshimi Hitomi's message and trotted all the way to the meeting place.

'It's around the Florida Museum... Are you waiting for them? ' The blond youth looked grim, thinking to himself, 'If the Pharaoh and his party want to find Master Dazi, they must go to the Florida Museum to find the stone tablet. '

'No problem... There is nothing wrong with Hoshimi Hitomi's plan. But... Why do I always feel uneasy in my heart? '

At this moment, Rafiru's feet paused. The starfish-like hairstyle and the golden millennium prop on the chest - there is no doubt that it is the nameless Pharaoh! And his companions!

They came so quickly! ? Rafiru's pupils shrank slightly, and he was about to leave - he hadn't reunited with Hoshimi Hitomi yet, and he had little chance of winning against Jonouchi and Muto Yugi at the same time!

But it seemed that the duelists were attracted to each other, and Wang Yang turned his head and happened to meet Rafiru's sight.

... At that moment, time seemed to stop flowing.


Then there was the thrilling battle royale.

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