I'm a Vampire God
10 Mat Farming..
Myself and the boys made our way towards the eastern gate of the city. Along the way through the city we took in the sights and I couldn't help but jump up and down inside with excitement. Luckily I managed to keep my cool on the outside and we finally made it to the gate. Suddenly, one of the gate guards stepped forward and spoke to us. "Halt! Beyond this gate lies the Forest of the Myrmidons! Enter at your own peril. Turn back now while you are still able." Zubarius and Bartook looked at me with sparkling eyes. I sighed and then smiled helplessly. I guess we're going in then. I looked at the guard and said, "Your warning is appreciated, however we are quite capable and can handle ourselves out there. Please allow us to pass." The guard put his right hand under his chin and began to think for a moment. Suddenly, a large smile appeared on his face, and he smacked his right closed fist into his left open hand and said, "Ah yes I've got it! Yes you brave adventurers can save the daughter of our city's Lord! Please accept this request!" Suddenly a quest notification appeared in front of me:
[Quest triggered! 'The Sleeping Beauty' quest has now been marked in your quest log]
I decided to open my quest log and look at the description.
Quest: The Sleeping Beauty
Clear Conditions: Rescue Lancia daughter of City Lord Daicus
Quest Details: The Lady Lancia has been waylaid in the Forest of the Myrmidons. You have been requested to go into its depths and locate her. Prepare well, for this shall not be simple.
Quest Difficulty: C rank
Quest Rewards: +10 Fame in the city, 30 silver coins, passive skill for your class.
I'm totally pumped up! I grinned at my bros and looked the guard in the eyes full of confidence. "We accept this quest and shall swiftly save her ladyship!" The guard smiled and let out a sigh of relief and opened the gate to let us pass. I took the lead and proceeded to walk through the gate with my head held high. Bartook and Zubarius sniggered and Bartook said, "Hey don't get such a big head, or we'll have to pop it to stop you floating away!". Zubarius started laughing even harder and I joined in. Before I knew it we reached the entrance to the forest, and the usual notification went off. It simply told me that I just discovered this forest. We continued walking, and Bartook and Zubarius began harvesting mats from the area almost zealously. I had nothing to harvest as I'm a blacksmith. Or so I thought, when we had our first monster encounter.
Monster Name: Kobold Soldier
Level: 13
Health: 100%
Stamina: 75%
Mana: N/A
So, it seems we're fighting a doggy first; how quaint. I decided to summon my assassin skeleton and my berserker devilkin. Bartook took out a flask from his inventory and removed the seal. Suddenly a powerful scent of blood permeated through the air. Bartook then poured the blood onto the ground and began to perform a series of rapid fire hand seals, which ended with him slamming his palm into the ground. Suddenly a serpent made out of blood began to rise from the ground, and darted straight for the kobold. Zubarius wasn't idle either. I stared in shock as he dropped to the ground on all fours and his form began to warp and twist and ripple like the surface of still water that suddenly is disturbed. Next thing I knew, Zubarius let out a bestial roar and turned into a red tiger with white stripes and sapphire blue eyes. He stood at about a meter tall and two meters long. Zubarius then charged in after my and Bartook's summons. Working together everyone made short work of the kobold soldier, and we all got 0.5 % experience to our next level. However, it was the drops that actually surprised me. There was a black and purple glow around a claw and arm bone that dropped as loot. I looked over to the guys and said in an excited voice, "Guys this monster just dropped mats I can use for my smithing subclass!" Zubarius turned back into his dwarf form and hurried over with Bartook. They then high fived me and we continued through the forest. We spent two in game days in the forest before we finally made it to the center. We found ourselves looking at an ancient and falling apart old fort.
I sent my assassin skeleton to scout out the situation as we waited at the edge of the tree line. Five minutes later my skeleton returned and through my summons mind link I was able to roughly understand what it was telling me. I looked over to Bartook and Zubarius and whispered to them what I'd learned. "Okay guys here's the situation inside. There are three level 13 kobold soldiers, a level 17 kobold elite, and a kobold general level 19. I'm level 15, and you guys are level 16 and 17. I think we have a 75% chance of winning against them and saving Lady Lancia. Are you guys up for this?" Bartook and Zubarius looked at each other then looked at me with a smile on their faces and thumbs up. I lightly chuckled and told them my plan.
The plan was as simple as it was affective. I sent my assassin in to wait by the general, and summoned my vampire bat. I nodded at Zubarius who quickly transformed and grinned at Bartook. My assassin took his flask inside with it. The plan was for Bartook to summon his new bloodfiend: a Bloodlord Centipede. I did a three second count down then pointed at Bartook and said, "Now!". Zubarius and I began to rapidly head in, and inside I heard a roar, my assassin managed a fatal hit on the general it seems. I turned around the corner and saw a massive blood red centipede rampaging in the middle of a group of kobolds. I confirmed the general was down and gave his head a stomp for good measure. My bat was raising hell as well and was using it's new skill Blood Bomb. An opponent who is bit by the vampire bat when it uses this skill will blow up when it's health reaches 40%. However, this skill is useless on boss monsters. Still, it's a beauty of a skill and it's showing its might in this situation. The kobold elite that was bit by my bat just exploded, causing its bones to imbed into the bodies of the other kobolds doing piercing damage. Before long we killed off all of the kobolds. The whole fight took an amazingly quick 10 seconds. Now let's go free the girl.
We made it over to the cell that Lancia was in, and found her just waking up from a nap. My God such a beauty! Perfect small oval shaped face, and emerald green eyes, jet black hair down to her waist and a pure white dress with snow flake patterns stitched throughout. She sat up in surprise, then looked at me with stars in her eyes and asked, "Are you the hero who saved me? I'm called Lady Lancia, and I must sincerely thank you for your most timely rescue! I was certain that I was doomed, yet here you stand!" Her face was flushed and she was breathing hard. I mentally smacked myself and reminded myself that this is an NPC in a game for God's sake! I smiled warmly and said, "My name is Draven and these are my companions Bartook, and Zubarius. It is my greatest pleasure that we were able to arrive in time to save your ladyship." I then performed a courtly bow and kneeled taking Lancia's hand. I helped her gently to her feet, and noticed she couldn't stand properly. So I looked her in the eye and said, "Forgive me for this but we must bring you home directly." I then brought her up into my arms in a picturesque princess carry. At this point I looked over at the guys and saw Bartook on his knees with his arms wide and yelling at the sky. Zubarius was looking at me with a complex look in his eyes, and a single tear fell down into his beard. I turned my eyes back to Lady Lancia, and saw her hands covered her mouth and a bright blush went over her face and down her neck. But the thing I noticed most were her eyes: her eyes were blissful. In other words she's on cloud nine right now. I mentally sighed and began to talk to my bros again. "Alright our objective for coming here has been completed. Let's hurry back to the city." And so we did just that. We ignored any monsters we encountered and simply ran through the forest. 12 in game hours later we made it through the forest. I was the only one who was fine, and apparently a monster. If only they knew... Maybe I just might tell them in the future. This all depends on if they are truly trustworthy.
There were different gate guards when we finally arrived at the east gate. After confirming the identity of Lancia in my arms, one of the guards went sprinting off to the palace. We were brought into the guards barracks and waited there for further instructions. Suddenly a loud voice boomed through the room. "My precious Lancia! Daddy is here!" A very regal looking man with black hair and blue eyes came walking into the room. Decked out in the vestments of a king, and it was only at this moment I realized that's basically what he was. I dropped to a knee and said, "My Lordship, her ladyship is resting on the bed behind me. I'm certain you wish to bring her home immediately. I'll make way post haste." I then quickly moved over and Lord Daicus hurriedly made his way over to his daughter. At that moment Lancia sat up with a yawn, and screamed, "Father! You're here! That means... It wasn't a dream? I'm truly saved?!" Lancia then began to bawl her eyes out into her father's chest. I nudged the boys and we quietly made our way outside. Ten minutes later Lord Daicus and his daughter Lady Lancia came out of the barracks.
"Please follow me and my daughter to my personal carriage. I wish to personally thank you in the throne room." We followed Daicus to a white and gold colored carriage and climbed in after them. Five minutes later we were just going under the portcullis of the palace and went around a circular drive to the front of the palace. We walked inside and Daicus led us to a waiting room. He then spoke to us. "I must go and gather the court and the rest of my family. I will send someone for you when we're ready to receive you in the audience hall." We all acquiesced, and sat down to wait. One and a half hours later someone finally showed up and brought us to the audience hall. When we walked in we were shocked. There were many noble lords and ladies, some military looking and knight types, and a load of maid and butler types. Everyone flanked the sides of the hall and looked at us with interest. I took a step forward and continued walking until I was about 60 feet away from the Lord. Then I dropped to my knee and said, "My Lord, I Draven, and my companions Bartook and Zubarius answer your call. It is our honor to be here." I kept my head lowered but I heard a light chuckle right in front of me. Suddenly I was brought to my feet, and then my buddies. It was Lord Daicus. He looked at me and said, "You don't need to bend a knee to anyone here. In fact, it's us who must do that. Saviors of my daughter Lady Lancia, and my soul. Thank you heroes!" Lord Daicus then got onto his knee, and everyone in the hall followed suit based on their gender etiquette. I felt my face turn red as I said, "My Lordship! Everyone! Please rise! I'm just a humble adventurer with no noble status! I thank you for your courtesy, but any more than this..." Everyone gave a light laugh and someone let out a small sigh, but they listened to my request. Lord Daicus nodded his head thoughtfully and smiled. Then he looked at me and said, "Indeed you aren't a noble Draven. This must be changed. As thanks for saving my daughter's life, I declare the three of you Barons of my kingdom and gift you each the choicest property in my city. As for you Draven.. My daughter has requested, and I agree. Marry my daughter!"
[Quest triggered! 'The Sleeping Beauty' quest has now been marked in your quest log]
I decided to open my quest log and look at the description.
Quest: The Sleeping Beauty
Clear Conditions: Rescue Lancia daughter of City Lord Daicus
Quest Details: The Lady Lancia has been waylaid in the Forest of the Myrmidons. You have been requested to go into its depths and locate her. Prepare well, for this shall not be simple.
Quest Difficulty: C rank
Quest Rewards: +10 Fame in the city, 30 silver coins, passive skill for your class.
I'm totally pumped up! I grinned at my bros and looked the guard in the eyes full of confidence. "We accept this quest and shall swiftly save her ladyship!" The guard smiled and let out a sigh of relief and opened the gate to let us pass. I took the lead and proceeded to walk through the gate with my head held high. Bartook and Zubarius sniggered and Bartook said, "Hey don't get such a big head, or we'll have to pop it to stop you floating away!". Zubarius started laughing even harder and I joined in. Before I knew it we reached the entrance to the forest, and the usual notification went off. It simply told me that I just discovered this forest. We continued walking, and Bartook and Zubarius began harvesting mats from the area almost zealously. I had nothing to harvest as I'm a blacksmith. Or so I thought, when we had our first monster encounter.
Monster Name: Kobold Soldier
Level: 13
Health: 100%
Stamina: 75%
Mana: N/A
So, it seems we're fighting a doggy first; how quaint. I decided to summon my assassin skeleton and my berserker devilkin. Bartook took out a flask from his inventory and removed the seal. Suddenly a powerful scent of blood permeated through the air. Bartook then poured the blood onto the ground and began to perform a series of rapid fire hand seals, which ended with him slamming his palm into the ground. Suddenly a serpent made out of blood began to rise from the ground, and darted straight for the kobold. Zubarius wasn't idle either. I stared in shock as he dropped to the ground on all fours and his form began to warp and twist and ripple like the surface of still water that suddenly is disturbed. Next thing I knew, Zubarius let out a bestial roar and turned into a red tiger with white stripes and sapphire blue eyes. He stood at about a meter tall and two meters long. Zubarius then charged in after my and Bartook's summons. Working together everyone made short work of the kobold soldier, and we all got 0.5 % experience to our next level. However, it was the drops that actually surprised me. There was a black and purple glow around a claw and arm bone that dropped as loot. I looked over to the guys and said in an excited voice, "Guys this monster just dropped mats I can use for my smithing subclass!" Zubarius turned back into his dwarf form and hurried over with Bartook. They then high fived me and we continued through the forest. We spent two in game days in the forest before we finally made it to the center. We found ourselves looking at an ancient and falling apart old fort.
I sent my assassin skeleton to scout out the situation as we waited at the edge of the tree line. Five minutes later my skeleton returned and through my summons mind link I was able to roughly understand what it was telling me. I looked over to Bartook and Zubarius and whispered to them what I'd learned. "Okay guys here's the situation inside. There are three level 13 kobold soldiers, a level 17 kobold elite, and a kobold general level 19. I'm level 15, and you guys are level 16 and 17. I think we have a 75% chance of winning against them and saving Lady Lancia. Are you guys up for this?" Bartook and Zubarius looked at each other then looked at me with a smile on their faces and thumbs up. I lightly chuckled and told them my plan.
The plan was as simple as it was affective. I sent my assassin in to wait by the general, and summoned my vampire bat. I nodded at Zubarius who quickly transformed and grinned at Bartook. My assassin took his flask inside with it. The plan was for Bartook to summon his new bloodfiend: a Bloodlord Centipede. I did a three second count down then pointed at Bartook and said, "Now!". Zubarius and I began to rapidly head in, and inside I heard a roar, my assassin managed a fatal hit on the general it seems. I turned around the corner and saw a massive blood red centipede rampaging in the middle of a group of kobolds. I confirmed the general was down and gave his head a stomp for good measure. My bat was raising hell as well and was using it's new skill Blood Bomb. An opponent who is bit by the vampire bat when it uses this skill will blow up when it's health reaches 40%. However, this skill is useless on boss monsters. Still, it's a beauty of a skill and it's showing its might in this situation. The kobold elite that was bit by my bat just exploded, causing its bones to imbed into the bodies of the other kobolds doing piercing damage. Before long we killed off all of the kobolds. The whole fight took an amazingly quick 10 seconds. Now let's go free the girl.
We made it over to the cell that Lancia was in, and found her just waking up from a nap. My God such a beauty! Perfect small oval shaped face, and emerald green eyes, jet black hair down to her waist and a pure white dress with snow flake patterns stitched throughout. She sat up in surprise, then looked at me with stars in her eyes and asked, "Are you the hero who saved me? I'm called Lady Lancia, and I must sincerely thank you for your most timely rescue! I was certain that I was doomed, yet here you stand!" Her face was flushed and she was breathing hard. I mentally smacked myself and reminded myself that this is an NPC in a game for God's sake! I smiled warmly and said, "My name is Draven and these are my companions Bartook, and Zubarius. It is my greatest pleasure that we were able to arrive in time to save your ladyship." I then performed a courtly bow and kneeled taking Lancia's hand. I helped her gently to her feet, and noticed she couldn't stand properly. So I looked her in the eye and said, "Forgive me for this but we must bring you home directly." I then brought her up into my arms in a picturesque princess carry. At this point I looked over at the guys and saw Bartook on his knees with his arms wide and yelling at the sky. Zubarius was looking at me with a complex look in his eyes, and a single tear fell down into his beard. I turned my eyes back to Lady Lancia, and saw her hands covered her mouth and a bright blush went over her face and down her neck. But the thing I noticed most were her eyes: her eyes were blissful. In other words she's on cloud nine right now. I mentally sighed and began to talk to my bros again. "Alright our objective for coming here has been completed. Let's hurry back to the city." And so we did just that. We ignored any monsters we encountered and simply ran through the forest. 12 in game hours later we made it through the forest. I was the only one who was fine, and apparently a monster. If only they knew... Maybe I just might tell them in the future. This all depends on if they are truly trustworthy.
There were different gate guards when we finally arrived at the east gate. After confirming the identity of Lancia in my arms, one of the guards went sprinting off to the palace. We were brought into the guards barracks and waited there for further instructions. Suddenly a loud voice boomed through the room. "My precious Lancia! Daddy is here!" A very regal looking man with black hair and blue eyes came walking into the room. Decked out in the vestments of a king, and it was only at this moment I realized that's basically what he was. I dropped to a knee and said, "My Lordship, her ladyship is resting on the bed behind me. I'm certain you wish to bring her home immediately. I'll make way post haste." I then quickly moved over and Lord Daicus hurriedly made his way over to his daughter. At that moment Lancia sat up with a yawn, and screamed, "Father! You're here! That means... It wasn't a dream? I'm truly saved?!" Lancia then began to bawl her eyes out into her father's chest. I nudged the boys and we quietly made our way outside. Ten minutes later Lord Daicus and his daughter Lady Lancia came out of the barracks.
"Please follow me and my daughter to my personal carriage. I wish to personally thank you in the throne room." We followed Daicus to a white and gold colored carriage and climbed in after them. Five minutes later we were just going under the portcullis of the palace and went around a circular drive to the front of the palace. We walked inside and Daicus led us to a waiting room. He then spoke to us. "I must go and gather the court and the rest of my family. I will send someone for you when we're ready to receive you in the audience hall." We all acquiesced, and sat down to wait. One and a half hours later someone finally showed up and brought us to the audience hall. When we walked in we were shocked. There were many noble lords and ladies, some military looking and knight types, and a load of maid and butler types. Everyone flanked the sides of the hall and looked at us with interest. I took a step forward and continued walking until I was about 60 feet away from the Lord. Then I dropped to my knee and said, "My Lord, I Draven, and my companions Bartook and Zubarius answer your call. It is our honor to be here." I kept my head lowered but I heard a light chuckle right in front of me. Suddenly I was brought to my feet, and then my buddies. It was Lord Daicus. He looked at me and said, "You don't need to bend a knee to anyone here. In fact, it's us who must do that. Saviors of my daughter Lady Lancia, and my soul. Thank you heroes!" Lord Daicus then got onto his knee, and everyone in the hall followed suit based on their gender etiquette. I felt my face turn red as I said, "My Lordship! Everyone! Please rise! I'm just a humble adventurer with no noble status! I thank you for your courtesy, but any more than this..." Everyone gave a light laugh and someone let out a small sigh, but they listened to my request. Lord Daicus nodded his head thoughtfully and smiled. Then he looked at me and said, "Indeed you aren't a noble Draven. This must be changed. As thanks for saving my daughter's life, I declare the three of you Barons of my kingdom and gift you each the choicest property in my city. As for you Draven.. My daughter has requested, and I agree. Marry my daughter!"
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