I'm a Vampire God

9 Realms of Shafir... Start!

Realms of Shafir.. an actual full dive game! I'm really getting the chance to actually consciously be in a game! Yes! I looked at my roommates and decided I needed to confirm a few things. "Okay guys first question; how much of a difference is there in the time between the real world and the game?" Shinji laughed and began to puff up his chest. "Two weeks in game is only four hours in the real world! Do you know what the means dude? Every minute we're delaying, someone is beating us to the number one spot!" I am totally shocked right now. Two whole weeks in just four hours! And the two weeks actually feel like two weeks! He's right, no time for questions; we need to get in game asap and I need to make my character. But first, I need their character names. "Okay boys let's get it! But one final question; what's your character names?" Shinji spoke and and then Yusuke. "Bartook" "Zubarius". I nodded my head, and told them that my character name would be decided after I design my character.

I was now laying on my bed with my new full dive headset on. It wirelessly links to my computer and the internet. I heard my new buddies ask me if I'm ready I said, "Yeah let's do it! Dive in boys!" Suddenly I felt myself floating out of my body and a black portal appeared in the middle of my room. I was rapidly sucked in, and next thing I knew I was floating inside of a pure white room. A woman began to speak to me, and her voice seemed to encompass the entire space. "Welcome hero to the Realms of Shafir! Please now begin to reform your body, as the spacetime transfer displaced your atoms." I am surprised, because there's suddenly a scifi element in a fantasy game, but I decided to shelve it for now. I spoke to the woman. "I am ready please begin the process." A 3D solid looking humanoid form began to appear before me. The woman's voice began to resound again. "Congratulations hero. You have unlocked all secret races, and races with high starting stat demands. Please now choose your race." I stared in disbelief, because there is a hell of a lot more than 200 races here. The list I'm looking at has over 1000! I spent a few minutes looking through the list quickly, before I noticed something interesting. I hovered over the halfling race and noticed there were multiple versions of it, but one of them had a locked and hidden other half to the race. I knew right then that this would be my race. The halfling(locked).

After I picked my race, suddenly the avatar in front of myself underwent a change. I was asked to choose my sex and of course I chose male. I spent forever tweaking my appearance before I stopped with a 6 and a half foot tall halfling with silver hair down to their waist, aquamarine eyes, and a copper skin tone. Now for class selection. I always played as the Big Five in games, so I decided to do something different. I went with the summoner class. The voice of the woman appeared again. "Congratulations hero on reforming your body, now to bind your soul I shall be needing your name." I'm naming myself again huh? Name.. a name... I got it! Draven shall be my in game name! I told this to the woman and she spoke to me once more. "Draven is it? A very powerful name. Perhaps it shall be you, hero, who shall save my Realms of Shafir. Go now, and receive my blessing!"

Everything around me went black for a second, and before I knew it I was standing in the middle of some stone age looking small village. I decided to test the information from the manual the guys gave me. I called out inventory, and found that I was equipped with black robes that give you a 1% mana regen per minute. I also was equipped with a black wand with a mini skull with red gems in its eyes. The wand cuts casting speed by 10%. That's actually pretty great for starting items! I took a look at my spell list and saw my first summon. Vampire bat? The guys told me summoners start out with a spirit imp! I looked carefully at my class description and was shocked. It's not just a regular summoner! It's called Hell Summoner! I can summon evil creatures of hell that are three times stronger than a normal summoners summon! And this rate stays! I'll always be three times stronger than all other normal summoners! To top it off, the rarity of my class said Unique! This means only I have, and can have this class! Alright! This is awesome!

Okay I'm wasting time, I should add and message my buddies. Okay added Bartook and Zubarius! A ding went off in my head, I saw a request for a voice chat party. I accepted, and heard both Shinji and Yusuke. "Hey bro you made it! What the heck took you so long! Right. Anyway, it looks like you're in the starting village for magic classes, called Veynir. Once you finish the quests there, then you'll be able to be teleported to the capital city of Rosewood. This is where we're at. We'll wait for you at the spawn point at the center fountain. See you soon Draven!" That was Shinji. Next the effeminate Yusuke began to speak up. "Yes as Bartook said! We'll see you soon, so don't worry about us and take your time and make sure you understand everything!" I chuckled and assured my roomies that I'll be fine and I'd see them very soon.

So, I quickly took a quest from the village head and it was a simple one. I just need to kill 50 slimes, and bring back 50 slime jelly to him. I just found a cluster of about 10 slimes and summoned my vampire bat in front of them. I also used my only attack spell that's unique to my class, Hell Flame. I snapped my fingers, and pointed at the slimes. Suddenly the purple black flame shot forward like a missile and landed in between a few of the slimes. My vampire bat was using an ability that sucked a funnel of red blood into its mouth from three of the slimes. I watched in shock as they began to steadily shrivel up like slime mummies. I suddenly heard a high pitched metallic like screeching sound from where I sent my Hell Flame and stared in disbelief as the slimes were sucked into a portal made out of the flames and disappeared. I shakily opened my spell list and carefully read the description.

Spell: Hell Flame(Unique)

Damage Type: DoT Portal Summoner

Damage: 5 damage per second over time. Continuous.

Spell Description: You control the very flames of the pits of Hell. This spell burns the very soul of its target, and after the target's health reaches 20%; summons a portal to Hell and banishes the target there. In case of target being a player, the target shall be banished to hell for 1 in game day and prevented from logging out. This spell grows with user.

Wow. That's all I can say. This is definitely worthy of being a unique spell for a unique class! Before long my vampire bat finished up their prey and we'd killed the group of slimes. We continued this process and in a very short time I turned in my quest. I got 5 low mana potions as a reward. I spent an hour completing all of the quests for the village, and it was finally time to go to Rosewood. I'm now level 10 and I unlocked two new summons; a devilkin and a skeleton assassin. Talk about a cool selection. I've got a rogue skelly, a berserking little devil child, and a AoE life draining bat. Hell Flame didn't get any stronger yet, oh well it's already OP anyway. Time to go through the portal and meet up with the guys. I walked up to the portal and took a deep breathe as I strolled through it. A warm tingling feeling went through my body and next thing I knew I was standing next to a massive fountain in the middle of a historic looking square with towering brick and stone buildings surrounding me as far as the eye can see. The place is bustling and full of thousands upon thousands of players as well as just as many, if not more NPC's. Someone suddenly tapped me on my shoulder which made me jump in surprise. You can actually physically touch people and they feel it? Crazy. Anyway, after my initial shock I spun around and saw an orc, and dwarf with a long ruby red beard, standing behind me. "Hey Draven, it's me Bartook and Zubarius! You finally made it to the big city bro! Ha ha ha! Let's go get your crafting class. Off to the Crafters Hall, follow us!" Wow an orc, halfling, and a dwarf. Talk about a hell of a mix and match party! Heh. However, this is what will make us stand out and when we're able to get our guild 'Fulfilled Destiny' started, then things will get epic real quick! I followed my buddies to the Crafters Hall, and walked in behind them. The place was surprisingly quiet and empty. I looked over at the two with a puzzled look and they laughed awkwardly. "Um right, so we forgot to mention that no one ever gets their crafting subclass, because everything can be bought from the NPC's and the games Store function from your Status Menu. However I Bartook took the pill making craft, and Zubarius over there went with alchemy. Now, we can't be alone in this so please bro! Please pick a subclass!" Both my roommates got on the ground and performed a flawless dogeza. I sighed, and walked over and helped them up. I looked both of them in the eye and nodded.

I'm now standing in front of a display screen and staring at an insanely long list of subclasses. I suddenly found one that had its words glowing like purple and black flames. I scrolled to it and clicked it. Hell's Smithing Deity. Okay this sounds totally badass, and apparently the requirement for this class is that you have the Unique Hell Flame spell. This subclass was obviously made for me. So I accepted it. Suddenly some evil looking purple sigils with black outlines appeared all over my arms and I found them on my chest back and legs by checking from my inventory menu. I also unlocked a new title called 'Deity of Hell'. I looked over at Bartook and Zubarius and saw their jaws dropped. I laughed, and Bartook spoke. "Hey! Just what in the hell was that?! What badass subclass did you get bastard?" I laughed even harder at the word hell and said, "Hell is exactly correct. I've unlocked the unique subclass, 'Hell's Smithing Deity', isn't that cool?" I did a few poses and laughed a little more. Both my roommates placed their hands on my shoulders and said, "We leave the crafting of our gear to you God of Smithing!" Then they both snorted, and started laughing uncontrollably. I joined in, and we all walked out together. I checked my inventory and found a cool anvil with a demons face and it's eyes were crying blood. There was also a smithing hammer that had a dark red handle with strange symbols all over it in gold and the hammer head was rectangular except for one side that had a skull shape. I knew from the subclass description that I can use a regular forge, I just need to put my Hell Flame in it. As for an anvil, obviously my anvil and hammer are needed. Now everything is ready for us to begin our adventure! I look forward to our two weeks of in game fun! Let's begin!

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