I'm a Vampire God

13 A Noble Lady, A Noble Purpose

Everything is set up and now it's time to slaughter these buggers! Tesla is waiting for my signal, now let's do this! I nodded at Bartook and we began our summoning process. I was summoning my vampire bat and my berserker devilkin. Bartook's centipede got an upgrade, and now has a natural armor on its carapace. My devilkin grew a little taller, and it's dual daggers became dual hand axes. My vampire bat strangely didn't change at all, but it's power did increase. Immediately after summoning I began the process for using my Hell Flame. My summons covered the left and right flank, and Zubarius transformed and charged though the front. Tesla charged in low to the ground, and her cloak billowed out around her as she shot forth like an arrow from a bow. Now the direwolves are covered on all fronts, now to burn them to hell! I'd just finished my spell, when everyone made contact on their respective flanks. My Hell Flame spell blasted down directly in the center of the horde. This time I counted exactly 100, so no extra reward this time. I laughed out loud as my spell began to greedily devour the flesh and bone of the direwolves. Suddenly, a large portal appeared, and two dozen direwolves were sucked in. Bad luck on their part; they were too close to each other. I looked over in Tesla's direction and noticed that she'd already made it to the center. Thank God there's no friendly fire in this game. Because, Tesla would be banished to hell otherwise. And so the one sided slaughter fest began, and ended swiftly.

I walked down into the clearing and high fived everyone. "Well done guys! We're a perfect match as a team! This is great! This means there will be no problem in the future. Well, I think it's probably best we log out for the day. We don't want to burn out, since it's my first time playing." Everyone agreed with me, and I was told by Tesla she'd drop by to visit me tomorrow in person. She seems like an old time noble, which I realize she actually is! I'm stupid sometimes heh.. She has quite the noble goals as well, seeing as she desires to bring about world peace between supernatural races and humans. Well, it's time to get off. I accessed my menu, and selected the log out feature. I was notified that I can't log in again for 24 hours to prevent gaming addiction. Oh well, that's too bad.

I opened my eyes, and found myself laying on my bunk bed back in my dorm. I sat up, and saw Yusuke and Shinji doing the same. Shinji hopped down, and walked over to my side of the room. "Come on Clyde, it's time for lunch, let's go to the cafeteria. There's always an all you can eat buffet for each meal." I got up cheerfully, and followed my roomies. As we walked down the hallway, and headed across the skywalk to the central building, the noise density began to increase and before long we were surrounded by people. If this were the me from back on Earth I'd already have passed out. Luckily, since my graduation into a God, my mentality changed for the better. I'm now calm, cool headed, and have an air of majesty and power surrounding me. I took a step forward, and grabbed a plate from next to the buffet and some cutlery. I loaded up with a mix up of chinese food, and some boneless chicken wings. (A/N: I had barbecued wings for lunch before writing this chapter. Hehe.)

Yusuke and Shinji followed suit and loaded up their plates as well. We made our way over to the fridges where I found M*nster En*rgy drinks. I MUST have two, I'm craving these things badly. I walked over to the check out and took out my student ID. The cafeteria woman scanned my card, and gasped but then told me to go ahead. I wonder why she gasped like that? Oh well, let's grab a seat for me and the boys. As I found an empty table, suddenly a sweet and innocent girl's voice sounded out to my right. "Hey, you're new right? Would you like to sit with me and my friends?" I turned around, and saw what can only be described as a school idol smiling warmly at me, and more girls looking like members of an idol group sitting with her. I nodded, but I needed to confirm something.

"Sure, I'd love to sit with you, you don't mind if my buddies join us too do you?" I looked at the group of girls carefully, and watched for looks of disdain or disgust. Surprisingly, they were all friendly looking and seemed full of innocence and charm. The girl who spoke out, nodded and said, "Of course they can! My name is Suzuki Yumi and I'm the lead singer of the newly debuted girls idol group, 'Sweet Harmony'. May I ask your name?" I was impressed by the maturity and sincerity of the girls, and introduced myself. "My name is Clyde, and I'm a new student who moved here from New York, Brittania. Please take care of me!" I then bowed my head slightly, and joined the girls at the table. Yusuke and Shinji both came over in shock, and were even more amazed when the girls told them to come sit down. The two looked at me like I was their God. Heh, I will be in the future if you guys stay loyal and prove you're truly trustworthy. We chatted about our hobbies and interests. I told the girls how I love singing, and how I'd love to be an idol some day. The girls insisted on wanting to hear me sing, and so we're now in the music room.

I nervously sat down at the piano, as the girls set up microphones, and moved over to take a seat. Shinji and Yusuke both began to cheer for me telling me I've got this. And so I began to play, and sing my song that hits me in my soul.

All alone inside I cry

Feeling my pain reach toward the sky

Longing to love and be loved

My is life so unfair to me

Is this the way it's supposed to be

I'm in love with my best friend

It wasn't supposed to end like this

I'm praying for love but I'm disappointed

I'm afraid that I am just a failure

No longer secure where did love go

Feeling the burning in my soul

Here's to hoping for the day I become whole

I poured my heart and soul into singing and playing, and I was in tears. Before I knew it I'd reached the end of the song, and stopped playing. I looked over at everyone nervously, and was surprised by what I saw. The girls were hugging each other bawling their eyes out, and my roommates were on their knees crying, looking like their souls were burning. I coughed lightly and asked, "So that's my song, 'Heartache In A Single Decade', what do you guys think?" Suddenly, one of the girls whipped out her phone and called someone. "Manager! I've found a guy with the voice of a young god! His singing, and piano playing brought me and the girls into a place that touched our souls! I'm still crying even right now! Get down to the music room at Tokyo University High School quickly!" This was done by Suzuki Yumi. She took a deep breathe and exhaled slowly. Then she wiped the tears from her eyes and walked over to me. Yumi then took my right hand into hers, and looked me in the eye. "Clyde, you have to become an idol. I must insist! Your voice is out of this world! I've never heard a guy sing like you before, in fact I'm still shaking from the feelings that your song invoked in me! Our manager is on his way, and he'll get you all set up to debut as an idol. He was actually hoping to find a male talent. You've arrived just in time!"

I'm totally in shock right now, even though I really shouldn't be. I mean she said it herself, I actually am a young male god. I nodded at Yumi and told her I would go through with this. Now the girls are working on my persona, and they all are stuck between young god, and vampire. Suddenly, Shinji spoke up and said, "Why not both? Why not have his persona be a young vampire god? Even the one true god of vampires?" The girls dropped their jaws, and their eyes began to sparkle. Yumi began to jump up and down in excitement and said, "That's it! Vampire God! He'll fit that persona perfectly! Deep cobalt blue eyes, midnight black hair, and skin paler then an albino! Plus he's gorgeous, so it all fits flawlessly!" All the other girls began to squeal with excitement, and looked at me like they were undressing me with their eyes. I found myself getting up and backing against the wall at the front of the room. Suddenly, the door opened, and a yakuza looking man in an all black business suit walked in. He strode forward, and looked around. When his eyes landed on me, it was like he found his long lost son. "My God you're perfect! We just need to decide your persona, and find a song writer for you. After that, publicity, publicity, publicity! Girls any ideas on a persona?"

And so the crazy scene unfolded where the girls told their manager Hiroko Harume, how my persona had to be The Vampire God. I face palmed because, that's what I really am! It's not my persona it's who I really am girls! Of course there's no way in hell that I'll tell them that. Hiroko became extremely excited and ran out of the room saying he'll be in touch when everything is ready for me. I sighed as I looked at the group of girls jump up and down cheering, "Banzai!", over and over again. I walked over to my roommates and suggested that we should get on our way. They both acquiesced, and we quickly got out of there. I told Yusuke and Shinji that I wanted to buy a phone, so we headed to the university's mall on campus, and I got myself a nice smartphone called a Universe 8. Heh I'm getting Dr*gon B*ll feels. But was there a universe 8? Nah I think there were only 7. Right anyway, we walked around the mall area and goofed off. Before I knew it, we were back in front of our dorm room, and it's late at night.

We sat up for another hour, and talked more about ourselves. I learned that Yusuke was surprisingly struggling with alchoholism at such a young age, and Shinji was addicted to fetish porn. I told them I had a big secret too, but mine is huge and I need more time to get to know them. They were both very understanding, and pat me on my shoulder before climbing into their beds. I walked out onto my balcony, and thought about how tomorrow I'd be starting high school all over again, and to be honest I was kind of nervous, but more than anything I'm excited. After all, this is a redo! I'm in another world as the God of Vampires and there seems to be much more to this world than I can imagine. Will I become a benevolent God, or will I be a terror in the hearts of many? That is for me to decide. This is my story, my beginning anew and my legend! The legend of The Vampire God and his exploits throughout the world and across the sands of time, shall be remembered for time immemorial!

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