I'm a Vampire God
14 High School.. Again
I woke up today feeling refreshed, and yet full of anxiety. I'm about to restart my life, and can't mess it up this time. No nearly marrying to a woman who never loved me, and just used me for the convenience of a place to live and a good fuck. No. Instead, I'll be a legend building my empire up from being a new idol, to a God worshiped by the masses. After all, I am an actual God. Therefore, shouldn't I be worshiped? That'd be a yes.
It's time to get ready for my second first day of high school, and living my dream of going to high school in Japan! I did it! Shinji and Yusuke aren't up yet, and I'm honestly surprised Yusuke is an alcoholic, I mean he is a preppy little marshmallow. But everyone has their own issues after all right? Shinji and his fetish porn.. It's not really a big deal. He's a teenager going through puberty and learning what excites him sexually. There's nothing wrong with that. My secret however, is earth moving and will make their brains explode(not literally). Let's get in the shower. Apparently the school uniform is black with red trim, and a red tie. This will match my appearance flawlessly. I'm not a narcissist, I've just realized I'm the sexiest man in existence. Normally that thinking would be narcissistic, but my system confirmed it. That means I need to be careful around girls.
I'm now in the shower, and honestly it feels better than any shower I've ever had. Must be because I'm a God. I'm done showering, and just finished dressing when both my roommates were just waking up. I need to rush them so we're not late for English. Especially since it'll be my first day. Shinji and Yusuke both hurried up luckily, and we made it in class with 5 minutes to spare. The two of them went in, and I had to wait outside for the teacher to bring me in. After waiting about 30 seconds, the homeroom teacher came and brought me into the classroom. Suddenly the teacher began to speak. "Everyone this is your new classmate Clyde, who moved here from Brittania. Clyde please introduce yourself." I stepped forward before the teachers lectern, and began to speak. "Hello everyone my name is Clyde, and I like singing, playing instruments, drawing and painting. I'm new to Japan, and have always wanted to come here. Please take care of me!" I ended my introduction with a low bow, and looked back up at everyone. The girls were blushing and giggling, and the guys looked at me like I killed their entire family in front of them. Yeah, I feel like the main character of a harem anime right now. The teacher pointed my desk to me, and it was the freaking back left corner window seat! Wtf?! Okay this is way too in my face, I blame it on my system.
[Clyde you misunderstand. This is caused by your luck and karma stats. You currently have the luck, and karma of a protagonist. This is your fate. Accept it.]
Holy shit my system is actually still around?! Duh. Of course it is, but why did it just roast me? Me a protagonist? Ha ha ha! Funny. The class went on, simple as hell. After all English is my first language. Many girls came to me during our break time and asked me a ton of questions, I felt embarrassed so I gave them the orphan with amnesia protected by the government back story. To sum that choice up in a nut shell: Big mistake. The girls began bawling like babies, and some of the guys even had manly tears come out and hit me on the shoulder with their hands repeatedly. I was hugged by every girl in class, hell even the teacher came in for a hug. I had to fight against a chubby, since she's completely in my strike zone. After all I'm mentally in my late 20's. Before I knew it, class after class blew by and we were now heading over to eat lunch. It'll be same as yesterday I think. Sure enough I found the same foods. It's all delicious of course though.
Yumi Suzuki and the members of her idol group called me and my buddies over to their table again. This time, we were noticed by my classmates. Or should I say, my female classmates suddenly turned into she devils and totally were holding a grudge against Yumi and company. I sat down next to Yumi first, and she began to speak when Yusuke and Shinji sat down also. "So, Harume is ready with everything, and he wants to meet with you after school today. You'll start out by doing a photo shoot in persona, and then he'll work with you on developing an OP. He'll meet you outside the guys dorms after school today. Don't miss it. I'm serious about you being the it guy!"
I smiled and nodded as I chewed on a mouthful of chinese food and swallowed it down with an energy drink. Shinji and Yusuke both engaged the other girls in idle conversation, and they happily talked with the both of them. After eating our fill, we headed back to the classroom and prepared for the afternoon classes. Class after class was easy easier than I thought it would be, and I breezed through my classes no problem. Now, I'm walking to the guys dorm, and see Harume waiting outside for me. "Clyde! Good you are here! Let's be off then. We need to get you changed, and in environment. Follow me to the car." I followed Harume to the school gates, and saw a nice and shiny black Mercedes Benz waiting for us outside of the gates. I climbed in first, and Harume followed behind me. Harume told the driver to take us to his studio, and we began to take off. Harume looked at me with eyes full of excitement, and began to explain things to me.
"Okay Clyde, let me tell you about my plans for your future. We'll build your portfolio with some amazing photos, and a short OP with you singing a pop and rock song with vampiric influences in the lyrics. We'll have you wearing a modern and stylish rocker vampire outfit. Before each performance you'll drink out of a clear goblet filled with tomato juice. This will look just like blood, especially with the right lighting. You'll be a natural star, with an amazing stage presence!" Everything sounds great to me, and I'm honestly looking forward to my future. My actions will probably offend some vampires out there. Just imagining when they come to one of my concerts, and they feel and realize that I'm their God. Boom. Mind blown. He he he!
We're now finally pulling into the lot of Harume's studio, and he climbed out first after the driver opened the door. I then followed behind him, as we walked into the massive and towering building that said Mooncrown Talent Agency on it. I stared in shock and disbelief. This is Jelia's talent agency. I looked at Harume with disbelief and said, "Hey I know your CEO Jelia, can you bring me to her before we start? I need to say hi to her since I'm on her turf right now." However, that turned out to be unnecessary as Jelia came rushing out the front door herself. "Clyde you're here! Why didn't you tell me you were coming? I would have rolled out the red carpet for you. Or rather I should!" I laughed awkwardly and looked over to Harume. He had his jaw dropped, and clearly was charmed at the moment. I looked back at Jelia and smiled and said, "Sorry, I had no idea I was going to your agency. Some mortals at the high school I'm attending talked this man into making me into an idol. You won't believe the persona they picked for me! It's my true identity, The Vampire God!" Jelia Mooncrown seemed surprised, but she nodded with a small smile like everything just made perfect sense. And so, she woke up Harume and told him that he could take me to his studio now.
We're now in a changing room, as some sexy women are stripping me down to my boxers and rapidly dressing me. The irony is it's the identical outfit that a certain red head cop picked for me back in Brittania. After I was dressed, and light eye liner was added, I was brought into a room filled with cold mist, and a green screen hung up. Harume had me go through hundreds of different poses, and a couple thousand photos before he was satisfied. My God! That took 5 freaking hours! And we still have to film an OP with me singing for a minute and a half! To put it simply... The OP took another 4 hours before Harume was satisfied. I'm totally, and utterly spent. Harume had the driver take me back and I'm now walking back into the guys dorms. Right when I reached outside my dorm, I heard a slam and Yusuke was crying on the other side. When I opened the door, I found Yusuke sitting on the floor in the middle of the room, surrounded by about 20 empty bottles of beer. Yusuke looked around and saw me. He began to speak to me in a sad, and lonely voice. "Clyde, I can only tell you my deepest secret! You are my newest bestest friend ever right?! The truth is, the reason I drink all the time is because I was born with half my soul as a woman and half man. Once a month I transform into a woman, and have a crush on Shinji in my female side! Uwaaaaaannn! I'm not gaaaaaaayyyy. What do I do Clyde?!"
No way Yusuke turns into a full woman once a month, feelings and all? No wonder he is drinking all of the time. I sat down next to Yusuke and began to speak. "Buddy first off there is nothing wrong with you. You're special. Who else can claim to understand the mind of a woman but you? Embrace those feelings for Shinji. Love him as a brother in your guy side, and learn to accept your feelings for him in your female side. It's up to you how you handle this, but know you can depend on me and Shinji."
Yusuke looked at me with a sparkle in his eyes, and I brought the little marshmallow in for a bro hug. I waited for a half an hour until he calmed down, and then we separated. I opened the mini fridge next to my bed and grabbed us out a bottle of water each. I then helped Yusuke back onto his feet and walked him to his bed and waited for him to lay down and rest. Now to lay down, relax and think about my day. Is it really a coincidence that the girls were from Jelia's agency? I don't think it was a coincidence, but it doesn't really matter. Jelia definitely has my best interests in mind, of that there is no doubt. I'm very popular with girls, but I don't know who is interested in Clyde the Guy, or Clyde the Prince Charming Super Hot Guy. I hope it's the first for most of them, but sadly I'm sure it's the second option. The girls want me because of my looks, and aura and not because they like me as a person. After all, they've only known me for one day. How is that enough time to have anything but a superficial outlook on what makes me, me?
I'm going to need to pay careful attention to how I handle all women in the future, because who knows if any of them are from the evil side of supernatural creatures. Sigh... Here comes hell...
It's time to get ready for my second first day of high school, and living my dream of going to high school in Japan! I did it! Shinji and Yusuke aren't up yet, and I'm honestly surprised Yusuke is an alcoholic, I mean he is a preppy little marshmallow. But everyone has their own issues after all right? Shinji and his fetish porn.. It's not really a big deal. He's a teenager going through puberty and learning what excites him sexually. There's nothing wrong with that. My secret however, is earth moving and will make their brains explode(not literally). Let's get in the shower. Apparently the school uniform is black with red trim, and a red tie. This will match my appearance flawlessly. I'm not a narcissist, I've just realized I'm the sexiest man in existence. Normally that thinking would be narcissistic, but my system confirmed it. That means I need to be careful around girls.
I'm now in the shower, and honestly it feels better than any shower I've ever had. Must be because I'm a God. I'm done showering, and just finished dressing when both my roommates were just waking up. I need to rush them so we're not late for English. Especially since it'll be my first day. Shinji and Yusuke both hurried up luckily, and we made it in class with 5 minutes to spare. The two of them went in, and I had to wait outside for the teacher to bring me in. After waiting about 30 seconds, the homeroom teacher came and brought me into the classroom. Suddenly the teacher began to speak. "Everyone this is your new classmate Clyde, who moved here from Brittania. Clyde please introduce yourself." I stepped forward before the teachers lectern, and began to speak. "Hello everyone my name is Clyde, and I like singing, playing instruments, drawing and painting. I'm new to Japan, and have always wanted to come here. Please take care of me!" I ended my introduction with a low bow, and looked back up at everyone. The girls were blushing and giggling, and the guys looked at me like I killed their entire family in front of them. Yeah, I feel like the main character of a harem anime right now. The teacher pointed my desk to me, and it was the freaking back left corner window seat! Wtf?! Okay this is way too in my face, I blame it on my system.
[Clyde you misunderstand. This is caused by your luck and karma stats. You currently have the luck, and karma of a protagonist. This is your fate. Accept it.]
Holy shit my system is actually still around?! Duh. Of course it is, but why did it just roast me? Me a protagonist? Ha ha ha! Funny. The class went on, simple as hell. After all English is my first language. Many girls came to me during our break time and asked me a ton of questions, I felt embarrassed so I gave them the orphan with amnesia protected by the government back story. To sum that choice up in a nut shell: Big mistake. The girls began bawling like babies, and some of the guys even had manly tears come out and hit me on the shoulder with their hands repeatedly. I was hugged by every girl in class, hell even the teacher came in for a hug. I had to fight against a chubby, since she's completely in my strike zone. After all I'm mentally in my late 20's. Before I knew it, class after class blew by and we were now heading over to eat lunch. It'll be same as yesterday I think. Sure enough I found the same foods. It's all delicious of course though.
Yumi Suzuki and the members of her idol group called me and my buddies over to their table again. This time, we were noticed by my classmates. Or should I say, my female classmates suddenly turned into she devils and totally were holding a grudge against Yumi and company. I sat down next to Yumi first, and she began to speak when Yusuke and Shinji sat down also. "So, Harume is ready with everything, and he wants to meet with you after school today. You'll start out by doing a photo shoot in persona, and then he'll work with you on developing an OP. He'll meet you outside the guys dorms after school today. Don't miss it. I'm serious about you being the it guy!"
I smiled and nodded as I chewed on a mouthful of chinese food and swallowed it down with an energy drink. Shinji and Yusuke both engaged the other girls in idle conversation, and they happily talked with the both of them. After eating our fill, we headed back to the classroom and prepared for the afternoon classes. Class after class was easy easier than I thought it would be, and I breezed through my classes no problem. Now, I'm walking to the guys dorm, and see Harume waiting outside for me. "Clyde! Good you are here! Let's be off then. We need to get you changed, and in environment. Follow me to the car." I followed Harume to the school gates, and saw a nice and shiny black Mercedes Benz waiting for us outside of the gates. I climbed in first, and Harume followed behind me. Harume told the driver to take us to his studio, and we began to take off. Harume looked at me with eyes full of excitement, and began to explain things to me.
"Okay Clyde, let me tell you about my plans for your future. We'll build your portfolio with some amazing photos, and a short OP with you singing a pop and rock song with vampiric influences in the lyrics. We'll have you wearing a modern and stylish rocker vampire outfit. Before each performance you'll drink out of a clear goblet filled with tomato juice. This will look just like blood, especially with the right lighting. You'll be a natural star, with an amazing stage presence!" Everything sounds great to me, and I'm honestly looking forward to my future. My actions will probably offend some vampires out there. Just imagining when they come to one of my concerts, and they feel and realize that I'm their God. Boom. Mind blown. He he he!
We're now finally pulling into the lot of Harume's studio, and he climbed out first after the driver opened the door. I then followed behind him, as we walked into the massive and towering building that said Mooncrown Talent Agency on it. I stared in shock and disbelief. This is Jelia's talent agency. I looked at Harume with disbelief and said, "Hey I know your CEO Jelia, can you bring me to her before we start? I need to say hi to her since I'm on her turf right now." However, that turned out to be unnecessary as Jelia came rushing out the front door herself. "Clyde you're here! Why didn't you tell me you were coming? I would have rolled out the red carpet for you. Or rather I should!" I laughed awkwardly and looked over to Harume. He had his jaw dropped, and clearly was charmed at the moment. I looked back at Jelia and smiled and said, "Sorry, I had no idea I was going to your agency. Some mortals at the high school I'm attending talked this man into making me into an idol. You won't believe the persona they picked for me! It's my true identity, The Vampire God!" Jelia Mooncrown seemed surprised, but she nodded with a small smile like everything just made perfect sense. And so, she woke up Harume and told him that he could take me to his studio now.
We're now in a changing room, as some sexy women are stripping me down to my boxers and rapidly dressing me. The irony is it's the identical outfit that a certain red head cop picked for me back in Brittania. After I was dressed, and light eye liner was added, I was brought into a room filled with cold mist, and a green screen hung up. Harume had me go through hundreds of different poses, and a couple thousand photos before he was satisfied. My God! That took 5 freaking hours! And we still have to film an OP with me singing for a minute and a half! To put it simply... The OP took another 4 hours before Harume was satisfied. I'm totally, and utterly spent. Harume had the driver take me back and I'm now walking back into the guys dorms. Right when I reached outside my dorm, I heard a slam and Yusuke was crying on the other side. When I opened the door, I found Yusuke sitting on the floor in the middle of the room, surrounded by about 20 empty bottles of beer. Yusuke looked around and saw me. He began to speak to me in a sad, and lonely voice. "Clyde, I can only tell you my deepest secret! You are my newest bestest friend ever right?! The truth is, the reason I drink all the time is because I was born with half my soul as a woman and half man. Once a month I transform into a woman, and have a crush on Shinji in my female side! Uwaaaaaannn! I'm not gaaaaaaayyyy. What do I do Clyde?!"
No way Yusuke turns into a full woman once a month, feelings and all? No wonder he is drinking all of the time. I sat down next to Yusuke and began to speak. "Buddy first off there is nothing wrong with you. You're special. Who else can claim to understand the mind of a woman but you? Embrace those feelings for Shinji. Love him as a brother in your guy side, and learn to accept your feelings for him in your female side. It's up to you how you handle this, but know you can depend on me and Shinji."
Yusuke looked at me with a sparkle in his eyes, and I brought the little marshmallow in for a bro hug. I waited for a half an hour until he calmed down, and then we separated. I opened the mini fridge next to my bed and grabbed us out a bottle of water each. I then helped Yusuke back onto his feet and walked him to his bed and waited for him to lay down and rest. Now to lay down, relax and think about my day. Is it really a coincidence that the girls were from Jelia's agency? I don't think it was a coincidence, but it doesn't really matter. Jelia definitely has my best interests in mind, of that there is no doubt. I'm very popular with girls, but I don't know who is interested in Clyde the Guy, or Clyde the Prince Charming Super Hot Guy. I hope it's the first for most of them, but sadly I'm sure it's the second option. The girls want me because of my looks, and aura and not because they like me as a person. After all, they've only known me for one day. How is that enough time to have anything but a superficial outlook on what makes me, me?
I'm going to need to pay careful attention to how I handle all women in the future, because who knows if any of them are from the evil side of supernatural creatures. Sigh... Here comes hell...
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