I'm a Vampire God
19 Daywalker Baptism Ceremony
When I woke up this morning, I decided to call Jelia because the system unlocked a new ability for me. An ability called Baptism, which allows me to give vampires with a loyalty of 80 and above the Daywalker passive ability, which allows them to walk under the sun without suffering anymore. "Jelia gather everyone into the throne room, and send a driver to pick me and the boys up." Jelia gladly accepted, and told me she's sending someone right now. Then she hung up quickly. I woke up Yusuke and Shinji and we quickly made our way to the campus gates. Minutes later a Mercedes Benz arrived, and somebody got out and opened the door for us. Shinji and Yusuke climbed in first and I climbed in following them. Now, to get to the base for Nightblood, and baptize some vampires. Heh the irony of those words is not lost on me.
I led Shinji and Yusuke to the elevator, and rode down to the basement floor like last time. However, when we got to the brick wall things began differently. I was about to cut my palm open after taking out my swordwhip, but the wall shimmered and the symbols spun. The musical notes like wind chimes sounded, and the door opened slowly. It would seem the door officially recognized me as the master of this place now. We stepped forward, and swiftly made our way to that most glorious of double doors decked out in the most resplendent of precious gems. I gently grabbed the handle of one of the doors and opened it effortlessly.
Upon entering my throne room, I noticed that all 867 vampires were present including Jelia. Everyone began to kneel, save for Jelia and my buddies. I smiled and looked at everyone before I said, "Good morning everyone! Please rise! This is a great day for you all, for I'm about to use my great power and baptize you and make you all Daywalkers!" This elicited many gasps, and shouts of jubilation. I then raised a hand, and silenced everyone. I finally made it to my throne and sat down. I noticed three small regal chairs next to my throne and felt happiness at the sight. Shinji, Yusuke, and Jelia all took a seat at my sides. Now let's begin the ceremony.
"Everyone group up as close to one another as you can before the throne. I will now begin the baptism ceremony!" Following the instructions from the system, I got up and ran three circles clockwise and then counter clockwise around the Guardians of Nightblood. I then quickly moved to the most northern point and did a series of complex hand seals, and repeated my actions at the south, east and then west points. I then moved to the center most point of the vampires and performed more hand seals, this time while chanting. "I harken to the Guardian of the North come! Guardians of the South, East and West I beseech thee come! Pour now unto these my people the blessing of the Sun! I, Clyde God of Vampires, share my blessing of the Daywalker with these who stand before me! Answer my call and do my bidding! Armelec, Dubei, Cheroon, and Synbai! I hold the power over your names, and you must obey me!"
Suddenly, the ground began to shake as a loud roar, a lonely howl, the hiss of a serpent, and singing of a beautiful woman sounded throughout the throne room. At this moment four voices sounded as one. "We have heard your call mighty God! We answer, and obey! The blessing shall now be given!" A golden pillar of light descended down upon the vampires, and a low humming filled the air. Then beautiful chanting that sounded like sanskrit began to boom throughout the area.
The images of a beautiful winged woman, a mighty lion, a proud wolf, and a cunning snake appeared in the four cardinal directions. A blue beam of light came from the snake, silver from the wolf, white from the lion, and gold from the winged woman. All of the colors merged into a sphere of these four colors and covered all of the vampires. With a sound like breaking glass, suddenly everything vanished and the vampires were left shaking and stunned. At that moment I received a system notification telling me that it was a success. Now, to give a speech to my followers.
"Everyone, the days of you hiding from the rays of the sun, and being forced to sleep are over! Behold! You are reborn anew! You are now Daywalkers! Bear this title with pride, for only those whom I deemed worthy and loyal may receive my blessing! Go now, and enjoy the sun. I'm sure for quite a few of you it's been many millennia already. This day is yours, tomorrow we begin our work to unite the world. Now go."
With many shouting, "My God", everyone hurried to go outside so they can at last bask in the rays of dawn for the first time in ages. I sat there in my throne and held my chin in my hand, thinking about where to start in my unification of the world under my banner. I'm sure there'll be many evil vampires seeking to join me with the desire of converting other races into vampires. I'd rather not have everyone become vampire, because blood sources would vanish rapidly. Therefore I refuse to even consider such a proposal. Jelia was looking at her phone with a frown on her face at my right, and Shinji and Yusuke were chatting off to my left. It would seem I need more time than just one night to come up with a plan for moving forward. Let's check with Jelia on the release for my Cd.
"I'm glad you asked me God Clyde! Apparently the distributor has already managed to get all of your cd's to the different retailers, and so I had to make a public announcement that your cd's are already for sale today. Things are beginning to move quickly now aren't they?" Jelia's news surprised me, but I'm now actually quite excited. My cd's are actually up for sale today! I wonder how many fans I'll get out of this first batch? For now, let's go back to the dorm and relax for the day. Skipping is healthy every once in a while right? I mean my life is about to get majorly busy soon. On top of debuting as a idol, I've also got my plans for world unification under my banner as well as the freeing of oppressed vampires and other supernatural creatures who can join my cause if they so wish. Don't forget I'll be ruffling some feathers of the bad guys and get my own mortal enemies very shortly. Yay me! Sigh..
Well, enough reflection time, let's get moving! We went back in the Mercedes, and walked hurriedly to our dorm. Once inside, I looked at my two best friends and said. "Now we're alone, what are your thoughts brothers?" Shinji had a very serious look on his face, and Yusuke kept opening and closing his mouth. Finally Shinji began to speak first. "Recruiting more vampires to our cause is a good idea, especially since you can detect their loyalty, however we should diversify our network by including some human thralls, and finding some neutral supernatural races to join us. Neutral individuals end up talking with more than one group of people, and we could use them as an info hub. If we say, got one werewolf to join us and he stayed behind in the neutral group for us, he could spy on our potential enemies for us. I believe this is a sound strategy."
I'm in awe of Shinji right now. This plan of his is meticulous and nigh on flawless. I like it. Then Yusuke began to speak up. "I think we should begin to find a way to set up magic defense at the base of Nightblood. I mean, what if on the off chance the enemy breaks through the door seal? We should have an automated magic defense system set up at the entry point of our base, and all along the hallway leading to the throne room. We should also find a way to create some kind of single use teleportation portal that we could hide some where in the throne room. These are just some ideas I had after thinking today. Hope I was of some help."
After Shinji's revelation, came a second from Yusuke! Holy cow, so profound! My brothers are intelligent as fuck! I'm in total agreement with both of their ideas. "Yusuke and Shinji! I want you both to contact Jelia with your ideas and we'll make this happen! Your ideas are too bad ass not to use, and way too perfect for our needs right now. Talk about nailing it my brothers!"
While Shinji and Yusuke were talking to Jelia I decided to talk to my system, and see if it has anything I can use. 'Hey system! Do you have any fortification magic for reinforcing buildings defenses against magic and physical attack?' I'll be returning to base if I find anything useful.
[Indeed Clyde, the system's Store function has what you need.]
I called out 'Store' in my mind, and different options appeared.
1. Magic Spells
2. Equipment
3. Faction Resources
4. Consumable Items
I opened the Magic Spells section, and found a large defense matrix spell for 1,000 system points I found out that I have 10,000 unused system points from all of my actions since arriving in this world. I bought the spell, and saw that it was a long chant type that requires at least 100 magic users working together to cast it. I guess each mage is like a link in chainmail making up the armor. In other words they all become one when united under the spell. The spell is called, 'Aegis of Megido'. Next I opened the Faction Resources and found a portal that can have 50 destinations set in it. The people who can use this portal are only myself and faction members. The portal is also indestructible. It costs 2,000 sp and I bought it without hesitating. So, 7,000 sp left. I then bought 100 automated magic sentry turrets that fire magic beams at hostile targets. This also means if a member of our faction becomes hostile towards us near one of these bad boys, poof they're gone. The turrets were 20 sp each. Now, I have 5,000 sp left. That should do it, now to set up the portal and the turrets.
An hour later, I finally set the last two turrets in place before the doors to my throne room next to one another. There are now two turrets guarding the entrance to my throne room. I walked inside the throne room to the back, and went around behind my throne. There's a perfect space behind my throne where I can place my portal. I set it up and smiled proudly. Now only members of my faction, and people who they bring back with them with the portal mark function can enter here. Luckily the mark will detect any hostile individuals in a 30 foot radius and will force them back. This means no enemies piggy backing on a teleportation with a portal mark back to base.
Now that I'm done here, I set up one of the destinations on my portal to inside my dorm room and used the portal to go back. Shinji and Yusuke jumped up in shock, but after my explanation they were ecstatic. Now we don't need to ride to the base anymore. We're now able to teleport in whenever we want. This is what we call luxury! Now that the basic defense is set up, tomorrow we'll get everyone to show up at base and perform the Aegis of Megido fortification spell. Until then, it's brainstorming time!
I led Shinji and Yusuke to the elevator, and rode down to the basement floor like last time. However, when we got to the brick wall things began differently. I was about to cut my palm open after taking out my swordwhip, but the wall shimmered and the symbols spun. The musical notes like wind chimes sounded, and the door opened slowly. It would seem the door officially recognized me as the master of this place now. We stepped forward, and swiftly made our way to that most glorious of double doors decked out in the most resplendent of precious gems. I gently grabbed the handle of one of the doors and opened it effortlessly.
Upon entering my throne room, I noticed that all 867 vampires were present including Jelia. Everyone began to kneel, save for Jelia and my buddies. I smiled and looked at everyone before I said, "Good morning everyone! Please rise! This is a great day for you all, for I'm about to use my great power and baptize you and make you all Daywalkers!" This elicited many gasps, and shouts of jubilation. I then raised a hand, and silenced everyone. I finally made it to my throne and sat down. I noticed three small regal chairs next to my throne and felt happiness at the sight. Shinji, Yusuke, and Jelia all took a seat at my sides. Now let's begin the ceremony.
"Everyone group up as close to one another as you can before the throne. I will now begin the baptism ceremony!" Following the instructions from the system, I got up and ran three circles clockwise and then counter clockwise around the Guardians of Nightblood. I then quickly moved to the most northern point and did a series of complex hand seals, and repeated my actions at the south, east and then west points. I then moved to the center most point of the vampires and performed more hand seals, this time while chanting. "I harken to the Guardian of the North come! Guardians of the South, East and West I beseech thee come! Pour now unto these my people the blessing of the Sun! I, Clyde God of Vampires, share my blessing of the Daywalker with these who stand before me! Answer my call and do my bidding! Armelec, Dubei, Cheroon, and Synbai! I hold the power over your names, and you must obey me!"
Suddenly, the ground began to shake as a loud roar, a lonely howl, the hiss of a serpent, and singing of a beautiful woman sounded throughout the throne room. At this moment four voices sounded as one. "We have heard your call mighty God! We answer, and obey! The blessing shall now be given!" A golden pillar of light descended down upon the vampires, and a low humming filled the air. Then beautiful chanting that sounded like sanskrit began to boom throughout the area.
The images of a beautiful winged woman, a mighty lion, a proud wolf, and a cunning snake appeared in the four cardinal directions. A blue beam of light came from the snake, silver from the wolf, white from the lion, and gold from the winged woman. All of the colors merged into a sphere of these four colors and covered all of the vampires. With a sound like breaking glass, suddenly everything vanished and the vampires were left shaking and stunned. At that moment I received a system notification telling me that it was a success. Now, to give a speech to my followers.
"Everyone, the days of you hiding from the rays of the sun, and being forced to sleep are over! Behold! You are reborn anew! You are now Daywalkers! Bear this title with pride, for only those whom I deemed worthy and loyal may receive my blessing! Go now, and enjoy the sun. I'm sure for quite a few of you it's been many millennia already. This day is yours, tomorrow we begin our work to unite the world. Now go."
With many shouting, "My God", everyone hurried to go outside so they can at last bask in the rays of dawn for the first time in ages. I sat there in my throne and held my chin in my hand, thinking about where to start in my unification of the world under my banner. I'm sure there'll be many evil vampires seeking to join me with the desire of converting other races into vampires. I'd rather not have everyone become vampire, because blood sources would vanish rapidly. Therefore I refuse to even consider such a proposal. Jelia was looking at her phone with a frown on her face at my right, and Shinji and Yusuke were chatting off to my left. It would seem I need more time than just one night to come up with a plan for moving forward. Let's check with Jelia on the release for my Cd.
"I'm glad you asked me God Clyde! Apparently the distributor has already managed to get all of your cd's to the different retailers, and so I had to make a public announcement that your cd's are already for sale today. Things are beginning to move quickly now aren't they?" Jelia's news surprised me, but I'm now actually quite excited. My cd's are actually up for sale today! I wonder how many fans I'll get out of this first batch? For now, let's go back to the dorm and relax for the day. Skipping is healthy every once in a while right? I mean my life is about to get majorly busy soon. On top of debuting as a idol, I've also got my plans for world unification under my banner as well as the freeing of oppressed vampires and other supernatural creatures who can join my cause if they so wish. Don't forget I'll be ruffling some feathers of the bad guys and get my own mortal enemies very shortly. Yay me! Sigh..
Well, enough reflection time, let's get moving! We went back in the Mercedes, and walked hurriedly to our dorm. Once inside, I looked at my two best friends and said. "Now we're alone, what are your thoughts brothers?" Shinji had a very serious look on his face, and Yusuke kept opening and closing his mouth. Finally Shinji began to speak first. "Recruiting more vampires to our cause is a good idea, especially since you can detect their loyalty, however we should diversify our network by including some human thralls, and finding some neutral supernatural races to join us. Neutral individuals end up talking with more than one group of people, and we could use them as an info hub. If we say, got one werewolf to join us and he stayed behind in the neutral group for us, he could spy on our potential enemies for us. I believe this is a sound strategy."
I'm in awe of Shinji right now. This plan of his is meticulous and nigh on flawless. I like it. Then Yusuke began to speak up. "I think we should begin to find a way to set up magic defense at the base of Nightblood. I mean, what if on the off chance the enemy breaks through the door seal? We should have an automated magic defense system set up at the entry point of our base, and all along the hallway leading to the throne room. We should also find a way to create some kind of single use teleportation portal that we could hide some where in the throne room. These are just some ideas I had after thinking today. Hope I was of some help."
After Shinji's revelation, came a second from Yusuke! Holy cow, so profound! My brothers are intelligent as fuck! I'm in total agreement with both of their ideas. "Yusuke and Shinji! I want you both to contact Jelia with your ideas and we'll make this happen! Your ideas are too bad ass not to use, and way too perfect for our needs right now. Talk about nailing it my brothers!"
While Shinji and Yusuke were talking to Jelia I decided to talk to my system, and see if it has anything I can use. 'Hey system! Do you have any fortification magic for reinforcing buildings defenses against magic and physical attack?' I'll be returning to base if I find anything useful.
[Indeed Clyde, the system's Store function has what you need.]
I called out 'Store' in my mind, and different options appeared.
1. Magic Spells
2. Equipment
3. Faction Resources
4. Consumable Items
I opened the Magic Spells section, and found a large defense matrix spell for 1,000 system points I found out that I have 10,000 unused system points from all of my actions since arriving in this world. I bought the spell, and saw that it was a long chant type that requires at least 100 magic users working together to cast it. I guess each mage is like a link in chainmail making up the armor. In other words they all become one when united under the spell. The spell is called, 'Aegis of Megido'. Next I opened the Faction Resources and found a portal that can have 50 destinations set in it. The people who can use this portal are only myself and faction members. The portal is also indestructible. It costs 2,000 sp and I bought it without hesitating. So, 7,000 sp left. I then bought 100 automated magic sentry turrets that fire magic beams at hostile targets. This also means if a member of our faction becomes hostile towards us near one of these bad boys, poof they're gone. The turrets were 20 sp each. Now, I have 5,000 sp left. That should do it, now to set up the portal and the turrets.
An hour later, I finally set the last two turrets in place before the doors to my throne room next to one another. There are now two turrets guarding the entrance to my throne room. I walked inside the throne room to the back, and went around behind my throne. There's a perfect space behind my throne where I can place my portal. I set it up and smiled proudly. Now only members of my faction, and people who they bring back with them with the portal mark function can enter here. Luckily the mark will detect any hostile individuals in a 30 foot radius and will force them back. This means no enemies piggy backing on a teleportation with a portal mark back to base.
Now that I'm done here, I set up one of the destinations on my portal to inside my dorm room and used the portal to go back. Shinji and Yusuke jumped up in shock, but after my explanation they were ecstatic. Now we don't need to ride to the base anymore. We're now able to teleport in whenever we want. This is what we call luxury! Now that the basic defense is set up, tomorrow we'll get everyone to show up at base and perform the Aegis of Megido fortification spell. Until then, it's brainstorming time!
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