I'm a Vampire God

20 Aegis of Megido Activate!

We spent the rest of the night brainstorming ideas for our future, and before I knew it we all went to sleep. Honestly I'm able to function without sleep, it just feels uncomfortable not to. It's now morning, and I'm going to get all of the members of Nightblood together to set up the defense matrix Aegis of Megido. Jelia has already set up the rune stones for the formation throughout the vast underground base via our hundreds of kin. Now we just need to get to base and begin channeling our energies to activate the formation. I had Yusuke and Shinji both hold onto me as I concentrated on teleporting to the base through my portal mark. A slit in space suddenly appeared and expanded into an egg shaped purple portal. Suddenly the three of us were sucked in, and a moment later we were standing behind my throne.

As I walked out from behind the throne, Jelia came rushing over with excitement in her eyes. She then said in an emotional voice, "Everything and everyone is ready for you. Please lead us in this formation forming. May we meet your expectations My Lord!" I smiled and placed my hand on Jelia's shoulder then nodded. I walked passed her and sat on my throne. The many Guardians of Nightblood dropped to their knees and said, "Our Lord God, we serve and obey!", I instructed everyone to rise and began my speech.

"My family, my kin. Today is a great day. Today we protect ourselves from our enemies even before they can even consider attacking us. Our base is grand, and shall only grow with time. Without further discussion let's begin powering up the Aegis of Megido!" I stood up on my feet and walked into the middle of the group. I instructed everyone near me to touch me somewhere, and everyone else to touch someone near them. Then I had everyone imagine we're one body and one mind. An unbreakable link, and a mighty fortress. Then through our mental link I began the incantation and everyone joined me aloud simultaneously.

"Oh Aegis of Megido, how wide broad and tall you are! Like a mighty fortress barring all who would seek to pass you. Harken now to this place in which we seek your wings of protection, and shield us from our foes! Mighty Aegis of Megido, expand now and enshroud our place of refuge, our sanctuary, Nightblood!"

After our words resounded, a loud boom sent shockwaves throughout our base, and outside in the city many people saw green and gold light blanket the ground for a few seconds before disappearing. I opened my eyes, and so did my brethren. "It is finished." I said in a regal voice. Everyone began to cheer and hug one another. I smiled at their joy, and walked back to my throne with my three companions following me. We each took our respective seats, and Shinji began to speak.

"Everyone, the first of our many mighty defenses have been set up. This was made possible because of our Lord. Now, it's up to you to find our allies and save the weak and bring them to our sanctuary. Be careful of spies and other saboteurs. Stay true to Lord God Clyde, and your path will be clear! Go now, and begin our great mission! For our day of unity! Under the banner of Nightblood!"

Everyone got stirred up with excitement, and I gave them my leave. Being vampires, they took off at lightning speed and the throne room was clear save for myself, Jelia, Shinji and Yusuke. I looked at everyone and said, "Now we can truly begin." The three of them nodded full of passion and began to debate on what the next steps should be for our personal mission. Jelia told me that my first ever live performance is in 2 weeks. I wasn't bothered by this, and told her that I'm looking forward to it. I left the three of them to their discussion, and used my portal to go back to my dorm.

Back in the dorm, I looked at my vr headset and smirked as I realized it'll be quite some time before I get to play Realms again. I lay down on my bed and took my phone out to look at my social media accounts. What I saw shocked me, and yet I knew it would happen eventually.

{This just in! The largest children's hospital in Brittania was destroyed last night. There are no survivors. All children were found with their blood completely drained and all of their internal organs missing. The hospital is in ruins, and there are over 50 children reported missing at this time. All staff members are unaccounted for. This is Jill Winters from News Channel 5, reporting in about this tragedy...}

Evil vampires took the blood, as for the organs? If I had to guess I'd say evil werewolves. It would seem my enemies are aware of my presence and are stockpiling resources to prepare for all out warfare. I must prepare myself, and my people as well. This'll get very chaotic, very soon.

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