These financiers in the upstairs wing room didn't seem to know what spirit stones were.

18 million spirit stones sounded like a number when they were shouted out.

The price of this batch of spirit medicines has been hyped up to 10 million high-grade spirit stones. The one who made the offer was a woman. She was isolated from all prying eyes in the wing room, so it was impossible to find out who she was.

In addition to the gimmick given in the Xianling Daily, the high price of this batch of spirit medicines also had a very powerful effect.

Especially the spirit medicines taken out of the magma, which were bought by the sect bosses and used by the disciples, could wash away the impurities in the disciples' bodies and make their foundation more solid.

This was an opportunity to benefit the sect. It was not easy to collect such a large number of high-grade spirit medicines on weekdays.

10 million seemed to be the price expected by the financiers. It would be a bit uneconomical to compete for more. After the woman spoke, the cultivators in the other rooms were all silent and did not continue to bid.

They also needed to keep the spirit stones to compete for the goods behind.

The monks on the first floor were numb with shock. They found that except for the relatively common goods at the beginning, which they could rob, the rest of the treasures were out of their reach.

The big man upstairs was too scary. He would spend 18 million at a time, and the spirit stones were spent like water.

Sure enough, this was a world of rich people. They couldn't play around, so they could only pick up bargains and drink soup.

When they thought of this, they felt angry for no reason. If it weren't for the fat man's malicious misleading, they might have been able to bid for two more treasures.

"Ten million high-grade spirit stones once..."

"... Twice."

"... Three times."


"Congratulations to this fellow Taoist. From the sound of her voice, she is obviously a broad-minded beauty. I wish you a great harvest today!"

Yun Ya smiled faintly.

Li Xiaobai's breathing stagnated in the corner, and his heart began to beat wildly. Ten million high-grade spirit stones!

Apart from the 10% profit taken by Jubao Pavilion, he could get 9 million high-grade spirit stones, which was definitely a huge sum of money. It turned out that auction was the fastest way to make money!

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up. Compared with this auction, his previous profit model of human trafficking was so weak that it was not worth the effort.

It seems that when he has good things in the future, he should try to find these time-honored auction houses for cooperation.

The auction collections were displayed one by one, and the competition in the field became more and more fierce. In a blink of an eye, the process was already halfway through.

At this point in the auction, there was basically no place for the cultivators on the first level. The starting price of the goods in the future would start at 1 million high-grade spirit stones, and there was no chance for them to interrupt.

"Now, it's the part that everyone is looking forward to the most. Please welcome our first auction collection tonight!"

Yun Ya laughed.

A maid brought a tray very carefully, and all the cultivators leaned forward involuntarily.

According to the information recorded in the Xianling Daily, they already knew what was in the tray.

Yun Ya did not keep them in suspense and directly opened the lid to reveal the items in the tray.

"I believe I don't need to introduce it in detail. This is the underwear and inner armor of Miss Su Meir, the fifth on the Human List of the Xianling Continent and the Saint of the Hehuan Sect!"

"This inner armor is extraordinary. Let's think about it. Su Meir is not an ordinary woman. Would the inner armor that she likes and wears be ordinary stuff? We women should be better to ourselves, especially in terms of body shape. We must take good care of it. This inner armor is undoubtedly a great choice!"

"And male cultivators are even better. Who doesn't have a favorite girl? Buying this inner armor and giving it to your sweetheart will definitely win the girl's heart!"

Yun Ya said slowly. What was originally a somewhat vulgar transaction became an item to maintain the relationship between men and women after she said this, eliminating a lot of embarrassment in the scene. This eloquence is also amazing.

Many female cultivators present lowered their heads. This world is still somewhat conservative after all. It was the first time for them to see someone auctioning such things. They cursed the Jubao Pavilion for being shameless, but at the same time, their hearts were beating fast.

Because what Yun Ya said was absolutely right. Su Meir was a famous beauty. Could the inner armor she wore be ordinary stuff?

I'm afraid the comfort alone was top-notch. For a moment, they were a little entangled in their hearts.

Not to mention the male cultivators. They opened their eyes wide and looked at the tray in Yun Ya's hand, and then pretended to be nothing.

They all knew that this inner armor must be a treasure that the big guys upstairs were fighting for. They could only take a few more glances now to leave an impression and return later.I'll remember it in my memory.

Li Xiaobai couldn't help laughing. These cultivators were so innocent and cute.

"Starting price: 5 million high-grade spirit stones!"

Yun Ya said with a smile.


Li Xiaobai took a breath of cold air. This thing was too crazy. It was just an inner armor, but it was more expensive than the starting price of the previous batch of herbs.

"Six million high-grade spirit stones!"

"Seven million..."

"Eight million..."

"Ten million..."

Almost in an instant, the bidding broke through ten million.

Li Xiaobai felt a big stone fall from his heart. He was originally worried that these cultivators would pay more attention to practical use and would not spend a lot of money to buy this inner armor, so he was prepared to secretly drive up the price.

But now it seems that he was just worrying too much. He really doesn't understand the world of these rich people.

Not only that, he couldn't understand the wealth of this rich man. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Li Xiaobai wouldn't have believed that these people were so rich.

If all the spirit stones of these people were turned into himself, the items in the mall might be unlocked infinitely.

"Fifteen million high-grade spirit stones!"

"Ten million top-grade spirit stones!"

On the third floor, someone shouted, and the atmosphere in the field stagnated slightly. This was the first time that a top-grade spirit stone appeared in the auction.

You know, one top-grade spirit stone is equivalent to one hundred high-grade spirit stones.

This person's offer directly raised the original price by dozens of times.

"Oh, this beautiful lady on the third floor has bid 10 million top-grade spirit stones. This is the first time that a top-grade spirit stone bidding has occurred since the opening of this auction. After the auction, no matter what the result is, Jubao Pavilion will issue a membership card for this lady, with special benefits!"

Yun Ya was almost smiling. The wealth of these people exceeded her imagination. The big guys who came to the auction this time were too big, and they were completely on two levels from before.

"Fifteen million top-grade spirit stones!"

An old voice came slowly from the second floor.

Bidding to top-grade spirit stones basically eliminated most of the competitors. Next, it was time for the real inner armor competition!

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