"Eighteen million!"

"Twenty million!"

"Twenty-one million..."


The bidding continued, and Li Xiaobai's face was shocked beyond words. He had thought that this inner armor would cause a rush, but he didn't expect it to be sold at a sky-high price.

Is Su Mei'er's inner armor really so attractive?

It seems that in this world, the spirits of male cultivators are very empty. In the future, you can pay more attention to this kind of business. If you sell in large quantities, although you can't sell it at a sky-high price, it's still no problem to be an assembly line industry.

"Everyone, I am determined to get this inner armor. How about giving it to me?"

The old man on the second floor said sinisterly.

"Fuck you, old man, you are still thinking about these things at your age, be careful of your short life!"

A middle-aged man on the third floor cursed directly. He thought the old guy was too shameless.

"Twenty-five million top-grade spirit stones!"

The female cultivator on the second floor spoke again. It was she who had just bid for Li Xiaobai's spirit medicine.

"Girl, are you also interested in this inner armor?"

The old man asked, his voice a little cold.

"I am not interested in the inner armor, but I don't want our female cultivators' underwear to fall into the hands of stinky men like you!"

The female cultivator on the second floor said lightly.

"You call yourself this palace. Could it be that you are the ruler of the Nanming Women's Kingdom, Ling Xueer?"

The old man asked with doubt in his voice. In his impression, no female cultivator in Zhongzhou called herself this palace.

"Yes, I heard that there was an inner armor for female cultivators to be auctioned here. What's more ridiculous is that there are countless men coveting it. In order to prevent you from desecrating it, I came here from Nanming and bid for it!"

Ling Xueer said lightly, her words were full of sarcasm.

All the male cultivators present lowered their heads in shame.

They had all heard of the name of the ruler of the Kingdom of Women, and he was also a ruthless person. The South Sea was originally a barren land, and ordinary people would die if they went there, but a country was built there, composed entirely of women, named the Kingdom of Women.

It is said that in the early years, Ling Xueer specifically took in those girls who were oppressed and humiliated, taught them to practice and grow, and as the number of people increased, a country gradually formed.

During this period, many male cultivators with ill intentions broke into the Kingdom of Women and wanted to abduct these female cultivators, but without exception, all were killed by Ling Xueer. Since then, the illustrious reputation of the Kingdom of Women has resounded throughout the Xianling Continent.

It is no secret that the ruler of the Kingdom of Women is a Mahayana cultivator, and he is considered the top combat power in the Xianling Continent.

However, unlike ordinary big guys, Ling Xueer likes to fight for justice, especially for women. As long as a girl is bullied, she will definitely lend a hand.

This time when she came to Jubao Pavilion, it was no exception.

At this moment, she spoke, and the other big men all felt that it was a bit tricky. The financial resources of the lord of this country were very strong. With his character, it was not impossible for him to spend all his wealth to buy this inner armor.

However, it has come to this point, and they still want to continue to fight for it.

There was silence in the field for a moment, and the old man on the second floor said sinisterly: "I will offer 26 million top-grade spirit stones."

"27 million."

Ling Xueer said lightly.

"28 million!"

The old man gritted his teeth.

"30 million!"

Ling Xueer still downplayed it.

Crazy! The old man cursed in his heart, 30 million to buy an inner armor, it was simply crazy, even he didn't dare to easily bear this price.

"May I ask Lord Ling, have you brought enough spirit stones for this trip? Or, do you really have 30 million top-grade spirit stones on hand now? It is not a good habit to report false accounts."

The middle-aged man on the third floor spoke again, saying lightly.

As soon as this was said, the old man on the second floor immediately echoed: "Yes, as the ruler of a country, you must put the country first in every move. It is impossible for you to carry such a huge amount of money with you. I ask Jubao Pavilion to check Lord Ling's finances!"


As soon as this was said, Yun Ya was also a little stunned. Indeed, even if she came to the auction, she could not bring so many spirit stones.

This inner armor has been sold at a sky-high price. If the other party cannot take out the spirit stones when the payment is made, it would be a serious dereliction of duty. However, if she questioned the other party's financial resources at this moment, it seemed a bit offensive. The ruler of the Kingdom of Women was not a good person.

For a moment, she was in a dilemma.

She cast her eyes on Gu Ling on the side, hoping that he would give her an idea.

"It's okay. I don't have enough spirit stones on me. I only have 25 million top-grade spirit stones on me."

Ling Xue'er said calmly, without any sign of panic.

"Lord Ling, this is a serious violation of the rules. If you really take a picture of it,If you can't produce the spirit stones at that time, it will be a joke. "

The old man said lightly.

"There should be quite a few female cultivators present. Do you really want to see this inner armor fall into the hands of men and be desecrated? Just imagine, today it is Su Mei'er's inner armor, and tomorrow it may be your inner armor that is auctioned. Are you really willing to let it go?"

"Today, I was not thoughtful enough. I didn't expect to meet these old perverts. The spirit stones are not enough. Which sister is willing to help me?"

"I will definitely make up for it later, and I will always remember this kindness!"

Ling Xue'er ignored the old man's words, and her voice spread throughout the auction venue, wanting to borrow spirit stones.

"Sister is right. Our girls' private items must not fall into the hands of men. I am willing to give you one million top-grade spirit stones! "

"That's right, the Kingdom of Women is the benchmark for us women. Today, the king can help Su Meir, whom he has never met, and he can help us sisters in the future. I will also give you one million top-grade spirit stones!"

"It is more difficult for us daughters to live in the world of cultivation than men. Only we sisters know the ups and downs. Your words touched my heart. There is nothing to say. You don't have to pay back two million!"

"Kill these stinky men. I will make up for the difference between you and me! "

Ling Xueer's speech resonated with a group of female cultivators. They were also very unhappy about the auction of the inner armor, but they were not as rich and powerful as the real bosses, so they were powerless to do anything.

At this time, with the leader of the Kingdom of Women taking the lead, they immediately found the backbone. In their hearts, this was no longer an auction of the inner armor.

It was a contest between men and women. This was an invasion of men and self-protection of women. They had to stand up. The reason was that they were women!

With the support of a group of sisters, Ling Xueer's voice came again: "Thank you sisters, I will remember your kindness today. I didn't expect that the daughters of Zhongzhou also have such spirit. They are really as brave as men!"

As soon as the voice fell, the invisible pressure descended, sweeping the rooms of the middle-aged and the old man with a terrifying spiritual power fluctuation.

At the same time, a wing room on the second floor exploded directly, revealing an extremely exquisite and beautiful face, two almond eyes flashing coldly, and red lips slightly opened.

"I, Ling Xueer, send money! ”

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