Xiao looked at Su Bai.

It took a long time before he asked, "What does it mean to look up and see the true monarch

when you look down and look down?" Xiao's eyes were filled with the coldness and arrogance unique to immortals, but at the same time, there was also a clear simplicity.

His question made Su Bai a little embarrassed.

After all, he can't say that means he's short.

So Su Bai smiled and hurriedly changed the topic: "The situation just now was really dangerous, you also attacked Ganyu, fortunately you came to your senses in time."

Xiao didn't care much about that, so he didn't ask much.

It's just that after hearing Su Bai say that he made a move on Ganyu, Xiao couldn't help but turn his head to look at Ganyu and asked, "Are you hurt?" Ganyu

shook his head and said, "Fortunately, he saved him." "

I helped him first, and then I saved Ganyu.

Although Xiao is lonely, he is not a person who does not know how to be grateful.

Although he is not very good at saying thanks, Xiao has his own way of saying thanks.

"If you encounter the difficulty of losing your way in the wilderness, the difficulty of thieves on the road, the difficulty of water, fire and sword soldiers, the difficulty of ghosts and gods and poisons, the difficulty of evil beasts and poisonous insects, and the difficulty of evil people who are wronged and wicked, you will call me by my name. The three-eyed and five-show immortals, Xiao, listen to the call, and will come to guard. Xiao said lightly.

But the eyes are extremely serious.

Xiao was originally a serious person.

He also does what he says.

If he says to help, he will definitely help in the future.

And Xiao has a very high status among the immortals, and it must be excellent to be able to get Xiao's help.

This made Su Bai's heart very happy.

Hurriedly said politely: "Xiao Immortal people don't need to be so polite, it's just a gesture." "

Su Bai originally wanted to pretend to be a little forced.

Unexpectedly, Xiao asked, "You can help me get back to my thoughts, it shows that you are very strong, and you don't look like a Liyue person, where did you come from?!"

After all, he is now an Immortal of Liyue and is in charge of Liyue.

It can be said that Su Bai's strength is not bad, and it is still a bit exaggerated to pull his will back.

After all, Su Bai just took advantage of Xiao's weakness.

There are also weaknesses in the strong, and Xiao's weakness is the five Yakshas.

Therefore, Xiao's thoughts can be pulled back, and it is not entirely due to Su Bai.

But Xiao obviously didn't know this.

This made Su Bai hesitate a little, and when he was thinking about how to answer him, Ganyu on the side suddenly spoke.

"Presumably he must be a Knight of the Light. Ganyu said softly.

This made Xiao a little curious, and he couldn't help asking, "Holy Light Knight?"

"Yes. Ganyu nodded and said, "Today, the people of Mondstadt are terrified of the Dragon Plague, but today the news is that the Dragon Plague has been solved by two powerful travelers, one is known as the Honorary Knight, and the other is the Knight of the Holy Light."

Ganyu paused for a long time as she spoke, and then she looked at Su Bai and said, "I heard that the Holy Light Knight uses the power of the light element, which is very different from the abilities on the Teyvat Continent, and I also heard that he wears a Vision of God with 4 different attributes around his waist...... You have 5 types on you, but I think you're a Knight of Light.

Ganyu smiled softly.

Ganyu is the secretary of Liyue Seven Stars and the coordinator of Liyue Harbor's intricate web of intelligence and data.

All the information will be known by Ganyu as soon as possible.

It's been more than half a day since the end of the dragon plague.

The dragon disaster is a major event, and it is normal for Ganyu Qixing to receive the news here.

So it's not surprising that Ganyu would know that Su Bai is a knight of holy light.

Ganyu's explanation dispelled Xiao's doubts.

Since he was a lifesaver and saved Mondstadt, he must not be a person with bad intentions.

There was no doubt about Su Bai, and Xiao didn't like to come into contact with people, so he naturally wanted to leave.

"I'll go first, there's still something to work out. Xiao said coldly, and then prepared to leave.

At this moment, Ganyu couldn't help but ask: "Haven't those evil cults been eliminated, why are you still patrolling tonight?"

"It has not been completely eliminated, and some remnant evil cults have emerged for some reason recently...... I need to fix it as soon as possible. Xiao paused for a moment to explain.

As soon as the words fell, he hurried away.

I think it's because I still have something to do, so I'm in such a hurry.

After Xiao left, Ganyu couldn't help frowning, as if he was thinking about something.

I think I should be thinking about what Xiao Gang said.

"After a thousand years of demon god remnants have not been completely eliminated, and recently they have reappeared, I'm afraid Liyue will have variables......" Sure enough, Ganyu suddenly said such a sentence.

As soon as these words came out, they confirmed Su Bai's conjecture just now.

Gan Yuguo was really thinking about the remnants of the demon god.

But Ganyu was right.

Liyue is indeed about to have an accident.

Just after that, please go to the immortal ceremony.,And the demon god who was once sealed will also appear.。

Presumably that's why Liyue is a little more evil now.

Although Su Bai knew these things, it was not good for him to spoil Ganyu in advance.

After all, if Ganyu asked, he would not be able to explain.

So he could only say, "If this is possible, you might as well remind the Seven Stars of Liyue as soon as possible and let them prepare more." It

was a kind reminder, but I didn't want this to be a rainy sentence but had doubts.

She looked at Su Bai with curiosity in her eyes.

After a moment, she asked softly, "How did you know that I could contact

Liyue Seven-Stars?" Su Bai was stunned for a moment, and said with a quick smile, "I heard from the head of the Qin troupe that Liyue Seven-Stars has a secretary named Ganyu, and I knew that when you introduced yourself.

"I see. Ganyu said with a smile, without the slightest doubt.

After all, it's normal for Captain Qin to know about her.

Ganyu just smiled and said, "Captain Qin does have a letter, and it is a letter sent to Lord Ningguang. The letter said about the traveler, and Lord Ningguang also said that he wanted to invite you to the Jade Pavilion for a gathering, and I happened to meet it today, so I invited you to go on behalf of Lord Ningguang. "

Ningguang invited me to the Jade Pavilion?"

Su Bai was stunned.

The news came as a surprise to him.

After all, he knew Ningguang.

There's a saying in Liyue.

Everyone knows that the right of heaven is respected.

The word Tianquan in this is Ningguang.

Among the seven stars of Liyue, Ningguang is the star of heavenly power.

The right of heaven is respected.

It is conceivable that the dignity of Ningguang.

In Liyue, so to speak.

Except for the Rock King Emperor, Ningguang is the person with the highest status.

Such a big man invited him, Su Bai was a little curious about what she wanted to do.

But curiosity is curiosity.

Go, Su Bai still has to go.

After all, if you want to get along in Liyue, it's still useful to have good relationships with people in positions of authority.

After all, Ningguang is a rich woman

, so Su Bai said: "In that case, I'll go to the Jade Pavilion tomorrow." "

Hmm. Ganyu answered softly and didn't say anything else.

But this is also normal, Ganyu was already a little socially afraid.

If it weren't for Xiao's matter just now, I'm afraid Ganyu wouldn't take the initiative to talk to him.

Come to think of it, talking to people more will make Ganyu feel embarrassed and uncomfortable.

It just so happened that Su Bai was also busy getting stronger.

Thinking about it like this, Su Bai said to Ganyu: "I'll leave first if there's nothing to do."

He was about to walk, but he didn't expect Ganyu to say something that surprised him: "Are you busy...... If it's not busy...... I, I'll invite you to dinner......

" Su Bai: "???"

was immediately stunned.


society is afraid that Ganyu actually said that he would invite him to dinner

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