Frankly speaking, Su Bai was quite surprised.

What kind of character is Ganyu?

The ultimate social fear!

Such a social fear person actually took the initiative to invite him to dinner, which really surprised Su Bai a little.

Surprised, Ganyu spoke again: "I, I want to thank you for helping Xiao, and, also, for saving me..."

It can be seen that she mustered up a lot of courage to dare to take the initiative to invite Su Bai.

Although Su Bai wanted to agree, he still politely refused when he thought that he would have to deal with the demon god soon.

"It's a little late today, let's do it another day. Su Bai said politely.

Although he did help Xiao today, it was not entirely because of his strength.

Mainly because of Xiao's weakness, it is because of his own concern for those companions in the depths of his memory.

So that Su Bai took advantage of the loophole and stimulated him to wake up.

So from beginning to end, Su Bai only played a guiding role.

This made Su Bai realize that his strength was far from enough and needed to be strengthened as soon as possible, otherwise how would he deal with the demon god Osir, who the Liyue Immortals couldn't defeat together.

"I didn't think it too much to notice that it was so late. Su Bai was thinking about it, when Ganyu suddenly spoke.

There was apology in her tone.

Before Su Bai could say anything more, Ganyu continued, "I'm used to Liyue at night, but I've forgotten that others are different from me. "

Late night may be the time to rest for humans, but for Ganyu, it is the most relaxing time of the day for her.

It's been a busy day, and it's been a long day at work.

When night falls, Liyue is less noisy.

Humanity is falling asleep.

At this time, Ganyu dared to come out for a walk and look at the lights of Liyue.

She has witnessed Liyue's rise from barrenness to prosperity for more than 3,000 years.

I've seen Liyue in the middle of the night for 3,000 years.

Maybe it's because I'm used to watching Liyue alone in the dead of night.

So much so that Ganyu almost forgot that the people of Liyue had already fallen asleep at this time.

Ganyu said and lowered her head.

Su Bai couldn't see her expression, but he could hear the loss in her tone.

Although Su Bai could understand her, he had no way to empathize with her.

So I could only advise her: "If you find it too cold in Liyue late at night, maybe you can try to walk the streets of Liyue during the busiest time."

"I'm a little different from a human being. With a bitter smile, Ganyu responded.

Before, Ganyu thought that Su Bai didn't know his identity, so he deliberately concealed it.

But Su Bai already knew this, and Ganyu had no need to hide it.

She spoke out very openly about her inner concerns.

And in this regard, Su Bai also expressed his understanding.

After all, three thousand years have not allowed Ganyu to integrate into human society.

It's a little difficult to make Ganyu accept it for a while.

Although whether Ganyu can integrate into human society or not has nothing to do with Su Bai in essence.

But maybe it was because he felt sorry for Ganyu, so Su Bai couldn't help but say: "There is no need to say that, in fact, human society is not so difficult to integrate." I'll take you to Liyue Street tomorrow night, and you'll know. "


?!Is Su Bai taking the initiative to ask her to go shopping?!Ganyu

was stunned.

There was a bit of surprise in her eyes, as if she had heard something incredible.

After all, Ganyu, who has always been withdrawn, rarely talks to people, let alone someone who will take the initiative to ask her to go shopping.

Su Bai's initiative to invite her did make her a little overwhelmed.

Ganyu wanted to refuse.

After all, she was a little afraid of the crowded market, and even more afraid that people would stare at her with strange eyes.

But considering that Su Bai saved her before, he did want to invite Su Bai to dinner.

So after some hesitation, Ganyu agreed.

"Good...... Then I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow night. Ganyu whispered.

The two met for the first time, and they didn't know each other too well.

After meeting tomorrow, there is no more topic to talk about.

So Su Bai left.

After leaving, Su Bai collected another wave of fishing cards.

About fifteen or so were collected.

So he couldn't hold back and used all the fishing cards on his body.

Soon, the familiar mechanical sound kept ringing in my ears:

[Ding, congratulations to the host, get the unique watering skills of Master Miyamoto

......] [Ding, congratulations to the host, get Grandma's soul-rich square dance stunt......] [Ding, congratulations

to the host, get the gray wolf's mutton cooking ......]



Frankly, after seeing my own ability to fish.

Su Bai had a headache.

What the hell are these abilities!

Watering flowers, square dancing, cooking mutton, ......

At this moment, Su Bai felt the malice from all planes.

It's no matter what kind of garbage it is, it's all here by itself.

But that being said.

But Su Bai still gained some abilities that seemed to be quite good.

For example, the ability to fly.

This may sound like a little use, but really.

After fighting a few times recently, Su Bai realized how important it is to have a flying ability.

Although the Shining Fruit could also allow Su Bai to move at the speed of light, it couldn't fly after all.

In addition, the sparkling fruit consumes extreme physical energy when used.

Therefore, having the ability to fly will provide Su Bai with a lot of convenience.

Except, of course, the ability to fly.

Su Bai also obtained a talent from the purple treasure chest that he thought was very good.

It is the talent of "genius inventor".

This talent came from an inventor named Heimerdinger on the continent of Valoran.

And the reason why Su Bai thinks this talent is very good is mainly because he considers that invention itself is a thing with a very high ceiling.

Su Bai remembered that in the original plot, in order to deal with the demon god Osier.

Sora found the Finalizer.

Finally, during the battle, almost all of the Immortals bombarded Othello with the Return Plane.

But Su Bai always felt that the power of the final machine was not very great.

This will make Su Bai have the talent of a genius inventor.

Maybe you can research a turret that directly defeats the demon god Oselle with a single blow.

Therefore, Su Bai felt that this talent was very good.

And it turns out that Su Bai's idea is not impossible.

After feeling the superhuman brain of a genius inventor.

Su Bai suddenly realized that he might be able to make more than just cannonballs.

It can even create all kinds of terrifying black technology.

And these technologies are all technologies that can surpass the original Kanria.

Thinking of this, Su Bai suddenly became a little excited.

Just as he was about to return to the room that the Knights had arranged for him.

Unexpectedly, he met Captain Qin outside the gate of the Knights.

Su Bai was a little surprised, but he still took the initiative to greet Captain Qin and asked, "Captain Qin, haven't you slept so late?"

Qin smiled slightly, and then said: "There is a lot of work I need to do after the disaster, not to mention that I have been waiting for you to come back, Mr. Su Bai."

Su Bai was stunned.

This will make me understand a little, it turns out that the head of the piano is waiting for him on purpose.

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