"What a strong fire elemental power!" Ningguang exclaimed, his face changing drastically.

At this time, it was not only Ningguang who was surprised, everyone was a little surprised.

Paimon, in particular, was already shouting in surprise, "Su Bai actually used fire to evaporate the huge wave just now, how powerful the power of the fire element must be to achieve this, it's terrifying!!"

Paimon said, his eyes widening.

Water overcomes fire, and fire is extinguished when it meets water.

It's a well-known truth.

However, this is not absolute.

The exception to this is when the power of fire is completely greater than that of water.

Too much fire leads to dry water, which is also common sense.

But just now, the demon god Oser set off waves.

Most people wouldn't want to fight against those huge and monstrous waves.

After all, it's not easy to use the elemental power that is enough to extinguish the waves.

There's very little that Teyvat as a whole can do.

But just now Su Bai did it.

However, a sea of fire erupted in an instant, extinguishing the huge waves?!

With such a huge power of fire elemental, it was no wonder that Paimon would be surprised.

It can be seen that Su Bai is powerful and has used the power of the fire element to the extreme.

"Can you do this just by having the vision of the fire elemental? The relieved gaze opened in disbelief, and his brow furrowed.

It's no wonder that the always calm gaze would be like this at this time.

It's really Su Bai's actions just now are too amazing.

This made Ningguang very puzzled.

She wondered, could Su Bai use such a terrifying power of the fire element just by relying on

the power of the Vision of the Gods? The power of the fire element just now was as powerful as if it could turn a radius of one hundred and ten kilometers into scorched earth.

If not at sea at this time, but in Liyue City.

I'm afraid it's even more powerful.

It's no wonder that Ningguang was surprised and fell into deep thought.

Everyone is a person with a vision, even though she has the vision of the rock elemental.

But Ningguang asked herself if she couldn't use the rock elemental to this point.

It's no wonder that Ningguang always feels ...... at the moment It was as if she had obtained a fake vision.

Of course, Ningguang didn't know either.

In fact.

It wasn't the Vision of God that had just made Su Bai burst out with such terrifying fire elemental power in an instant.

It's the slashing knife in Su Bai's hand - the flowing blade is like fire.

Now he's facing the demon god Othello.

Su Bai knew that it would be difficult to win him if he didn't do his best.

If Su Bai wants to win, he has to show all his ability.

The slashing knife is naturally one of his strengths.

After so much time of strength improvement, plus the talent of [Weapon Master].

Su Bai's soul has also been greatly improved, so he can exert such power at this time.

The sound just now: Everything is ashes, and the blade is like fire!

It is not difficult to solve the sword, you just need to call out the name of the sword.

It's rare to be solved.

If he can solve it, a single sword will be enough to defeat the demon god Osier.

Even if it's the "Vortex Demon God", it can drive the sea.

Su Bai was not afraid of it.

It's a pity that Su Bai's current soul still can't reach the point of comprehension.

But fortunately, Su Bai can still use this slashing knife to destroy the giant waves.

Holding the flowing blade in his hand, he felt the flames on the knife.

Su Bai's gaze was fixed on the demon god Osir, who could devour it with a single mouth in the distance.

At this time, the demon god Oser was also looking at him.

Although this demon god from ancient times did not speak, Su Bai sensed malice in its eyes.

The anger that has been suppressed for thousands of years, the mood that wants to destroy everything.

It wants to vent in this moment.

And so it roared.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the mountains and seas toppled.

Countless waves rushed in from all directions.

And with that comes a waterspout that can destroy everything.

Su Bai didn't dare to relax, and fought against it with a slashing knife in his hand.

The speed of the Flashing Fruit's ability increases and allows Su Bai to dodge the waterspouts that roll at him.

The blazing inferno of his blades allowed him to evaporate the waves that came from all directions.

Speed, power, fire.

Against the malice of the ancients.

Su Bai's burst out of the pillars of fire in the sky were like fire dragons fighting against the former "God of the Vortex".

Although it is at home at sea, the fire dragon does not have an advantage.

But Oser didn't get the slightest benefit.

The water collided with the fire and erupted into a huge tremor.

The Jade Pavilion crumbled in a raging storm and blazing hell.

There was scattered water vapor everywhere.

But everyone could clearly feel the warmth.

Su Bai took this seriously, using the power of the fire element to confront the sea overlord.

The whole of Liyue was watching...... Such a battle.

Even Zhongli, who was in the dark, couldn't help but sigh: "If he was born in the era of the demon gods and lived to this day, I am afraid that he can also occupy a place among the seven gods." "

The future is terrifying, Zhongli can be regarded as seeing it today.

It's a pity.

Zhongli could also see it...... Now, with Su Bai's ability, such a fire elemental power is not enough to defeat Oselle.

Especially Su Bai is still at a loss.

It was Auxer's home turf.

Home field advantage.

In the midst of the sea, Oser is king.

Even if Su Bai can dodge the waterspout it creates, even if Su Bai can cut the waves.

But if the sea is toppled over, it will be overwhelming.

How can Su Bai deal with it?!

Obviously, this is what Oser wants to do.

Since the waves can be vaporized by Su Bai, then it will set off the entire sea and swallow up the land of Liyue!Otel


All of a sudden, the whole sea seemed to be boiling.

The immortals seemed to see what Othello was trying to do.

also clearly knew that Su Bai's combat power alone was limited after all.

As a result, the operation of the final machine was accelerated.

Fortunately, the fairy power was enough, and the finalizer was finally launched.

Three powerful immortal forces converged, and a strong golden light shot straight towards the angry demon god Osier.

Seeing this, Su Bai used the speed of light to return to the Jade Pavilion.

The moment he landed, the golden light struck Oser in the sea.

Boom! The

golden light exploded, bursting out with great power on the sea.

With a soul-shattering roar, the demon god Osier writhed his body in pain.

It seemed that the blow had taken a toll on it.

"It's working, if we keep it suppressed like this, we should be able to win!" Paimon shouted excitedly.

But her joy was apparently too early.

This blow continued, and the demon god Osal quickly reacted.

Huge elemental water balls fell densely from the sky, and all of them were smashed by the final machine.

Everyone obviously didn't expect this to be the case, and they hadn't even had time to leave the Dharma platform.

And the altar was shattered.

It is understandable that the immortals will fly, and they will all retreat.

But Keqing and Sky fell off the platform.

Su Bai's eyes were quick, and he flew away quickly when he saw this.

At the moment when they were about to fall into the sea, Su Bai hugged Keqing with one hand, and lifted them into the air with the other.

"You saved me?" The moment she saw Su Bai, Ke Qing couldn't help but speak in surprise.

Before she could react, Su Bai smiled and said, "No thanks."

Keqing's face flushed, and she was arrogant and wanted to refute.

But thinking that Su Bai was also his life-saving benefactor, he still couldn't help it.

I was about to say thank you, but I was interrupted before I could speak.

"Su Bai...... Thank you so much for saving me, but ...... Can you not carry me...... "The empty man who was carried by Su Bai by the collar said helplessly.

He couldn't quite understand why Su Bai was holding Keqing but carrying him...... I'm about to suffocate.

However, Su Bai's answer was too real: "Two big men, what to hug!".

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