Su Bai rescued Kong and Keqing back to the Jade Pavilion.

Although Auxer fought back, fortunately, the casualties were not large, and the result was acceptable.

"It's good that everyone is okay. Su Bai said with a sigh of relief.

"No...... The situation is terrible now. Xiao, who had not spoken, finally spoke.

As soon as his words fell, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun to speak again: "The current situation is indeed not optimistic, and all the final machines have been destroyed. "

The Finalizer has been destroyed, but the Demon God Othello is still there.

The only weapon capable of defeating the Demon God was destroyed.

This would be a fatal blow to the Seven Stars of Liyue and the Immortals.

So even if there are not many casualties, people still don't think the current situation is optimistic.

"Is there no way to do it anymore?" Paimon asked, a little anxious.

The immortals shook their heads, and the Seven Stars of Liyue frowned.

Ningguang didn't say a word, thinking that he was thinking about using the Jade Pavilion to smash the demon god Osel into the seal.

In the original plot, the final way to defeat the demon god Osier was to smash the Jade Pavilion with condensation, smashing Oselle into Zhongli's seal.

Although this method is not impossible.

Anyway, Ningguang is so rich, it would be good to smash a group of jade pavilions and build it again.

But there is no way, who let Su Bai have the task to defeat Osel with his own hands.

It is obviously not possible to let Ningguang smash the Jade Pavilion.

So before Ningguang's words were spoken, Su Bai hurriedly said, "It's not completely impossible.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at him.

"Su Bai, do you have a way?" Ganyu asked softly.

Su Bai nodded, and then took out the Elemental Fort from his infinite storage bag.

"That's my way. Su Bai asked, pointing to the Elemental Fort.

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun frowned, and looked in front of the elemental fort for a long time without seeing the reason.

So he asked, "What is this? It's stronger than the new version of the Finalizer?!"

Seeing Liuyun's expression on the Wind True Monarch, he was obviously a little unhappy.

The final machine is the thing of the immortal family, and it is Liuyun borrowing the wind Zhenjun personally participated in the improvement.

Now that even the final machine can't hurt the demon god Osir in the slightest, Su Bai suddenly took out a turret and said that he could solve the demon god Osier.

Liuyun, who has always been arrogant, borrowed the wind Zhenjun and was naturally a little unhappy.

Su Bai smiled slightly and said very politely: "I don't know if it can be stronger than the final machine, but now there is only this way." This elemental turret is the result of countless days and nights of painstaking research, and it can gather the power of seven elements as energy to attack, and of course, Klee has also helped a lot during this time.

As soon as Su Bai's words fell, Klee said excitedly on the side: "This fort is amazing!!I will definitely be able to defeat the Great Demon King!"

Although Klee is a child, everyone will not take what she says seriously.

But when they heard that they could gather the power of the seven elements as energy to attack, everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

"Gather the power of the seven elements as energy...... Sounds pretty good......" Keqing muttered.

"There's only one way to go. The Jade Pavilion was the last barrier, and now that the Jade Pavilion has fallen, the whole of Liyue will suffer. Whether it's feasible or not, you can give it a try!"

With little hesitation, the decision was made.

With the approval of Ningguang, a high-ranking and powerful person, Seven Stars naturally agreed.

The immortals don't say much.

After all, what Ningguang said also made sense.

In such a time of crisis, we should give it a try regardless of whether it is feasible or not.

"How should this turret be used?!" Without further ado, Ningguang immediately asked, "Do you need our help?" "

Just use the power of the seven elements to drive it." Su Bai explained lightly.

When he said this, everyone had a headache again.

"All of us here...... There seems to be no way to collect all seven elements. Ningguang frowned, and couldn't help but speak.

As soon as the words fell, I heard Su Bai say: "Whoever said it, I'll do it alone." Everyone

: "......"

was anxious to forget.

Su Bai alone possessed the vision of the seven elements.

It seems that he can do it alone.

"I think it takes time for you to drive, and we're going to help you buy time. After a moment of silence, Ningguang spoke.

Now the Fatui are attacking, and the demon god Oser is also making waves.

If no one stops it, I'm afraid that Su Bai won't be able to drive the elemental fort with peace of mind.

That's why Ningguang said that.

As the words fell, Ningguang immediately said, "Liyue Seven Stars, Millelith Army...... There are also travelers, come with me to fight the

enemy and buy time for Su Bai!" As Ningguang's words fell, everyone stepped forward to resist the enemy and buy time for Su Bai.

And Su Bai didn't waste time, and immediately drove the elemental fort.

It takes some time for the Elemental Turret to activate.

Fortunately, the Seven Stars of Liyue and the immortals were very powerful, and they bought Su Bai a while to spare.

It is accompanied by the infusion of the seven elements of fire, ice, grass, rock, wind, thunder, and water.

Gradually, the Elemental Turret began to kick in.

The demon god Oser is still at work in the sea.

Liyue, swept by a storm, has been a sleepless night after all.

All of Liyue's people are looking at the Lonely Cloud Pavilion.

Everyone's face was anxious and panicked.

They don't know when the end will come, whether they will be able to see the sun tomorrow.

They could only pin their hopes on the Jade Pavilion.

pinned on Su Bai for the final shot.

In the midst of the fierce battle between the Seven Stars of Liyue and the Immortals, the Elemental Fort was finally recharged.

"Everyone, get out of the way!" accompanied

by Su Bai's shout, everyone dodged and made way for a straight road.

The Elemental Turret is activated.

With the determination to win, Su Bai sent a blow towards Oselle that unleashed the convergence of these seven elements.

A huge light illuminated the cloud-overheaded Liyue.

All eyes were watching.

Nervously watching the final result.

They saw a light shoot straight towards Othello.

In a moment, the light struck Othello in the sea.

A loud

explosion rang out throughout Liyue !! boom.

The aftershocks shook the land of Liyue.

"Roar!" Oser

let out a roar of great pain, and then struggled to fall straight into the sea.

Of course, Su Bai didn't give room for it.

In order to avoid this blow, it may be undefeated Osser.

Su Bai held the Flowing Blade like fire and rushed towards the Demon God Oser at the fastest speed.

The pain was so severe that Oser couldn't fight back.

There is no sea to obstruct it.

This time, Su Bai approached Oser very easily.

His position in Osser is within easy reach.

He could clearly see that one of Oselle's heads was screaming in pain with its mouth open.

But he didn't hesitate, and pulled out the flowing blade.

"Blazing Hell!" Su Bai roared.

Countless pillars of fire detonated in an instant.

As Su Bai's hand fell, one of Osser's heads fell to the ground in an instant.


the pain of turning around, Oser couldn't hold back anymore.

It poured straight into the sea.

Its roar slowly died down until it fell silent.

At this moment, the whole of Liyue seemed to be quiet.

Everyone didn't react for a long time.

The first to react was Klee.

"Okay, Brother Su Bai defeated the Great Demon King!!" Klee cheered excitedly.

But the crowd was silent.

Because everyone couldn't believe it at this time, the demon god Oselle ...... Was it just defeated?

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