At this time, Su Bai was suspended in mid-air.

Lightning and thunder thundered in the sky.

The "Dream One Heart" forging knife in his hand was shining with purple thunder.

And this purple thunder light echoed with the thunder light in the sky.

Oser had too many injuries.

After all, it couldn't bear this thunderbolt and fell.

Not even a final roar was heard, and Oser fell straight into the sea, never to move again.

Liyue, which had been stormy, fell silent in an instant.

No more winds, no more torrential rains.

All one could hear was the roar of thunder and lightning in the sky.

The demon god Oser has finally been defeated.

The people of Liyue see the dawn of hope.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Because...... Liyue held on.

The people of Liyue are cheering and jumping.

The previous panic was swept away.

While defeating the Demon God would have been a good thing, there was no joy on the faces of the Seven Stars of Liyue and the Immortals.

They weren't upset, they were a little shocked.

Shocked, how could Su Bai use such a powerful thunder elemental power just now.

Although he was also one of the seven gods, Zhongli could tell at a glance that Su Bai's power just now came from the Inazuma Thunder God.

But after all, Thor was still in the Pure Land at this time and did not show up.

Some people are still unaware.

For example, the condensation at this time was not noticed.

So she was curious.

"To be able to exert the power of the fire element to such a state, and to be able to cultivate the power of the thunder element to such a terrifying power, this ...... It's a little incredible. Ningguang said thoughtfully, frowning.

Not only Ningguang, Keqing was also very puzzled.

You know, Keqing also has the vision of the thunder element.

But she couldn't exert the power of the thunder element to this level at all.

Not a single elemental force is possible.

Not to mention two.

"In my opinion, this kind of power seems to be as good as that of the god Inazuma. Keqing couldn't help muttering.

Of course, Su Bai didn't hear this.

If Su Bai heard it, he would definitely say, "Is it possible, this power is the divine ...... from Gen Inazuma?"

Su Bai didn't have time to answer those questions at this time.

Because he has a more serious problem to ponder.

That's it...... How he should face Thor.

Now that Inazuma is still locked up in the country, Su Bai took the Dream Single-Heart Knife from Inazuma.

This also means that Su Bai called Thor over.

During the lockdown, no one was allowed to go out.

Su Bai broke the rules and forcibly pulled Thor out of Inazuma.

This Thor is definitely going to lose his temper.

Sure enough, Su Bai was thinking about it.

Suddenly, he felt a darkness in front of him, followed by weightlessness.

But in the blink of an eye.

He then came to the "Pure Land of One Heart".

Soon, the god of thunder in a purple kimono appeared in front of him.

Su Bai was stunned.

looked at Thor, who had an unkind eye, and smiled awkwardly.

Why did Su Bai use the fastest speed to make the knife just now, and he had to take advantage of Thor's inattention.

It was because Su Bai guessed that if Thor reacted for a while, he would definitely pull him into the "Pure Land of One Heart".

Because of this, Su Bai made the first move.

Anyway, now that Oser has also solved it, pull it in and pull it in the "Pure Land of One Heart".

I won't die, what are you afraid of.

Thinking about it like this, Su Bai was much bolder.

Seeing that Thor had been staring at him with terrifying purple eyes, he didn't say a word.

Su Bai couldn't help it, and said first: "General, we have something to say." I know you really want to put me into the statue now, but I really can't help it......"

Originally, Su Bai wanted to quibble...... Ah no, explain.

However, before he finished his words, the grumpy Thor directly drew his sword and attacked him.

Fortunately, Su Bai had a writing wheel eye and noticed her movements in advance.

So Su Bai immediately turned into a light to dodge.

It's not that Su Bai doesn't want to fight with Thor.

It's because I can't beat it.

Although the flowing blade is like fire, it can be regarded as an artifact.

If you fight with ordinary people, even if you fight some immortals in Liyue, you should have an advantage.

But the opponent is Thor after all.

Su Bai had just begun to understand, and with his current soul power, he would definitely not be able to cut the shadow.

As for the sparkling fruit.

In terms of Su Bai's ability to develop the sparkling fruit now...... It's okay to use a skill to escape, it's too far-fetched to want to win Thor.

Although the current Thor is a new god, it has only been 500 years since he became Thor.

But when her sister Barr was still there, she was always fighting for her sister.

To put it simply, the old thunder god Bal was in charge of Wen, and she was in charge of Wu.

So in terms of force, this new god is not weak at all.

How can a god who can fight out of the Demon God War, how can he be weak.

Since he couldn't win the battle, Su Bai didn't need to provoke Thor anymore.

It's all about hiding.

It's best to let this thunder god dissipate her anger, otherwise if she opens up, then Su Bai really can't stand it.

Thinking about it like this, Su Bai said while dodging Thor's attack: "You let me explain a few words to you!"

"I really can't help but invite you over, everything is negotiable, let's ......" Su Bai really didn't

expect it.

This Thor looked at Wenwen weak and well-behaved.

It's so violent.

These few tricks down.

At this time, the entire Pure Land of One Heart was filled with thunder and lightning, and it was very terrifying to watch.

Su Bai was afraid that he would be accidentally struck by lightning.

Luckily, too.

Although this thunder god is the embodiment of the most extraordinary and terrifying thunder in this world.

But the speed of thunder and lightning is still slower than the speed of light.

Although he couldn't beat it, Su Bai still ran it.

While hiding, he could persuade a few words: "General, after all, this is in the realm of the rock god, and it is not good to use a knife or a gun...... Calm down, calm down......

" "Hey......"

Su Bai sighed deeply.

Frankly, a little tired.

If this thunder god didn't stop, Su Bai would really be tired.

I'm thinking about how to solve this dilemma.

I never thought that Thor suddenly stopped.


Frankly speaking, Su Bai was a little surprised.

He didn't quite understand why Thor had stopped, according to Thor's character, she shouldn't have to put herself in the statue before she stopped

? Why did she suddenly stop?

Could it be because of what Su Bai said just now.

This is Zhongli's realm

?!So Thor gave Zhongli a few thin faces?!Just

thinking about it, suddenly Thor spoke: "See you again......"

A sentence without any temperature, his tone was calm.

From Thor's suddenly lit eyes, he could see that things were not simple.

Although Su Bai didn't know why Thor suddenly stopped this time.

But what he knew was that he had indeed offended Inazuma's Thor this time.

See you next time...... I'm afraid it's really going to be built into the idol.

Therefore, it's better not to see it!

Su Bai couldn't help but think in his heart.

Just as he was thinking, he had safely escaped from the "Pure Land of One Heart" and appeared on the Jade Pavilion.

"Brother Su Bai, where did you go just now, why did you disappear all of a sudden?!".

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