The moment Su Bai appeared, Klee rushed over happily.

At this time, Su Bai had not yet reacted from the deterrence of Thor just now.

I have to say, that woman is really terrible.

When you meet, you don't say a word.

Fortunately, Su Bai has a shining fruit and can still run, and he can also be immune to damage and not die.

Otherwise, Su Bai would not have been cut down.

But think about it.

Someone else was living well in the Pure Land of One Heart, but suddenly he forcibly brought Liyue to him.

It's normal to have a little temper.

It's just that the temper is a little too big.

Fortunately, she suddenly stopped, and if she put a big move, it would really be over.

Su Bai thought to himself and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Anyway, he finally came out without danger.

It's just that Su Bai still can't figure it out.

Why did Thor stop?

He thought it might be another fierce battle.

"Thank you. Just as he was thinking about it, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

When he came back to his senses, Su Bai looked at it, and it was not someone else who spoke, but Ningguang.

Now the demon god Oser has been solved.

Zhongli and the immortals are also completely retired.

The power of Liyue has been placed in the hands of the Seven Stars, who are the most powerful of the Seven Stars.

On behalf of the people of Liyue, thank you to your great benefactor, Su Bai is indeed reasonable.

But Su Bai is more realistic.

Although defeating the demon god Oser is indeed his hidden mission.

But Su Bai is a more realistic person.

"It's okay, no thanks, just settle the payment. Su Bai said with a smile.

Ningguang frowned.

I don't know what I'm thinking, so I can't help but ask with some vigilance: "What kind of reward do you want?"

Su Bai said directly: "Of course it's Mora."

Ningguang was stunned.

She didn't react for a while, and couldn't help asking: "You just want Mora?!"

Su Bai nodded and said, "Of course, I've worked hard for so long, so it's not too much to ask Mora."

"Not too much. Ning Guang said lightly, and after a moment of silence, continued, "You are a benefactor who helped Liyue, and you should indeed be rewarded. I will inform the people of Liyue to receive you on the highest scale of their guests. You don't have to worry about the payout, you can come to Liyue at any time to get it.

When Su Bai heard this, he asked with some surprise: "What is the highest scale reception??Is the food and lodging all free?

" ......" Ningguang: "More than that." Although

Ningguang didn't elaborate.

But after hearing Ningguang say that he would eat and live in Liyue for free in the future, Su Bai didn't ask any more.

After all, isn't that what matters?

Mora or something.

Su Bai was not in a hurry.

As the richest woman in Liyue, Ningguang still owes him money.

Just when Su Bai was happy, the reward of the system also came as promised:

[Ding, congratulations to the host, complete the hidden mission, and defeat the demon god Osier. 【

Ding, congratulations to the host, get a fishing card (you will be able to fish out of the golden treasure chest)!]


coming! The real reward is coming!

Su Bai was a little excited.

Originally, he was still worried that using Thor's power would cause him to hit 90% less damage.

But the system gave a reward, which proved that Su Bai's knife still dealt a lot of damage.

And Thor should have just made up for the damage.

It's okay, it's okay.

"Fishing!" Su Bai said.

Soon, the rewards appeared.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for successful fishing, catch a golden treasure chest (gorgeous)!】【

Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Doraemon-plane item: Time Machine. 】




?!Time Machine?!Su

Bai was stunned.

You say this thing is useless, it seems to be quite useful.

You said it was useful, it didn't seem to have any effect on Su Bai's current strength.

But...... Anyway, it's a very powerful prop.

For Su Bai, who has seen Doraemon, he won't be unaware of his usefulness.

In simple terms.

With a time machine, Su Bai can travel through time and enter the time tunnel.

As long as the time and place are specified, Su Bai can use a time machine to arrive.

It is true that he has mastered the ability of time.

Like, it's not bad.

It doesn't matter, it's the system anyway.

Something is better than nothing.

Thinking of this, Su Bai immediately accepted it happily.

The system also automatically placed the items in Su Bai's storage bag.

As soon as the reward was obtained in his mind, Ning Guang in his ears spoke: "I thought that with your ability, you would want more, but I didn't expect you to just need some simple reward."

Ningguang's words are not unreasonable.

Although Su Bai's ability is not completely invincible in the Teyvat continent now, it can also be ranked first.

With Su Bai's abilities, plus the credit he had just given to saving Liyue.

Even something more important is not too much.

But Su Bai only needed a simple reward.

It's no surprise that Ningguang would be surprised.

However, Su Bai himself didn't think much about Liyue.

So naturally, I won't take advantage of this matter to put forward some excessive conditions.

So Su Bai said half-jokingly: "I'm just a layman, and it's also my heart to be greedy for money and lustful."

Ningguang showed a rare smile and said, "You are not bad." The

words fell, and before Su Bai could speak, Ningguang asked again: "How much do you want?!"

Su Bai didn't say anything, thought for a while and asked: "How much Mora does it cost to rebuild

a group of jade pavilions?" Ning Guang: "???

" Su Bai: "Just give it to me at the price of rebuilding a group of jade pavilions~" Su

Bai made a move, so that Ning Guang did not smash the group of jade pavilions.

There is no need to rebuild.

Then it is not too much for Mora to rebuild the Jade Pavilion as his reward.

Su Bai thought to himself.

But at this time, Ningguang was a little speechless.

Without thinking:

this guy is indeed... I'm greedy for money....



The demon god is solved, and Qixing naturally has to do some finishing work.

Although Osel did not make it to the center of Liyue, there are still some places that need to be rebuilt.

Besides, the contradiction between the Seven Stars and the Immortals should also be resolved now.

So Su Bai didn't continue to say more to Ningguang.

It just so happened that he was hungry too.

So he took Klee to Liyue Street to find a restaurant to eat.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived on Liyue Street, he happened to run into Zhongli.

It's not so much that he happened to run into Zhongli, but that Zhongli was already waiting for him there.

Su Bai was clear, so naturally he didn't ask too much.

Just greeted Zhongli in a friendly way: "How is it, is it still enjoyable to watch?"

Of course Su Bai knew, Zhongli had seen all the wars just now.

So it's not surprising that you would ask such a joking question.

It stands to reason that I should be happy to be officially retired at this time.

But he didn't see the slightest joy on his face, but asked Su Bai: "How did you call Balzebu."

Apparently, he was curious about the issue.

As a god, Zhongli naturally knew it.

God's personal possession is not so easy to take.

If it was so easy to take, the heart of God would have been taken away a thousand times.

That's why Zhongli is curious.

What ability does Su Bai have to bring the "Dream of One Heart", Thor's saber.

As for this matter, Su Bai didn't want to explain too much.

After all, this belongs to Su Bai's ability to press the bottom of the box.

So Su Bai just smiled very tactfully and didn't say anything.

Zhongli could see that Su Bai didn't seem to want to say anything more.

didn't ask again in embarrassment, but said lightly: "You are too offended, I'm afraid I won't have such good luck next time."

Su Bai was stunned.

Although Zhongli's words are a reminder.

But Su Bai also understood the meaning from these words.

I'm afraid that it was because Zhongli helped me just now that Thor stopped.

As for why Zhongli would help, it's not hard to guess.

After all, Su Bai helped Liyue, and Zhongli could be regarded as "repaying".

Thinking about it this way, Zhongli is not bad.

Although Zhongli may help this time, if he is caught again next time, Zhongli is afraid that he will not care.

Think about it this way, Inazuma that country.

I'm afraid I'm going to die if I go once.

"By the way, let's go to the Northland Bank, I'll treat you to dinner when I'm done. Just as he was thinking, Zhongli suddenly spoke.

Being reminded by Zhongli like this, Su Bai remembered it.

The lady is still waiting at Northland Bank.

The god heart of the wind god that has just arrived is gone.

If the heart of the rock god that has just arrived is gone, I don't know how such a lady will feel.

Thinking about it like this, Su Bai said, "Okay, it just so happens that I'm hungry." Remember to invite me to dinner later, by the way, remember to call the son when you eat... You don't have Mora ...... on you

" Zhongli: "......


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