Su Bai remembered that he had agreed to compete in martial arts yesterday.

So after seeing the shogunate army, Su Bai immediately understood.

"It seems that you can't escape~" Su Bai muttered, and then closed the stall as quickly as possible.

At this time, Raiden Zhen and Fox Saigong obviously didn't know about the competition.

I saw the Shogunate suddenly appear.

Raiden really couldn't help asking, "Did something happen?"

Su Bai smiled slightly, and said in a calm tone: "It's not a big deal, it's just that I met Ying when I left the castle tower yesterday, and she asked me to compete together today."

As soon as Su Bai's voice fell, Hu Zhai Palace couldn't help asking: "Have you fought with Ying, why did she ask you for a martial arts competition?"

Su Bai smiled bitterly, looked at Lei Dianzhen and said, "This, I have to ask her." "

Raiden really knows why.

After all, the competition between Ying and Su Bai yesterday was arranged by her, and she also saw some.

Thunder and lightning are so clear.

With Ying's character, it doesn't seem strange that he will meet Su Bai to compete today.

So Raiden said: "There was some small misunderstanding yesterday, and Shadow did try it with him, but Shadow didn't get any benefits. Hearing

Raiden Zhen's words, Fox Saigong was obviously a little surprised.

"Shadow didn't get any favor?!" Fox Zhai Gong muttered.

Then he looked at Su Bai with a curious gaze.

What is the strength of the shadow, Fox Saigong and others are clear.

She didn't get any benefits from Su Bai, but it is conceivable that Su Bai's strength is not ordinarily strong.

A cook, but his strength is so strong.

It's a bit suspicious to think about it.

However, suspicious is suspicious, and in the absence of evidence, it cannot be thought that Su Bai must have something wrong because it is strong.

In addition, Su Bai's cooking is really good.

Therefore, Hu Zhai Palace said in a half-joking tone at this time: "There are not many people who can make Ying unfavorable, she is the most unwilling to admit defeat, no wonder she wants to compete with you."

After Fox Saigong finished speaking, Raiden really couldn't help but ask, "Do you know who Shadow is?"

"Your sister." Su Bai said calmly: "I already knew your identity when you took me to the castle tower yesterday. She looks so similar to you, I guess she must be your sister. "

What Su Bai said is reasonable.

So Raiden really didn't doubt it.

just nodded and said, "I know the most about shadows, she must have recognized your strength before she wanted to compete with you." She also often competes with others. This

is an explanation.

Although Su Bai didn't know why Raiden really explained.

But through the thunder and lightning really explained.

Su Bai could see it.

Raiden really didn't want Su Bai to treat them as enemies, thinking that Inazuma's people were embarrassing him.

Although Su Bai could understand, he pretended to sigh sadly and said: "But after all, she has a noble status, after all, I am just a chef, and it is not good to work with her." I'd like to stay here longer to earn some money before I travel. Su

Bai's meaning is already very clear.

That's about it.

It's not that I'm looking for trouble, it's that I'm going to fight.

When the time comes, what if the shadow hits the eye in a hurry and kicks himself out of Inazuma.

Raiden really understood what Su Bai meant.

So he immediately said, "Inazuma is a very friendly country. Shadow just likes martial arts competitions, and won't embarrass you.

The Fox Palace on the side obviously understood the meaning, and immediately said: "I'm very curious, how strong is the person who can make the shadow unfavorable." Really, why don't we go and

have a look together~" Raiden Zhen nodded and said, "It's okay now, so let's go and have a look together~ If Ying bullies you, I'll punish her."

Raiden smiled gently.

Although what she said later was a joke.

The implication is also to tell Su Bai that this competition was not arranged by her.

Inazuma is a very just country, so she won't let Shadow embarrass Su Bai.

With the words of Raiden Zhen and Fox Sainomiya.

Su Bai was much more hardened at this time.

"In that case, let's go together. Su Bai said.

After the words fell, he went to the place where the shadow was with Raiden Shin, Kitsune Palace, and Yae Miko.

Shadow was not in the castle tower at this time.

It's in the jousting arena outside.

There was no one in the arena, so I guess I thought it was scattered by the shadow.

The moment he saw Su Bai appear, Shadow held the knife's hand and moved.

But immediately after, she saw Raiden Zhen and Fox Zhai Palace appear with Su Bai.

Shadow seemed a little strange, and asked Lei Denzhen and Fox Zhai Palace

: "Why are you here?" As soon as the words fell, he heard Raiden Zhen say in a slightly complaining tone: "Shadow you are really true, Mr. Su Bai is a guest." Not long after coming to Inazuma, how can you make an appointment to compete with others?"

Although Raiden Zhen did not really complain about the shadow at this time, but showed the friendly image of a big country in front of Su Bai.

But Ray Movie is upright.

didn't understand the true meaning of thunder and lightning at all, but said a little confused: "You said this person is suspicious." I've played against him, and I don't think a chef should have that kind of skill, and he didn't use all his strength yesterday, so today I'm going to ask him to compete again and try his bottom.

Raiden Zhen: "......"

was a little speechless.

I didn't expect my stupid sister to whisper it bluntly.

Although she knew that Lei Movie had always been such a character, Lei Dian Zhen couldn't help but whisper: "My stupid sister, ......"

The atmosphere was a little embarrassing for a while.

Seeing this, the Fox Zhai Palace on the side hurriedly played a round and said: "Ying just likes martial arts, and he competes when he meets people." I don't even know how many times I've tried against her, but her personality has always been like that.

Su Bai knew what these people were thinking.

Everyone didn't say it explicitly before, so Su Bai didn't say it either.

But at this time, the shadow has already spoken clearly.

Therefore, Su Bai also simply confessed: "The Teyvat Continent is originally an elemental continent, and no one has stipulated that chefs can't have abilities." I've heard that Inazuma is a hospitable country, and I've invited you to eat to show your friendliness, so it stands to reason that this shouldn't be your way of hospitality.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere was extremely embarrassing for a while.

It's not that Su Bai deliberately wants to make the atmosphere so embarrassing, but if Su Bai doesn't say anything at this time, it really makes people a little suspicious.

At this time, a little expression of anger can also clear some suspicions.

Obviously, there is no problem with Su Bai's method.

Raiden really felt a little sorry because of Su Bai's words.

"It is true that there was some minor misunderstanding, and I apologize to you for my previous arrangement. Raiden said very politely.

Raiden is a very benevolent deity.

Five hundred years later, Yae Miko once said, "I have never seen a god more gentle than Masa." "

Raiden's greatest wish is to make Inazuma a friendly, safe, and peaceful country.

So in such a country, the way of treating guests really shouldn't be like this.

That's why Lei Dianzhen said to Su Bai: "My sister is a martial artist, and she is used to fighting on weekdays. If you don't want to compete today, no one can force you today. "

Raiden really spoke.

He spoke as a god, as the ruler of Inazuma.

This also proves that if Su Bai leaves today.

Shadow won't stop him anymore.

After all, Shadow is not a god now.

She also needs to listen to her sister's orders.

But Su Bai knew that he left like this.

Shadow's attitude towards him will not change, so it is better to take this opportunity to put forward some conditions.

So he looked at the shadow and said, "I'm a person, I never break my promise to others." Since I promised you to compete with you, I will naturally not leave today. However, I also have conditions. No matter what the result of today's competition is, you can't embarrass me again in the future, can you agree to this?".

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