Su Bai's purpose for coming back this time is very clear, frankly speaking, he hopes that Ying Bei will always cut him at every turn.

Now Su Bai has offended the shadow so thoroughly.

First he inexplicably summoned the retreating Shadow to Liyue, and then used his ability to make Shadow kneel.

If Ying recalled this paragraph, Su Bai didn't have to think about it to know what the result was.

It is estimated that Su Bai had just stepped into Inazuma with his front foot, and the shadow of his back foot chased after him.

Although Su Bai had the ability to be immortal and had so many abilities to protect himself, it was impossible for Ying to kill him in essence.

But this person is stubborn, if he takes a knife to cut it twice in three days.

Su Bai still wants to travel well in Inazuma.

Thinking about it this way, Su Bai thought it was time to ease the relationship.

And now is the best time to relieve.

Yae Miko has obviously been attacked, and it should be almost there.

Although Lei Dianzhen and Hu Zhai Gong have some doubts about Su Bai's identity, the two of them are also sensible.

Su Bai finished saying that just now.

Lei Dianzhen was obviously on Su Bai's side, at least on the surface.

After all, they do deserve it.

As a big country, there really shouldn't be such hospitality.

So after Su Bai put forward the conditions, Lei Dianzhen looked at the shadow and said, "I think that Mr. Su Bai is really here to travel." You shouldn't embarrass him anymore. "

As a sister control.

If the thunder and lightning are true, the shadow will naturally listen.

Although during the previous competition, Su Bai did something excessive, which made Ying very unhappy.

But considering the real identity.

Shadow still said, "I promise you." No matter what the outcome of this competition is, I won't embarrass you again. "

Ying is a martial artist, and his identity is noble.

At least what she promised, she will still do.

Now the shadow has given a promise.

So after this competition, as long as Su Bai doesn't do anything that threatens Inazuma, Shadow won't use the knife casually.

For this, Su Bai is very satisfied.

So if that's the case... After this fight, Su Bai will be able to go back to Inazuma five hundred years later.

Thinking of this, Su Bai immediately said to Ying: "Then, let's fight."

As soon as the words fell, he heard the thunder and lightning really say: "Since you have decided to compete, then I will be the referee." Click to the end, and that's it.

Raiden Zhen's sentence "point to point" is obviously said to the shadow.

I thought it was because I was afraid that the shadow would hit the eye in a hurry, and I made a thoughtless sword.

Before a knife slashed out of the Thoughtless Blade Gorge.

If you slash again, you may not know what will be cleaved.

Shadow nodded, agreeing with Raiden's words.

Since Ying agreed, Su Bai naturally had no reason not to agree, and it was still easy to point it so far.

In this way, Raiden Zhen and Kitsune Palace withdrew from the competition venue.

After walking to the outer circle, Raiden really announced the start of the competition.

The moment Raiden really spoke, Shadow turned into a sword of thunder and attacked.

She suffered a loss yesterday, and she knew that once Su Bai drew her sword, she would definitely be out of control.

So today she wants to win with speed.

However, speed is Su Bai's advantage.

And Su Bai can also see the position and direction of Shadow's attack, so Su Bai is easy to dodge.

Almost at the moment when the shadow moved, Su Bai also moved.

Easily dodging Shadow's sword, he appeared behind Shadow at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to catch.

When he noticed that Su Bai had actually appeared behind him, Ying was obviously stunned for a moment.

"So fast!" Shadow couldn't help but think to herself.

But it was too late.

Su Bai used the telekinesis at the speed of light, and then took out a sword.

A voice: "Look at the sword."

Unexpectedly, he knelt in front of Su Bai again, and then raised his hands together.

With a "snap", the sword was clamped.

Ei: "......"

was a little speechless.

Angry teeth itch.

Ying really couldn't figure out what kind of ability Su Bai was.

Why every time he drew his sword, he couldn't help but pick up the sword.

Forget about the sword, and every time you kneel to catch it.

It's really going to kill you.

Not to mention that the shadow was depressed at this time, and the Fox Palace who was watching the battle from the sidelines was stunned.

"I'm not mistaken, Shadow actually knelt?" Fox Saigong was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but speak.

On the side, Zhen nodded and said, "I was also surprised when I saw it yesterday, it seems that every time Su Bai draws his sword, the shadow will kneel." Really

said, frowning.

After all, she really couldn't see what kind of path Su Bai was.

Mysterious, it makes people feel incredible.

Just when I was really puzzled, I didn't expect Fox Zhai Palace to suddenly laugh: "Hahahaha~ It's really interesting, you really see, the shadow looks so deflated, it's the first time I've seen it." Hahahaha~

"Really: "......"

Fox Zhai Palace's temperament is really the best understood.

She's a fox, gloating ruthlessly.

It's her who brought the Yae Miko to ruin.

At this time, the little Yae Miko is also happy.

Seeing it, he couldn't help but shake his head, and asked softly: "Don't you think, this Su Bai's strength is a bit amazing? There are not many people who can make a shadow like this in the Teyvat Continent." "

I muttered.

Unexpectedly, the Fox Palace had completely different opinions from her.

"I know you're worried, but I think you're probably overly worried. At least in my opinion, with Su Bai's ability, if he really wants to make trouble, there is no need to accept our suspicion anymore. The fox is very accurate in seeing people, and I think he is a good person. Besides, I like him a lot, because his cooking is delicious~" Fox Saigong said with a smile.

Although the second half of the sentence is a joke, I have to say that the previous words make sense.

I really nodded, and couldn't help but sigh and said: "Maybe the pressure on Sky Island is too much, I've been a little suspicious recently, I have offended Su Bai a lot before, and I hope he doesn't mind."

At the mention of the three words "Sky Island", the smile of the Fox Palace instantly retracted.

Because Fox Palace knew that she and Zhen were going to fight a hard battle soon, maybe they wouldn't be able to come back after that.

"Don't mention these, you look at the movie with a deflated expression. It's really interesting~" After a moment of silence, the smile on his face returned.

She looked at the shadow.

And at this time, Ying was indeed overwhelmed by Su Bai's inexplicable skill of making people "kneel".

The most annoying thing is that Shadow still can't find a way to crack it.

After all, she doesn't seem to have an advantage in terms of speed.

"You... Can you change the trick? "I can't help it, Shadow can't help but speak.

"You can't even break this trick. I haven't even used my strength yet. Su Bai smiled slightly.

As soon as these words came out, Ying was obviously stunned for a moment.

What does that

mean, "You mean, you're asking me?"

"It's all said that it's the point, so naturally I won't use my full strength. Since you can't crack my trick, let's count it as a draw. At the end of the competition, you have to keep your promises. Su Bai said.

Su Bai just wanted to ask for a promise, but he didn't care about winning or losing.

So after saying that, he withdrew the long sword in his hand.

Kage doesn't seem to want to end the fight.

"Give it your all. Shadow spoke, his gaze full of determination.

As a martial artist, Ying couldn't accept Su Bai's words.

Didn't use all his strength

?Is he looking down on me?

His eyes narrowed, and he looked at Su Bai and said, "I hope you won't let me down." "

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