Ei can't accept that someone else's "didn't use all his might".

Because for her, it's a blatant mockery.

Su Bai forgot.

Shadow has a strong personality, and he will definitely be difficult when he is provoked by this.

Sure enough, at this time, the shadow was holding a naginata.

The thunder and light on his body surged.

A pair of purple eyes glowed.

"I'm ready to take my sword, and I hope you can catch my blow too. Shadow said coldly.

As her words fell, Inazuma's sky instantly darkened.

Dark clouds overhead.

Countless thunderbolts flickered in the dark clouds, emitting violent thunderous sounds.

Because the power of the thunder element was too strong, the entire sky was swept by the thunder light, forming a huge thunder elemental vortex.

Su Bai was clear.

This time, she was really ready to take the sword.

She planned to use the power of thunder and light in the sky to take Su Bai's sword.

In this way, the sword will not only break the powerful power of thunder and lightning, but also attack Su Bai, causing great damage.

If Su Bai didn't have excellent strength, even if he used 100% empty-handed white blade skills.

will also be injured because they can't stand the power of thunder and lightning.

Once Su Bai is injured, Shadow has room to operate.

And the reason why the previous shadow didn't use such a huge power.

One is that in the castle tower, Shadow doesn't want to destroy the castle tower.

The second is because it is really there, and it is really said that it is up to the point.

So Ying didn't want to hurt Su Bai with a shot.

But Su Bai's words just now had already aroused Ying's desire to win.

This moment.

Shadow decided not to let it anymore.

In her heart, there is only winning and losing.

For the warrior of the shadow.

Life and death don't matter, neither do you kneel or stand.


Warriors cannot be taken lightly.

"I just wanted to test your strength, but since you said so, let's judge by victory or defeat. Shadow spoke.

The real people on the side even understood the intention of the shadow.

"Ei, have you forgotten what I just said?!" Shin hurriedly stopped him.

Rarely, there was a toughness in her tone.

Obviously, what I just said is no longer a question...... Rather, it is an order.

Really ordered the shadow to stop.

Shadow did hesitate, and the power of the thunder in the sky was gradually weakening.

But at this time, Su Bai spoke.

"It doesn't matter. Since you want to fight, today, I will accompany you to have fun. Su Bai said lightly.

It's not that he thinks he can beat 100 percent.

But it is clear that Shadow has a grudge against him in his heart.

Even Shadow may think that the 100% empty-handed white blade he uses is not a good move.

If you don't completely conquer it today.

Shadow doesn't stop easily.

This one.

It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, you are convinced.

Let Ying know that Su Bai is really powerful.

So Su Bai decided to fight with the shadow.

Since he had to be serious, Su Bai naturally didn't need to use those long swords that he took from the air casually.

He threw the unknown sword in his hand to the ground.

Su Bai took out the flowing blade.

I've eaten a lot of food and fought a lot in the past few days.

Su Bai's control of the flowing blade has also improved a lot.

Coupled with the increase in strength, Su Bai's soul power has also improved.

Therefore, at this time, the control of the convection blade is naturally much more proficient than when he fought the demon god Osier.

The power of using it will also be much stronger.

It is precisely because of such confidence in himself that Su Bai dared to respond to this appointment.

Anyway, this one can't escape.

Su Bai thought to himself and looked at the shadow.

The red writing wheel eyes lit up with a fiery red light.

The photon power of the glittering fruit converged in his right hand, and Su Bai's entire right hand also emitted a dazzling golden light.

As Su Bai quickly raised his right hand, he pulled out the flowing blade.

In an instant, the entire arena was surrounded by raging fire.

The temperature rises at this moment.

Blazing flames scorched the earth.

The scorched ground exposed a dry layer of soil, and then quickly split, as if it had gone through a great drought.

Su Bai stood in the firelight, and his whole person was like a red sun.

The strange red of the eyes was even more evil against the raging fire around them.

Such a powerful power of the fire element.

It was as if the whole land was about to be reduced to ashes in one eruption.

Even now, as Inazuma Thor, I'm a little surprised to see it.

"With such a powerful power of the fire elemental, I haven't seen it in anyone other than the god Munata......" I couldn't help but mutter.

Even the Fox Palace, who was still hippie and smiling, couldn't help but put away his smile.

"I originally thought that Su Bai was just strong, but looking at it this way, I'm afraid it's more than strong. Fox Saigong said.

Obviously, at this time, Su Bai's ability to burst out had completely exceeded their expectations.

Moreover, Su Bai seems to have more than one vision.

"Seven Visions, if he has such control over every element, how terrifying his strength must be. Zhen said, looking at the Fox Palace.

Her expression was visibly puzzled.

Fox Saigong understood why he was really puzzled.

Because even the Fox Palace itself has doubts in his head.

"Vision...... Is there really such a strong elemental power?" said Kitsune, glancing down at the Vision on his body.

She was actually too curious.

But before she had time to be curious, Su Bai interrupted her thoughts with a sentence: "Look at the sword".

Because as Su Bai's words fell, Ying knelt uncontrollably, and then clasped his hands together to catch the sword in Su Bai's hand.

That sword is like a flowing blade.

Su Bai didn't use any of the skills of Flowing Blade Ruohuo.

It's just a simple move to be 100% empty-handed and receive the ability to be white-bladed.

Ray Films is clearly ready for it, too.

At the moment of receiving the sword, thunder fell from the sky.

Like a thunder punishment, it kept slashing towards Su Bai.

At that moment, the shadow seemed to turn into thunder and lightning.

Fight against the power of lightning and the power of the blade.

And Su Bai was not idle.

At the moment when the thunder light fell, he used a move "Songming".

But in the blink of an eye, the tornado-shaped flame wall enveloped the thunder movie.

The power of thunder and fire is fighting.

Confrontation with each other, but also integration with each other.

Overload reactions explode everywhere.

The two of them had to withdraw from the martial arts arena.

With such a fierce elemental reaction, if it is blown up, I am afraid it will be enough to choke.

After the two of them retreated to a safe place, they breathed a sigh of relief.

His eyes were fixed on the martial arts arena again.

They seem to want to see who will emerge victorious in this matchup.

However, at this time, there is no result at all.

The thunder and fire that soared into the sky were like a wall, enveloping Su Bai and Lei Movie.

The surroundings were bombed to the ground, and others could not get close to nature and could not see clearly.

The whole land was burned to the ground.

This scene made the two of them anxious.

"If Ei's character can't tell the winner, I'm afraid he won't stop, but no matter who gets hurt, it's not a good thing. "I'm really anxious.

One is a distinguished guest from afar, and the other is his own sister.

I really don't want anyone to get hurt.

So after thinking about it, she said to the Fox Palace on the side: "This battle must be stopped as soon as possible, the Fox Palace finds the right time and goes with me to stop the shadow!"

However, the Fox Palace shook his head and said with a serious face: "I think, the result should be determined soon." "

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