I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 145 My face...recovered?

After dealing with these matters, and seeing that the basement was all right, Bell left temporarily.

But not long after Bell left the room, Hephaestus, who had just been immersed in dreamland, opened her eyes.

Hephaestus, who opened her eyes, did not sit up directly, but looked at the sleeping guy next to her.

"This guy is really big."

Even Hephaestus didn't know whether to use heartless or heartless to describe Hestia.

But after feeling the coolness of her legs, Hephaestus glared fiercely at some idiot who was still asleep. Thinking of the sight she felt just now, Hephaestus didn't know where to put her free feet, and it was embarrassing in short.

Immediately, Hephaestus gave Hestia, who was still sound asleep, a fierce look.

If this idiot hadn't grabbed the quilt with her, she wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"By the way, what was that kid doing in front of me just now?"

At this time, Hephaestus remembered that Bell seemed to be standing beside her bed and didn't know what to do.

The nerves of adventurers are relatively sensitive, so Hephaestus also tried her best to keep herself in a state of sleep just now, which also made her not know what happened just now.

However, Hephaestus vaguely remembered that the hair on the right side of her face seemed to be pulled up.

This memory made Hephaestus subconsciously touch the hair covering her right face.


Hephaestus' hand trembled slightly when she first touched her right face, and she did not touch her mask.

"Where's my mask?"

The mask on her face didn't know where it went, so, when Bell lifted her hair just now, she saw the right side of her face? Hephaestus had a moment of panic for no reason.

The right side of her face was the last place she wanted to be seen.

Because her right face is simply the ugliest thing in the world, and it is also the last thing Hephaestus wants to be seen.

"So, did the child see it?"

Hephaestus subconsciously covered her ugly right face with her hand, but she was stunned when her hand really touched the skin.

"Is the right side of my face so smooth?"

This question made Hephaestus involuntarily come to the spirit, and the hand carefully touched the skin of the right face. The bumpy feel that used to be within reach is completely gone, replaced by the usual smooth skin.

"This, is this true?"

Hephaestus naturally knew what those things on her right face were.

It was something that had been parasitizing her face since she was born.

Once upon a time, she also asked other gods to help her treat her ferocious right face, but any kind of treatment was ineffective, instead it would create a strong curse on the gods who came into contact with her right face.

Over time, Hephaestus gave up on treating her right face.

It was also because of the ugliness of the right face that Hephaestus always wore a mask covering half of her face in order to prevent people from seeing her right face.

But today her right face feels very wrong!

Hephaestus was more careful and touched her right face more carefully. After confirming it again and again, I understand that her face really doesn't have the pitted look that she used to have. This made Hephaestus take a deep breath and carefully sit up from the bed and go to the side of the wardrobe.

Next to the wardrobe was a floor-to-ceiling mirror, which Hestia used to adjust her clothes every morning.

Because Hephaestus does not like to see the right side of her face, she does not actually have any mirrors installed in her residence.

Hephaestus carefully closed his eyes and came to the floor-to-ceiling mirror.

After taking a deep breath, he carefully opened his eyes.

The eye-catching picture made Hephaestus stunned.

Her right face, which used to be hideous and terrifying, has turned into the left face, and it looks so... so ordinary.

"It turned out to be really good..."

Hephaestus couldn't believe her eyes.

Obviously, he had done so much effort in the Heaven Realm in the past, but it had no effect on his right face. But why, today the right side of the face...is that child!?

After Hephaestus' thoughts stagnated for a few seconds, her consciousness finally made her understand who was helping her.

"That kid...he was standing beside my bed to do these things."

Now Hephaestus knew why the child was standing beside her, and everything was to help her heal the right side of her face.

....... ask for flowers‥...

Looking at her bright and jade-like right face, Hephaestus couldn't help showing a bright smile.

There is no goddess who doesn't care about her appearance.

In fact, the mentality of comparison between goddesses is also very serious.

Hephaestus is also the same, but because of the relationship of the right face, she has always suppressed this emotion. That is, since that time, Hephaestus has always put his mind on forging. Although the forging skills are getting better and better, Hephaestus has never been able to forget her right face.

But now that a child from the lower realm has healed her right face, how could Hephaestus not be excited?

Hephaestus looked at her bright and fair right face, but there was a trace of entanglement on her face.

"Then...how should I thank that child?"

"Help him forge a weapon?"

Such an idea was directly denied by Hephaestus.

After all, the "Blade of Hestia" in that child's hand was the most suitable weapon she had given that child. The extra forging is meaningless, and the number of times it is used in ordinary battles is not very large.

As an expert in weapon forging, Hephaestus was even more entangled because she knew this.

Because she's only good at forging weapons and equipment, she won't do anything other than these things. So Hephaestus didn't know how to thank the child at once, or at least find a way to express her emotions.

"Or, give him my blessing?"

But thinking of this, Hephaestus remembered Hestia.

God's blessings are not given directly when they say they are given. The so-called "blessing" is actually an expression of love.

Hephaestus' facial muscles twitched slightly, and then she glanced at Hestia who was still asleep on the bed, she had made a decision.

Since that child gave her something she could never have, how about blessing him with yourself?

"Hestia, I'm just simply giving that child my blessing, it doesn't mean anything."

After doing the corresponding psychological construction, Hephaestus found her trousers and put it on, and walked up to it without thinking too much.

PS: For collection...for flowers...for evaluation 5.

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