I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 146 The Blessing of Hephaestus

Bell, who left the basement, did not choose to go directly to the dungeon as before.

Having been in the dungeon all this time, what he needs is no longer to continue to work hard to accumulate "ability points" in the dungeons. Compared with "ability points", what he needs is fighting skills that match his level.

Of course, another reason for making this decision is that he has completely mastered the 18 rune characters, and the next need to know and understand is not something that can be improved in a short period of time.

Now that the rune script has temporarily reached his upper limit of mastery, he will temporarily focus on other courses that have not yet reached the bottleneck, and pull up other progress first.

Taking out the "Nine Characters Kansada" from the four-dimensional space, Bell first eased his breathing, and did not directly start practicing swordsmanship. What you need to exercise is not to have distracting thoughts in your mind, but to temporarily let go of distracting thoughts in your mind, otherwise the quality of your workout will drop.

Caution is Bell's style of doing things, and adapting to the environment is a life skill that Bell has honed in his last life.

In just a few seconds of breathing, Bell had calmed down.


The calm Bell's ears also heard the footsteps more clearly, which once again broke his calm heart.

The interruption made Bell quickly put away his workout.

"The sound of the footsteps is a little heavy... It's God Hephaestus."

Bell responded immediately.

"Could it be that... God Hephaestus was awake just now?"

"That's not right. If I was awake, I wouldn't be able to feel it."

In fact, Bell had been paying attention to the breathing and heartbeat of God Hephaestus before the action just now, but God Hephaestus did not have strong emotional fluctuations during the whole process.

Although it is still a little embarrassing to face Hephaestus, after all, he really glanced at it just now. But aside from those two eyes, Bell had a clear conscience.

He dared to say that he really did not do anything superfluous.

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps approaching a little bit, the God of Hephaestus in a white shirt and black trousers appeared in front of Bell's eyes.

His eyes subconsciously glanced at those legs.

It was really subconscious, probably because I thought of that picture just now.

But such a glance of Bell was caught by Hephaestus.

"Little bastard.

There was a hint of shyness in the wine-red eyes, and he even rudely called Bell a "pervert".

Bell, whose hearing was good enough, heard it clearly, which made the expression on his face almost unbent.

"Are you awake!?"

Now Bell confirmed that the scene he was staring at was definitely noticed, otherwise God Hephaestus would never have reacted in this way.

Bell quickly eased the embarrassment in his heart, and didn't dare to glance at people casually.

"Good morning to Hephaestus."

"Good morning. 35

Seeing the embarrassment hidden beneath Bell's calm, the smile on Hephaestus' face grew a little thicker. The previous shyness faded a lot at this moment, especially when she knew that the person who took advantage of her was a little boy.

"Looking at how calm you are, it doesn't look like you just looked at my legs.


Bell's expression really couldn't hold back.

"God Hephaestus, it was just an accident. 39

Hephaestus, who was playful at the moment, did not have the initial discomfort, and now she was playful in her heart.

"Does it look good?"

"How do you want me to answer?"

Bell's expression really couldn't hold back, he really didn't know how to answer this question.

It looks really good-looking, and plump, white and tender legs are really good-looking.

But if that's true, isn't it too obscene?

And didn't he just admit that he deliberately looked at Hephaestus' god's leg?



Seeing Bell's entangled expression, Hephaestus couldn't help laughing, and at the same time came to Bell's side little by little. Under Bell's gaze, Hephaestus directly grabbed Bell's neck.

The tall and tall Hephaestus was half a head taller in front of Bell, who had not yet grown up. This action directly caused Bell to be pinched under his armpit, and his face was directly attached to Hephaestus's. on the chest.

It was such an action that made Bell even more afraid to move casually.

You must know that Hephaestus' physique is not inferior to that of Lord God at all. If he turns his head at this moment, it really becomes wretched.

But Hephaestus, who was still a little shy just now, seemed bold, lowered her head and teased in the child's ear......

"Little pervert, you are so courageous, you even keep squinting at my leg."

"...God Hephaestus, I said it was an accident, do you believe it?"

"Once I believed it. But the second time, should I believe it?"

Hephaestus felt her eyes stop on her lap twice just now.

"She's really awake!?"

Now Bell was pretty sure Hephaestus had a bit of a fishing slant.

At this moment, Hephaestus was admiring the tangle on Bell's face, which made Hephaestus understand Loki's interest a little bit. That guy usually bullies people like this, probably because he wants to see such emotions.

But Hephaestus is not so bad taste.

After slightly puffing out her chest, Hephaestus lowered her head and leaned into Bell's ear.

"However, since you helped me solve the problem of the right face, this time will not be the case. 35

This sentence really made Bell relieved, he thought Hephaestus really wanted to settle accounts with him.

A slight smile appeared on Hephaestus' face. While the child was relaxing, her head quickly moved closer, and her bright red lips touched the child's tender face gently.


A very simple cheek kiss does not last very long, just for a short time.

But just like that, Bell was completely stunned.


"What happened just now?"

Hefeis 0.5 Toss wine-red eyes were a little more tender, and this was the first time she had given such a blessing to a child in the lower realm.

What made her even more unexpected was that the child she blessed was not her own child, but the child of her good friend.

"This is the blessing of the gods to the lower world's favorite human beings. The kiss of the goddess can only be given to one person."

"Remember this memory well.

After saying this, Hephaestus turned and walked towards the church.

She put her hands behind her back, a bright smile on her face, and the moment she turned her head, there was some unusual blush on her face.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced behind his back, and found that the child was still dumbfounded.

With a smile in the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help but scolded lightly.

"What a little bitch.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation

PS: Well, today's second update will be a little later, maybe it will be better tomorrow if you please.

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