I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 198 Remember, This Is Charity

Lili Luca, who was paralyzed on the ground, did not raise her head, listening to the screams not far away gradually subsided, and a cruel smile appeared on her face.

"Lily doesn't have anything about what an adventurer-sama wants."

"No, you have. It's just that you don't know it. ”

Bell looked down at Lili Luca, it can only be said that it was fate, otherwise how did this kind of thing happen to this little Terran girl?

However, he didn't care if it was an arrangement of fate, but he only helped this little Terran girl once.

In the man-eating city of Olali, both as an adventurer and a supporter, you need to bear the possibility of dying at any time.

If such a thing happens next time, then it will only be a few days late for this little Terran girl.

Without too much explanation, Bell directly raised his hand to draw and wrote that the words of Lune turned into shackles to control Lili Luca's body.

I took out a potion bottle and made a lot of sealing measures in the bottle.

Bell's hand then came close to Lili Luca's heart.

A rune text appeared in the palm of Bell's hand, and as Bell's hand began to rotate rapidly counterclockwise.

"This... This is...."

Lili Luca didn't know the meaning of the Lune text, but she knew that something that was popular in Olali recently was the rune stone engraved with this special word: "Even the cheapest rune stone will sell for a high price of 100,000 Faris on the day."

At this moment, Lili Luca knew the identity of the person in front of her.

This person is the nameless maker who has always been hiding behind the Faith Toth family.

Before she could think about it, the spinning rune text took on some special traction and stabbed straight into her heart.

Just when Lili Luca thought she was going to die, she didn't feel any pain.

"Isn't this trying to kill Lily?"

But she took it for granted in the next second.

"If you really want to kill Lili, you don't have to bother, wouldn't it be better to be eaten by killing ants like those people?"

"It's not to kill Lily, what is this going to do?"

The answer to this question was soon available to Lily Luca.

Under that inexplicable traction, a black qi that was affected by traction was pulled out of her heart.

This scene made Lililuka's eyes widen, she didn't know that she still had such a thing on her.

"Sure enough."

"It's the poison of greed."

When Bell saw this thing, he knew that he was right.

Continue to guide the black gas into the bottle, and the black gas does not have any resistance, but is obediently guided into the bottle, like the "poison of jealousy".

After the last point was sealed in the bottle, Bell completely set the bottle with a full seal, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"After the poison of jealousy, there is another poison of greed, and I don't know if other sins will appear one by one."

Bell has no answer to this question.

This play appeared on the right cheek of God on Faith, and now in Lililuka Oder's heart, God knows if other sins will appear in the middle of nowhere.

It's just that Lili Luca Ed's body is the poison of greed, which makes Bell not very surprised.

In such a chaotic world, the desire to find a place to make peace of mind is to make money for the Sumo family, which has to be said to be a joke.

However, in this case, the villain girl may not be attached to the "poison of greed", but the "poison of arrogance".

Perhaps the reason why it is the "poison of greed" lies in the unrealistic delusions and continuous efforts of this little Terran girl, even if she is deep in darkness, she must constantly crawl into the light.

In a sense, it's simply greedy.

"I met you three times in the dungeon, the first time was with those guys~".

"The second time is when you kill those adventurers."

"And today is the third time, abandoned like bait."

Bell didn't have any mockery, nor did he speak coldly, but just said very calmly.

"Has the dream woken up?"

"I thought I could save enough money under the noses of those insatiable people to get out of the dream of the Sumo family.


Lililuka bit the corner of her mouth desperately, her hand clutching the ground tightly.

She herself knew that this was a dream, in fact she could not get out of the Sumo clan by giving money, and the insatiable guys would only find her valuable and continue to oppress her until she was completely abandoned.

"Freedom is never something that the persecuted can expect, that is the right of the strong."

"What kind of value do you have yourself?"

"Who should you show yourself worth?"

"So, what kind of ability do you have to show?"

My Worth..........

Lililuka clutched these words desperately, she knew that this person was right, she couldn't get out of the Sumo family by herself, even if she saved enough money.

Detachment from dependents requires the approval of the Lord God.

So how can she be approved by the Lord God?

So how can she meet the Lord God and get the Lord God to approve her detachment?

I have no comment on what you do, no matter what the means, everyone lives differently. ”

"Whether it is an adventurer or a supporter, in the end, they just walk up on a pile of bones, and no one thinks anyone is dirtier."

"However, it is the strong who can survive."

"So, I'll let you go this time."

"Remember, this is a handout from the strong to the weak, don't think there will be a next time."

Speaking of which, the restraints on Liluka's body disappeared.

Also disappearing was the person who saw the face just now in front of her.

But there is one sentence that still remains in this space.

"You have a minute to escape from this floor."

Lili Luca immediately stood up with her hands propped up on her body.

Glancing at the adventurer who had been eaten by man-eating ants to the point where only half of his flesh and blood remained, she immediately saw the hand holding the key to her vault.

But the corpse was surrounded by man-eating ants, and she was also afraid.

"Can't hesitate any longer!"

After a pause of nearly ten seconds, Lililuka gritted her teeth and stomped on the man-eating ant's body.

Almost against the fear in his heart, he came to the wreckage's side as quickly as possible.

She wanted to break the hand hard, but when she started it, she realized how tightly it was grasping.

"I don't have that much time."

After some more delays, Lililuka couldn't help but cut off the hand directly with the knife on her body.

Grab the severed hand and rush out quickly.

At this moment, she had only one belief in her heart.

"I want to live!"

It made her step faster.

Especially after hearing the sound of a large number of man-eating ants behind her, she rushed forward desperately.

PS: Please collect........ Beg. Fresh flowers............. Ask for reviews.

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