I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 199 Lily Luca's Final Choice

Lili Luca, who fled from the fourth floor in embarrassment, did not relax at all.

Because she knew that the Su Mo family was a guillotine hanging over her head, which could kill her at any time.

If it had been before, perhaps she would have believed that she could break away from the Sumo family if she had saved enough money.

But the "dream" had been smashed, and she knew that it was just an unrealistic dream.

Regardless of whether she has saved enough money to get out of the Su Mo family, as long as she is alive, it is impossible for her to leave the Su family members.

"Dreams... It's just a dream of mine."

Lili Luca still remembers the scene in the dungeon where she was lifted up by the bastards and thrown into the cannibal ant colony as bait.

The pain on her face was still reminding her of the reality just now, making her once again sure that her dream was completely shattered.

She silently came to the outside corner of the entrance to the dungeon and sat down against the wall.

"I survived."

Yes, she crawled out of hell.

I thought she would definitely die, but she was let go.

Lili Luca never looked at the man's face, perhaps not seeing it was one of the reasons she could survive.

"But my hopes were completely shattered.130

Tears unconsciously fell from my eyes.

Lily Luca didn't even know what she should do now.

Is the money you have accumulated still useful? Originally, she had saved it to get out, but now that she understood that the money could not allow her to escape from this cannibalistic place, was the money still useful?

"This is a handout from the strong to the weak, don't think there is a second time."

The voice of the person unconsciously echoed in her ears, and Lililuka gritted her teeth and wiped the tears from her face.

She knew that she had to escape from the demon cave of the Sumo clan, which was not a place where people could stay.

"But do I have someone to rely on?"

Go to the Lord God?

Stop laughing at the dead.

If the Lord God was really willing to take care of them, the entire family would not be the head of the group.

But if even the Lord God can't do it, then how can she get rid of the Suda family?

Even if she had made up her mind to break away from the Sumo clan, she did not have such conditions from the beginning.

"No matter which family you join, you need to get the consent of the Lord God in the end."

"But how can I persuade the Lord God to let me leave my family?"

"No, to be precise, I may not even be able to see the Lord God."

If you think about it carefully, she meets with the main god very rarely, and even if she updates the "ability value", she needs to wait for a long time, because her main god is intoxicated with brewing wine, and she has a disregarding attitude towards the dependents.

If the Lord God could manage the dependents, he would not have allowed the dependents to develop to this point.

This reality really made Lili Luca feel unstoppable.

She wanted to speak her words to the Lord God, hoping that the Lord God would listen to her request, but now she was not even qualified to speak to the Lord God.

She became very sad again.

As the man said, she needs to show her worth, but there is no place to show her self-worth.

Lililuka looked at the key in her palm blankly, and finally she clenched the key tightly.

"The strong give alms to the weak only once............. Then, I will seize this opportunity."

Yes, Lili Luca remembered, she still had someone to rely on.

Although she didn't know if the other party could give her dependence, her past accumulation might give her such an opportunity.

And the only chance.

However, this requires enlightenment.

Lililuka, who has always been very concerned about wealth, looked at the key in her hand, and the reluctance in her heart turned into firmness.

The road of the past is completely broken.

It's like a mirror.

But now she still hopes to withdraw from the Sumo clan, so all she needs to do is show her consciousness and use all the goose that can be used.

Moreover, the situation in front of us is already a desperate situation.

Circumstances have forced her to make a decision to sink the boat.

Having made her decision, Lili Luca grabbed the key in her hand and went to the vault where she stored all her possessions.

Since this money cannot redeem her, then she must use this money to meet certain conditions for herself.

At this moment, the Loki family is preparing for a banquet.

Just a few hours ago, the Loki clan ended the war game with the Apollo clan, and as all the gods imagined, this game was really just a cutscene.

The end result is still the same Loki victory.

But Apollo also saved the last face.

Fighting against the "Sword Ji" and "Brave" with the power of a dependent, and even maintaining the advantage for a period of time, such a result can already be regarded as a tribute to Apollo.

Although the final result was to pay the price of two dependents and the robbery of all the property by Loki, at least Loki was not so ruthless as to rob the territory of the Apollo family, so this time Apollo only paid the liquidity of his own family.

500 million Faris.

Even if it does not fill the financial hole of the Upper Loki family, it can at least be replenished to a certain extent by the few funds left by the family.

And in Loki's room, two young girls who have just been pulled into the family are working on the data basis.


Loki couldn't help but look at the child in front of him with drool.

"Tsk~ the way you look in clothes doesn't look like a good figure, I didn't expect you to take off your clothes to be so material."

Loki is very patient with cute and well-built girls.

Especially the child in front of him, in terms of figure, is simply better than Riveria.

The white back muscles were sparkling like jewels under the yellowstone lights.

Holding her clothes wrapped around her chest, Kashan's Dalla listened to the voice behind her and the strange sight, making her tremble all over.


Riveria, who couldn't stand watching from the side, directly aimed a fist at Loki's head and smashed it.

"Don't show your anxious look in front of the people you just joined!"

"What the hell did you recruit people for?"

Speaking of this purpose, Loki, who had just been beaten, immediately raised his head.

"Of course, because these two children are so cute!"

This answer without hesitation made the blue muscles in Riveria's forehead burst out, and she really couldn't hold back her fist and went straight over.


Does this bastard Loki really think that recruiting dependents is a choice of concubines?

PS: Please collect........ Beg. Fresh flowers............. Ask for reviews.

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