I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 201 Please Help Me For The Sake Of My Family

The time goes back fifteen minutes.

The Loki family members are in full swing preparing for the banquet, and Lili Luca has also arrived at the door of the Loki family with all her possessions.

After approaching, Lililuka's arrival attracted the attention of the doorman, and Lililuka unabashedly pulled off her hood, revealing her identity as a villain

"Lord Adventurer, I want to find the "brave" of the Lillidian."

The doorman looked at the injury on the face of the little human in front of him, and the determined momentum emanating from her whole body, and he was also a little stunned.

"What's the matter with you looking for the head of the regiment?"

....... I hope that the "brave" adults can give me some help for the sake of their own people, I can't live anymore. ”

Looking at the little human in front of him, considering the identity of the group leader small human and what the group leader was doing all the time, he knew that he could not drive people away.

"Vader, come over and see Thunder. ”

After ordering his companion, the guard turned to look at the little human in front of him.

"You wait here."

The doorman soon walked into the family.

Now a celebratory banquet is being prepared within the Loki family, and Finn, as the head of the group, is arranging their respective work.

While Finn was busy, the doorman guarding the door today rushed in.


"There is a little Terran outside the door who wants to ask you for help, saying that for the sake of the same clan, give her some help."

Finn's subordinates moved slightly, "These words are really a bit serious for the sake of the same clan."

If he hadn't been cornered, it didn't seem like he would have taken the initiative to find him.

"For the sake of the same race...

Finn has some helplessness and sadness in his heart, and the villains are still on the weak side in Olali.

However, he still put down the ribbon in his hand.


"Coming, Commander!"

Like a gust of wind, the wheat-colored figure that had just disappeared suddenly came to Finn, accompanied by a strong fragrant wind and the fanatical love.

"You really don't have to exaggerate."

Always facing Thiogne's undisguised pursuit, Finn has long been accustomed to the situation, so he gave the ribbon to Thiorge after a slight complaint in his heart.

"Tionne, I have some things to do, can I leave the rest to you?"

Tiogne's eyes lit up, and she would never refuse the things requested by the regiment leader, and immediately reached out to grab the regiment leader's hand.

"Leave it to me, Commander

The suspicious sound of waves made Finn look helpless, he had long been accustomed to this kind of taking advantage of Tionne.

After wasting a lot of strength to pull his hand out, Finn turned around with a helpless smile.

"Let's go."

The doorman nodded and took the lead towards the door.

Soon, Finn saw the kindred of the little human who had taken off his hood and stood in the doorway, and the abrasions on his face should have been caused by rubbing against the ground.

However, Finn found that there was no fear and despair in the eyes of this kindred, only clear and firm determination.

"It seems that my people are not simply coming to me for help."

Finn couldn't help but think about it, he wanted to hear what this clan had come to him for.

This thought made him unconsciously speed up his pace.

And Lili Luca also officially met the person in the villain who stood at the highest point but was still moving forward, "Brave" Finn Dimna.

Lililuka took a deep breath and then took a bag containing all her belongings from her arms.

"Here is all the money I've saved over the years, not very much, maybe 8 million Faris. 11

"Lord Brave, I hope you can help me for the sake of your kindred."

Finn glanced at the girl of the same race, and he understood that this girl was not an adventurer, but a supporter.

8 million Faris, a supporter may have done a lot to save such a sum of money.

But this girl of the same race took out all her savings.

Finn knew that this girl of the same race must have been prepared enough.

He did not refuse, but directly took the bag.

Lililuka breathed a sigh of relief and bent down to thank her.

"Thank you."

Looking at the humility of the girl of the same race, Finn's mood was slightly complicated.

"Let's talk first."

“...... Thank you. ”

Lili Luca raised her head, this time she was not in tears, this was the decision she had made, and it was the change she wanted to make herself, there was no reason to cry.

They followed them into the inner gate of the dependents.

Finn led the people towards the inner courtyard, and now this girl of the same race should have a lot to say to him, and he also had a lot of things to ask.0

Today, because the Loki family is preparing a banquet inside, there are only two people in the courtyard, Finn and Lili Luca, which belongs to a quiet place to talk.

It must be hard work for such a sum of money from the supporter, right?"

Lili Luca could hear that the "brave" must have guessed what she was doing, but she didn't care anymore.

"yes, did a lot of things that shouldn't have been done."

"Stealing the adventurers' things, even killing the adventurers for money, and finally picking up their things and selling them. 17

"I did a lot of dirty things, and because of my selfishness, I indirectly killed thirteen adventurers."

If it was in the past, Lili Luca would definitely not want to talk about her black history.

But now it doesn't matter, there is only one road left for her, if it doesn't work, then she is no different from dying directly.

"Lily is a dirty person, so dirty that she doesn't even have the qualifications to live."

But because of this, Lily survived even more.

"Having done so many dirty things and getting her hands stained with blood, Lily just wants to live."

Speaking of this, Lili Luca's eyes turned red.

She looked up at the moon in the sky, she hadn't looked at it for a long time, because she knew that she would never be able to touch the bright moon, she would always be deep in the darkness of the night.

"The supporter really doesn't have any status."

"Help the adventurer 3.2 adults carry all kinds of things, help the adventurer adults peel the magic stones in the monster's body, but no matter how hard you try, the final result is only one percent of the income, or even lower."

"The reason is because the supporters are not involved in the battle."

This is her most personal experience.

This is her life as a supporter.

"I didn't complain so much at first, because Lord Adventurer is right, the supporter just didn't participate in the battle, even if the daily gain is small Lily I can accept."

"But sometimes the adventurer even comes to blackmail Lily, saying 'you have to thank me for taking you to the dungeon', and then openly deprives Lily of the fruits of her labor."

"But Lily has her own purpose.

So, Lily began to attack the adventurer-sama.

PS: Please collect... Ask for flowers.......... Ask for reviews.

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