I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 202 The Real Situation Of The Soma Family

"It really goes bad very quickly, but Lily began to get used to stealing from the adventurer lords, and even began to find ways to kill those adventurer lords."

The corners of Lililuka's mouth couldn't help but raise a trace of arc, which was really ironic.

She is a person who works hard to survive, and in the end she can only choose to kill.

Even an adventurer like her, who does not have much power, can deal a fatal blow to the adventurer in danger in the dungeon.

She gave a lot to survive.

But now she doesn't just want to live, she wants to live of her own will.

Therefore, she must not forget what she did in the past, and she needs to continue to live in this capacity, even if her hands are stained with blood.

"Lord Brave may not know that our little people are inferior to ordinary adventurers in terms of hard conditions."

"Lily wants to work hard, but I don't have the talent and ability to be a brave man.

"And Lili has been in the Sumo family since birth, and I didn't have any choice from the beginning."

"Lili never felt that the Sumo family was so bad before, but since I grew up, the family is simply a demon cave in my eyes."

"Even Lily's parents 10..."

Lili Luca closed her eyes in pain, she didn't want to think about it.

She still felt in her heart that the Sumo family could raise her, but the more she did so, the more she wanted to escape from here.

If she could be given a chance, Lililuka really didn't want to be born in the Sumo clan, but it wasn't a choice she could make.

The Sumo family is simply the source of her suffering.

If she hadn't been born in the Sumo family and hadn't become a supporter in the first place, she might have had a better life than she does now.

Unfortunately, she knows that she does not have the ability to choose her own life, so this is just the expectation in her heart.

"Call your dependents an abyss?"

"What happened to the Sumo family?"

Finn didn't think that the girl in front of her was lying, the firmness and determination revealed in those eyes said it all, she was not lying.

Therefore, it is the Sumo family who have problems.

Lili Luca sighed slightly.

"Every adventurer and supporter who enters the Sumo clan will be given a small amount of divine wine, and after drinking that, the whole person will be fluttering and completely intoxicated, and Lili was the same."

"After reaching a certain age, he became a supporter, and then he was tricked into drinking divine wine, and even became addicted to divine wine for a time."

"That's just a means to make us adventurers and supporters work harder to make money, and that divine wine is to make those who have just joined become slaves to divine wine."

Finn's mind sank slightly, he didn't expect that the Sumo family would use this method to control the adventurers.

Lililuka recalled the original taste, and deep down she also had a strong resistance and fear of divine wine.

"It's a taste that completely breaks people's bodies and minds, and just a little bit will make people completely shattered."

"Divine Wine has a strong addictive ability, as long as the adventurers who join the Sumo Clan are addicted to Divine Wine before entering the Clan, so they can do anything to be able to drink Divine Wine.

"Every month, the divine wine in the family is limited, so only those who have more money can drink it. It is precisely because of such rules that adventurers often compete with each other for money and even killers in the dependents.

Thinking of the bloody battles that often occur within the family, Lililuka still feels terrified.

For the sake of divine wine, even people who have known each other for a long time can kill without hesitation.

Lililuka was very sure that most of the Sumo family, except for a few people, were crazy people who could do anything for the sake of divine wine.

"Is it for the divine wine brewed by the god Sumo?"

"Yes, it is for the divine wine brewed by the Lord God."

Finn took a deep breath, he really realized how bad the situation inside the Sioux was this time.

If even the adventurers in the family would compete and fight each other over money, then he could fully imagine more dirty things happening in the Sumo family.

"God Sumo actually made things to this point?"

The level of this kind of thing is not low at all.

"Lord Brave, I think you are thinking wrong."

Finn retracted his thoughts slightly, did he think about it?

"The Lord God has no idea about dependents, not even the Lord God wants to control us.

"The god of wine, who has always been intoxicated with winemaking, does not care at all about who helped him buy the materials for winemaking, and even the relatives go to the main god at all, he just immerses himself in winemaking."

Once upon a time, Lililuka also felt that the Lord God wanted to control them, but the longer she stayed in the Sumo family, she gradually began to understand that "the Lord God is not even interested in controlling them."

"The Lord God does not care about the process, he only pays attention to the result."

"What kind of ability we have The Lord God never asks, and even when we update the "ability value", the Lord God does not care what kind of power we awaken


Finn's eyelids jumped wildly, in a sense, God Sumo was not doing anything, but it was obvious that God Sumo's attitude towards his relatives was completely indifferent.

This made Finn shake his head slightly.

"No wonder the family has made such a fuss inside."

Dependents do not administer.

The situation of mutual fighting within the dependents was not stopped, but they watched coldly from the side [it is no wonder that there is such a bad internal situation of the Sumo family.

"Isn't it for the sake of divine wine?"

"That's why I work so hard to save money."

Laughing self-deprecatingly, Lili Luca looked down on herself, because she couldn't see through such a simple thing?

"The reason why I tried to save money was just to use this money to get out of the Sumo family."

Lililuka sighed, once she had such naïve thoughts, but with the passage of time, she lost such naivety.

"There is a problem with divine wine, and I understand it after a certain period of time, so I tried hard not to drink divine wine and also controlled my addiction problem."

"So it is."

"For our life and death, the Lord God may not care at all."

PS: My question, my question, I was negligent when I read the character profile before.

663 "Yes........ If the Lord God is willing to make a move, then the family will not be so bad. ’

Now Finn finally understood why this girl of the same race would work so hard to save money, even if it was to get her hands bloody.

In the face of Lord Brave's question, Lililuka just shook her head slightly.

"But the Lord God has always been a disregard for everything."

As a result, she was teased like an idiot for so many years.

Finn looked at the girl of the same race in front of him, if this was the case with the Sumo family, then it would not be her problem that this girl of the same race would become like this.

"It's just that I also understood in the dungeon today that they never fulfill their promises."

"The so-called payment can free me from the promise of my family, but it is just to allow me to continue to save money."

"If God Sumo can take control, it won't make the internal situation so bad.

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