I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 204 I Want This Child

"Loki, you know?"

"Which god doesn't know about that otaku?"

Loki was also very speechless about the otaku.

"That guy Su Mo usually stays at home like this when he is in the Celestial Realm, and the only time he goes out is when he collects sake brewing materials, and he never cares about things other than sake brewing."

"After the Nether, this style of doing things has intensified.

"Because his divine power was sealed, he couldn't go out by himself to collect the materials for brewing, so that guy let his children collect it."

"That guy doesn't care about anything else, as long as his children can collect enough brewing materials, he will give some of the divine wine he brewed to his children. Of course, for that guy, it's just a matter of eliminating inventory. ”

"After all, the otaku himself knows that if he wants his children to work hard to collect materials, he needs a certain reward, so he will take out the brewed divine wine to reward his children every time."

"It's just that that guy's wine-making skills are too good, even if the divine wine itself does not have any superfluous characteristics, it will make the children of the Nether unable to bear the "drunkenness" in it. Everyone was overly fascinated by divine wine, as if they had taken drugs. ”

This is also where Loki is speechless to that otaku.

Wouldn't you brew some wine that Nether kids can drink as a reward?

What a fart trick!

Although these are all things Loki said to the house 257 man, with her understanding of the otaku, the otaku will not pay attention to this question.

So Loki is an attitude towards the behavior of that otaku, too lazy to pay attention.

Anyway, the person who was confused by divine wine is not her child, what does it mean that she is fine?

And she knows that the dead otaku will not change his attitude even if he is hit once or twice, and unless it is to fundamentally reverse his perception, the otaku will never change.

"Your kindred is lucky to be able to grow up safely in that otaku's family.

"If you're unlucky, you may have to take it for money."

Loki unceremoniously mentioned another possibility, but this possibility made Finn feel even more terrifying.

He covered his head and decided to calm down first.

After finally calming down, Finn felt that the other party might be the right thing to do to find him.

Such a thing is not something that can be done by a girl of the same race like duckweed in the Sumo tribe.

"It's even worse than I thought."

Loki sighed and nodded slightly.

"If it's the kid under that otaku [that's really bace] bad enough.

"Then, your kindred came to you for help, hoping that you would pull him out of that otaku?"

Finn shook his head slightly, in fact, he thought so at first.

"I thought about it at the beginning, but all she wanted my help was to bring her to God Sumo."


Loki's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Does that kid still want to use what he said to convince that dead-headed otaku that he can't succeed?"

"It's impossible! If that otaku can be obedient, that guy will not be an otaku all the time.

It seemed to Loki that it was almost unrealistic to want the otaku to relax, and then Loki reacted to one thing.

"Ah, that's why you called me out."

And at this time Finn changed an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry Loki, although I don't know the character of God Sumo, I also know from her description just now that it is difficult to make God Sumo change his mind just by words.

"I can't take care of all the little people, but I really can't help the little people who came to my side to ask for help because of survival problems."

Loki wasn't very disgusted by this either, because usually Finn rarely asked her for help, so she wouldn't let go of this opportunity.

Sometimes it is still necessary to show the ability of your main god, otherwise the family members are too capable, and it will seem that she is too useless as the main god.

"Well, it's okay once or twice in a while, after all, you don't usually ask me for help."

"Also, I'm a little interested in that kindred of yours."

Finn looked "really so", he was not very surprised that Loki had such an idea, it should be said that this is Loki's character.

In fact, Finn also admired the consciousness of the girl of the same race.

The sinking of the past is actually nothing, only true enlightenment can prompt the villains to stand up completely one by one.

Therefore, Finn realized early on that it was useless for the villains to stand up alone, and he also needed to help other villains stand up, so that they could spread outward from ten points.

And the enlightenment of the girl of the same race also gave Finn a part of hope.

"Let's go, go see your kindred."

Loki interrupted Finn's thoughts and led the way to the outside of the annex.

On the courtyard seat, Lili Luca sat quietly until she saw the brave man who had returned, and a red-haired girl walking beside him, and she quickly got up from her seat.

Even the most uninformed adventurer will know that the other party is the god of King's Landing Olali, and the main god of the Loki family, the god Loki.

Loki naturally saw the behavior of this little Terran girl, and already had a slight impression of this child in his heart.

"Hello, Loki God."

Lili Luca bent down respectfully, she knew what kind of person she needed respect.

"You just came to find out the child born in the Sumo family?"


"It's really thanks to you that you can survive that otaku's family."

This is a bit excessive, and it is such a sentence, if it is in the past, it has definitely stimulated Lili Luca's nerves.

But now she accepted.

Taking a step back slightly, she raised her head, and there was no fear in those eyes.

"So Lily is very thankful to God Lord for letting Lily live."

"Although I don't know what happened when I was young, Lili knows that it must be the mercy of Lord God's subordinates, which is what allowed Lily to survive."

Lililuka knew this very well, so she hated the Sumo family in her heart, but she couldn't hate the main god.

"But Lily wants to live, so Lily also hopes to leave the family."


Looking at the child in front of him, Luki suddenly found the sparkle in the child in front of him.

"Obviously deep in darkness, but still want to get out of that darkness?"

"It's really bad, I want such a child."

Loki is actually very casual in the choice of dependents, which is like her identity as an evil god.

She is not like some person pretending to be a blue pool, she does not have the ability to see through the color of the soul, but she has the ability to see the sparkle of a person.

"Finn is really a bad eye, I knew that I would take a fancy to this child, and he even brought me over."

But the result is not bad.

For such a child with a shining point, it really poked her XP.

PS: Please collect........ Asking for flowers............ Ask for reviews.

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