I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 205 Loki Who Was Almost Pissed To Death

"Boom !!!"

The door of the Sumo family was kicked open with a kick.

This movement directly alarmed all the dependents in the territory.


"Who did it in our Sumo family?"

One by one, their dependents ran out of the house, their mouths roaring unceremoniously, and they directly picked up weapons in their hands.

But after rushing out, after seeing the intruder through the moonlight, all the people who spoke were like ducks stuck in their necks and could not say a word.

"It's the old lady me!"

That's right, the person who appeared domineering and directly kicked open the door of the Sumo family is Olali's most beautiful god~, Loki.

"Dead otaku, the old lady is looking for you!"

Taking arrogant steps, Loki completely ignored the eyes of the people around him and walked in step by step.

And the reason why she is so arrogant is naturally to look at the teenager with the golden gun standing behind her.

One of the three Lv.6s in the Loki family, and the person who stands at the apex of the Lillihuman is Eulari, the brave Finn Dimna.

Looking at the fierce cold aura emanating from the golden gun, everyone realized a little.

"The comer is not good!?"

Otherwise, who broke into someone else's family at night with LV.6 in his own family?

But everyone around had no ability to speak.

Because everyone doesn't want to frown at this time.

But through the moonlight, everyone soon saw another familiar figure standing beside the "brave".

"She.......... Isn't it Ed?"

The person next to him pushed him with his elbow, and a look made him choose to shut up.

Yes, after all, it is a supporter in the dependents, and they are all the objects that everyone chooses to bully, and they can't help who that person is.

What's more, the figure has not covered his head with a hood tonight, isn't it easier to identify?

Since Ode appeared behind the god Loki, isn't the reason for appearing at this time obvious?

Today is the day of reckoning.

"Lily Carbon, are you in a better mood?"

Loki, who was walking in front, suddenly asked.

"It's false to say that there is none."

Looking at the looks of those who had bullied Lily in the past who didn't even dare to say a word, Lili also had a feeling of relief.

Lili Luca did not pretentiously say that she did not have that kind of thought, in fact, she was really relieved, and the breath she had held for more than ten years seemed to be vented cleanly.

"Hahaha, this is good, if you always hold it, you will always make yourself very uncomfortable one day."

Loki laughed and was even glad to hear Lily Luca's answer just now.

"Little girl, you are not the age to hold it yet. You have been holding back for too long in this otaku family, and there is nothing wrong with venting once in a while.

"Finn is here today, do you see which one dares to do it?"

A look of contempt and disdain swept over the entire family, and Loki snorted coldly in his heart.

"To be able to make your own child look like this, that otaku is really enough."

In fact, most of the children in the Nether are pure white, but because of the different environments and different life forms, they are dyed with a variety of colors.

Gods are like connoisseurs, they choose to dye different colors on different children, and the connoisseur's interest will also affect the colors that different children are dyed.

Just like her family, she likes to guide her children in a better direction and dye their own wonderful colors.

Her old rival Freya indulges her children and allows her children to dye at will, but she is still guided by Freya's charm, which is a competitive and benign development.

But this otaku's dependents are simply dirty to the end.

Every child's color is completely black, except for Lily Carbon, who hovers on the edge of black, and the other children are almost immersed in black.

Even Loki looked at it with some displeasure.

She decided today that she must pull out the otaku from Sumo.

No matter what, Lili's child can't continue to stay in this black abyss.

Soon Loki led people to Sumo's door.

Loki lifted his foot, a kick completely uncontrollable.


The tightened door was kicked open, and through and Shiki could see the picture inside the room.

Dressed in a white robe, Su Mo is stirring there with a stick, seemingly in the process of brewing sake.

"Otaku, the old lady has come to you."

The sudden disturbance made Su Mo's hand stop stirring, which made Su Mo's brows frown slightly, and the emotional fluctuations also affected the wine, which completely destroyed the wine he prepared.

Sumo, who noticed this, turned his head to look at Loki, who suddenly broke in.

·0 Ask for flowers.....

The long hair almost covered half of Su Mo's face, and his eyes could hardly see, nor could he see any emotional fluctuations on his face, but was full of puzzlement.

"Loki, are you in trouble?"

These words, which had almost no emotional fluctuations, made the imposing Loki choke.

"That's why I don't want to meet this dead otaku."

Complaining once again, Loki continued to put on an attitude of looking for trouble.

"Are you still kind enough to say? It's not something your dependents have made trouble with. ”


Sumo continued to tilt his head, still unable to understand the meaning of Loki's words.

"Their goal is only divine wine, can they make trouble to you again?"

"I said you, you really don't care about your dependents at all!"


“...... Why should I leave them alone?"

Sumo didn't understand why Loki was angry, just because he didn't care about the family? What is the reason for this?

"Their purpose is for the sake of divine wine, and I gave them expectations, isn't it enough?"

In Sumo's opinion, he had done enough as the Lord God.

Sumo prefers to study winemaking than his worthless dependents.

"Just your method is called management? Do you know that because of your problems, your child is about to not survive. ”

Looking at Su Mo, who didn't care, the fire in Loki's stomach soared.

"Is it? So what?"

"You guy..."

At this time, Loki really couldn't help but start fiercely to stage a set of all-martial arts for Su Mo, and Su Mo reacted to the reason why Loki was angry.

"So, you're angry because of those worthless children?"

"Worthless......... That's what you call your children?"

"Isn't it?"

Facing Loki's eyes that were about to burst into flames, Su Mo was still as expressionless as he had just now.

"I would indulge in the superficial family of divine wine, why should I care?"

Loki's cheeks twitched a few times, and she really felt her fist harden, because she was looking at Su Mo's look of course.

Lililuka, who was standing behind, was also uncomfortable listening to the Lord God's words, and she touched her fist and took a step forward.

"Lord God, Lili wants to break away from the Sumo clan."

PS: Please collect.............ask for flowers........ Ask for mountain prices.

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