I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 206 Please Don't Give Up On Us!

"Lord God, Lili wants to break away from the Sumo clan."

These words made Su Mo look away, and then looked at Loki.

"So, that's what you're for?"

"Then do you think I'm looking for you?"

Su Mo nodded slightly, this is like what Loki would say, usually they don't have much intersection, so they won't appear in front of him for such a reason.

"In that case, then I don't agree."

Loki, who had been waiting for Su Mo to directly say "agree" and pull down, now froze all over.

"Huh? Su Mo, are you an otaku and don't give me face like this?"

"Why should I give you face?"

Just with these words, Loki's expression began to twitch, and she stepped forward and grabbed Su Mo's collar directly.

"Then do you believe me to kill you?"

"Then why don't you get it?"

Su Mo's words were like deliberately teasing Loki's nerves, "five six three", so that Loki, who was strong enough to bear it, was almost not angry with this sentence.

"I....... You.........."

Loki's face turned red with anger, while Su Mo looked at Loki with a red face without expression.

He just didn't know why Loki was angry, and it was Loki who said something like killing him, but why she didn't seem to be able to move her hands.

Finn was also helpless to watch from behind, but now he was more sure of the situation of God Suda.

"It really doesn't look like this Lord God will persecute his dependents."

From the logic of behavior, it can be seen that God Sumo does not have such an idea, he simply believes that even the divine wine cannot resist the dependents have no meaning of existence.

However, Finn does not deny that the god Sumo who is so recognized is also the most dangerous type of gods now.

To put it mildly, even now, God Sumo does not have the appearance that a main god should have, and he does not give any guidance to his dependents at all, which is completely laissez-faire freedom.

In fact, as long as the god Sumo slightly regulates the dependents, the Sumo dependents will not become what they are now.

Unfortunately, the god Sumo seems to regard whether or not he can resist the attraction of divine wine as a kind of distinguishing whether it is meaningful to distinguish whether or not it is a dependent.

It was precisely because no one resisted the charm of divine wine that God Sumo was too lazy to pay attention to the dependents.

But because of this, it is actually more headache.

Lili Luca, who had calmed her emotions, stepped forward again.

This time facing Lord God, she did not have any fear, but had enough determination and will to face it.

"Lord God."

Su Mo shifted his gaze again, and with the collar caught, his gaze shifted to the child who had just spoken.

A little doubt and incomprehension slowly melted, and this little Terran girl reminded Su Mo of something.

"A child at that time?"

This memory made Su Mo look at the child in front of him again.

"Lord God, as you said, we are meaningless people who cannot bear the divine wine. Perhaps our inability to do so will completely disappoint you, then Lily wants to challenge your divine wine today. ”

"Lord God, if... If Lily is lucky enough to stay sane, please agree to Lily's request.

Lililuka took a deep breath and for the first time knelt on the ground to ask for the Lord God's gift. She knew that her actions were very unruly and could almost be directly condemned, but this was her last chance, and her future needed to be decided for herself.

Su Mo looked at this child slightly surprised, and after a little thought in his heart, he chose to agree.


"If you drink the wine I brew and remain sane, I'll let you go."

He has enough confidence in the sake he brews.

It was because he saw that no one in the family could get rid of the shackles of divine wine, which made him choose to give up the guidance within the family.

As he said, what is the point of guidance for a group of people who can't even get rid of alcohol?

Sumo looked down at Loki, who was still clutching his collar.

Loki sighed unhappily but also let go of the hand holding the collar.

Su Mo, who was let go, did not go to the shelf to take the already brewed wine, but filled a glass of the semi-finished product that had just been interrupted from brewing.

Think about whether this child, like her parents, ended up going crazy with divine wine.

Lily didn't hesitate, it was her own chosen path.

Grab the glass and drink it.


When the wine enters the throat, the mellow and luscious taste makes the consciousness constantly blurred.

With a clatter, the glass fell to the ground because it could not be held and made a soft noise.

Consciousness entered chaos.

Faith and enlightenment all turned into chaos at this moment.

My legs couldn't even keep standing.

Lily's face was covered with a drunken blush, and her face was rippling with an uncontrollable smile like a drunken person going crazy.

"So, the children of the Nether are hopeless."

Sumo is not disappointed, this is just the obvious result.0

At this scene, even Loki and Finn couldn't help but close their eyes.

But just when Lili's consciousness was about to be completely engulfed by divine wine, a figure appeared in the depths of her consciousness.

The voice of that figure was still so clear in her ears, even if her mind was confused by the divine wine, she still let Lily hear it.

"Freedom is never something that the persecuted can expect, that is the right of the strong."

"What kind of value do you have yourself?"

"Who should you show yourself worth?"

"So, what kind of ability do you have to see your Lord God?"

"Lily........ There is no power."

The consciousness of chaos converged a little,

"Compared to the adventurer-sama, Lily is just a dragging supporter."

"But even so, Lily........ Lily keep going, too!"

"Lily wants to live!!!

"Even if she hadn't been taught by Lord God, Lili knew... Please don't give up on us.

The uncontrollable smile fell on the face of 5.9-clear tears, and the uncontrollable smile gradually converged, only the drunken blush remained on the face.

"The children of the Nether are so surprising, maybe when you don't know it, these children grow to a point that you can't imagine."

Loki couldn't imagine that such a child could resist Sumo's divine wine and find his consciousness in the almost ultimate aroma.

Even though he was lying on the ground, the chaos in his eyes was converging little by little, and reason was being found back little by little.

"Lord God, please............... Don't give up on us: ......"

The scattered consciousness was collected little by little, and at the same time, a trace of clarity appeared in Lily's chaotic eyes.

PS: Please collect........ Beg. Fresh flowers......... Ask for reviews.

The child, whom he thought was incurable, showed such brilliance and resisted the charm of divine wine with his own consciousness.

"Please................ Please wait..............."

Su Mo's fingers trembled slightly, and he lowered his head, and he only looked at the child in front of him squarely this time.

Loki and Finn, who had just closed their eyes, quickly opened their eyes.

"Otaku, this is a picture you haven't seen before."

Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder.

Su Mo, who had broken away from his stunned mind, looked down at the child in front of him, and already understood in his heart that the child of the Nether was not incurable.

"This kid........ I really resisted!"


This scene made Su Mo stand in place as if struck by lightning.

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