I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 207 Shaking The Will Of The Gods

Looking at this child whose eyes had regained clarity, Su Mo's heart that had been disappointed in the Nether child was completely revived.

Su Mo lowered his head slightly, and his eyes buried deep under his long hair were no longer the ancient wells and no waves before, but regained their radiance.

It's like this kid shouting, "Please don't give up on us."

Perhaps the Nether child has the value of guidance, but he has never discovered it in the past.

Lily took two breaths before getting up from the ground.

"Lord God, Lily woke up by luck.

Sumo didn't say anything about that.

"Lord God, please listen to Lily's request."

"Please don't give up on your family, maybe we can't bear the divine wine yet, but some of us will try to move forward." So, please don't deny us all.

This is Lili's most sincere request, she hopes that Lord God can manage the dependents, and the real Sumo dependents should definitely not be like this.

This family can become better, and more colleagues can emerge who can withstand the divine wine brewed by Lord God.

Although she was the one who was most seriously injured by the Su 10 Mo family, she did not want the Su Mo family to continue to maintain the same appearance as before.

"Poof! Hahahaha!"

"Stupid otaku, be educated by your own children."

In such an atmosphere, before Su Mo could make any expression, his shoulder was already slapped by Loki.

This made Sumo glance at Loki and slap her hand away.

It's just that he is also wondering a question in his heart.

"Is this child really a dependent who accepted my blood?"

Because of disappointment and not guiding any child, Su Mo really did not expect that such a child could stand up among such a family.

Loki, whose hands turned red from being beaten, was not angry at all.

"It turns out that this otaku also has such a side."

"There is enthusiasm underneath that look of disappointment, really, wouldn't it be nice to tell your own children directly?"

Touching the back of his reddened hand, Loki could only classify it as an otaku who didn't like that way of communicating.

There is no need to worry about things on the otaku's side, and with the current situation of this otaku, it will not make the dependents worse. But even the guy who made the dependents bad before also needs to be pulled out to deal with it, hey~ it's a pity.

A gloating Loki said it was a shame not to see that picture directly.

Finn, who was standing in the back, shook his head straight.

Even what kind of character Loki had, he fully knew what Loki was thinking, and definitely wanted to continue to watch the excitement of the Sumo family.

Of course, Loki is not completely watching the excitement from the sidelines.

"Lili Carbon, since you have decided to leave the Sumo family, do you want to come to my family?"

"But... Lily didn't have that strong abilities. "

Lili, who was invited, was naturally moved, but that excitement quickly calmed down.

She herself does not have the ability to be invited to the Loki family, and even if she does join the Loki family, she will inevitably drag her fate in the end.

"What are these words?"

Loki glanced at Sumo's otaku with a slight hint of interest.

"It's not my ability to find dependents, and my will and consciousness are also a very important part, otherwise what should I do if I look like this otaku's dependents?"

The emotion on Sumo's face was calm, and he was not stimulated by Loki.

It was inaccurate to judge the Nether child by the divine wine that was rewarded, and Su Jing had already understood this from the child in front of him.

In addition, children in the Nether will always have amazing changes.

Even if the ability is not strong enough, but that will sometimes even the gods will be shaken.

"Lily Carbon, you should continue to look for your dependents next, right? You can't support the people and don't do it, do you?"

Yes, Lili decided to join other dependents after quitting the Sumo clan today, after all, she also needs to find the dependents as her future shelter.

Even if you want to give up your status as a supporter and do some domestic work, the work of a domestic servant is not so easy to do.

She was persecuted by her colleagues in the Sumo family in the past, and she definitely couldn't do that, so even if she wanted to completely stop being a supporter, she couldn't choose now.

Loki saw Lily's heartbeat, and her heart was ecstatic and incessant at the same time.

"And Lily Carbon did a lot of things as a supporter, right?"


"Therefore, what is most needed at this time is a suitable dependent. Although you are not strong as a supporter, I admire a determined child like you. As for the lack of ability, it is good to wait until later to exercise slowly. ”

What Loki cares about has never been Lily's personal ability, if it is only to look at Lily's personal ability, then there really is no family member who will ask for it.

Loki cares more about Lily's will and her insistence on some things.

Children with this particular quality are often more important than their own strength.

Moreover, just now, Lili also showed her consciousness in front of her, and fought against Su Mo's divine wine as an ordinary person, and this firm will made Loki worthy of an invitation.

In this regard, Lili did not have the previous insistence.

In addition to pulling the two important children of the Apollo family into his camp, it is simply a double happiness to pull a child with such will from the Sumo family into his camp.

Lily also officially transferred from the Sumo family to the Loki family.

Looking at Lili who said goodbye, Su Mo nodded slightly, and said a rare word.

At this time, Su Mo turned around and took out a bottle of wine carrying "divine wine" from the wine shelf.

Before leaving, Lili bent down to God Sumo, and all kinds of past things surfaced in her heart, and tears couldn't help but well.

Lily took the bottle with both hands and wiped away her tears with her cuffs, this time she was really going to leave here.

"Lord God, I have troubled you to take care of it in the past."

This is a simple blessing given as a god.

"To you, as a memorial."

"Good ride."

Today was definitely a lucky day for her.

The conversion also went smoothly with Su Mo's consent, and in a few moments, the original badge behind Lili had changed from the wine glass style of the Su Mo family to the clown style of the Loki family

PS: Ask for collection and flowers..................ask for evaluation.


She didn't know what her future would hold, but she would never allow herself to stand still again.

Loki, who successfully pryed the child who originally belonged to the Su Mo family, instantly felt much more comfortable 047.

Lily's heart was sour, but she still nodded.

"If Loki thinks Lily can join, please let the Luki clan in."

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