I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 208 Damn! Why Is It Him Again!

"Lily Carbon, how did you persevere?"

On the way from the Sumo family to the Loki family, Loki suddenly asked the question in his heart.

"The divine wine brewed by Su Mo is much more unreasonable than expected, even if the gods drink too much, they will be confused, and it is difficult for children in the Nether to bear it."

Originally, Loki wanted to say that the children of the Nether basically couldn't bear it, but considering Lily's condition, she changed her words.

In fact, Finn is also very interested in this.

"I'm also interested."

"I thought I was going to die when I saw that you had completely lost your mind after drinking divine wine, but I didn't expect you to really survive."

But Lily scratched her face and was embarrassed to say why.

"Actually, i.e. Li thinks it should be a coincidence."

"After drinking the divine wine, Lily can feel that her consciousness is blurring a little, and if it weren't for the voice of that person sounding in her head at the end, Lili would definitely not be able to hold on."

Loki suddenly became interested.

"Who is it, Lily Carbon?"

"It must be an important person to be able to come to mind at that time, right?"

Lily tried to remember, but shook her head a little frustrated.

Lily didn't know that person either, but that person was really important. If it weren't for his rescue, Lily, she wouldn't have been able to escape from the dungeon today. ”

"The man was wearing a cape and a hood, and Lily fell to the ground and couldn't see the man's face, so she was let go by the man. However, those colleagues who wanted to use Lily as bait at that time were eaten by the man-eating ants controlled by that person. ”

"A tamer?"

Finn's first reaction was the trainer.

In the dungeon, the tamer is the only one who can domesticate the monsters in the dungeon, so only the tamer can use the domesticated beasts at will.

But Lily shook her head slightly to deny this statement.

"Not a trainer."

Although Lily didn't see the man's face, the man used the same thing as that particular text. Therefore, Lili felt that that person should be the maker of runes. ”

This conclusion made Loki's expression stiffen for a moment, and she mechanically turned her head to look at Lily Carbon.

"Lily Carbon, are you sure you read that right?"

Hey? Lily noticed Lord Loki's stiff expression, could it be that Lord Loki knew that person?

The question that arose like this made Lily involuntarily ask.

"Lord Loki, do you know him?"

Can I say that I was just slaughtered by that kid for 1.6 billion? Loki covered his face for a long time and couldn't say a word.

Finn couldn't help but chuckle as he looked at Loki's sad look.

"If you're sure you're right, then the person you met is not only known to Loki, but even to us.

"We just completed our first deal with him not so long ago. The transaction volume worth 1.6 billion yuan is still sent by me personally. ”


Lily's eyes widened, she confirmed that her ears were okay, so 16 What is your concept? For her, it was literally an opening number.

Lord Brave, 1.6 billion this? The Dao is all runes?"

"Yes, the runes recommended by that person are really better than the other, and they are all runes that are helpful for raiding dungeons. Hearing the introduction of those runes, no matter who it is, you can't help but want to buy it.

As if recalling the fear of being dominated by sales, Finn now feels a chill down his spine when he recalls the green glow in the other person's eyes.

"Ahhh! I'm still angry when I think about that guy!"

Loki grabbed his head and yelled discontentedly, which also attracted the attention of many adventurers around, but after noticing who it was, everyone obediently turned their eyes back

"While doing intelligence work, I also sell things that are not two families. The money was earned for him, but the face was given to the little man. ”

"I'm angry!"

Finn is helpless about Loki's childish behavior.

"Then can you not buy it?"

"Of course not!"

Don't buy? Of course not!

If you didn't know the effect of those runes before, maybe you could bear it if you didn't buy them, but now that you know the effects of those runes, can you still not buy them?

Loki was sure that as long as he didn't buy it here, he wouldn't be able to buy something so good elsewhere in Olali.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible not to buy it.

Finn waved his hand helplessly, he knew that Loki's mind was actually not heartache money, but uncomfortable face.

But the problem is that the object of the transaction is the family of the god Hestia, what can be done?

The man's behavior was cautious, which was very different from the reckless and impulsive Ace.

In less than a month, he has almost certainly stepped into the realm of Lv.2, and that talent is almost certainly the top.

With this talent and this cautious attitude, such a person quickly crossed the previous excessive level. And just because of the other party's attitude towards the level of adventurers, it is very clear that in addition to confidence, the other party also has the determination to cross the limit, and the future achievements of such people will not be low.

In fact, they all analyzed this result, which is why they think that such a deal is very cost-effective.

Maybe it seems that the Loki family has suffered a loss now, but the problem is that the loss they have suffered now is a blessing.

After a moment of silence, Luki jumped to his feet again.

Finn sighed slightly after making a very bad choice for a Loki.

Just for the ability and talent of the other party, it may not take a few years to cross to the height of Lv.5. If that's the case, then their Loki family is called upfront investment.

PS: Please collect........ Beg. Fresh flowers.......... Ask for a rating and still be priced.

"...... Depend on! This makes me choose a fart! No matter which one I choose, I'll suffer!"

"Riveria and Ace, you pick one."

Finn's proposal directly caused Loki to jump to his feet.

Of course, what's worse is that the beauty plan succeeds and she is also the one who suffers the most.

Then endure it. ”

Beauty plan, of course she understands this strategy.

This kind of business naturally cannot be done.

"Finn, you're my child, how can you pour cold water on this place?"

But Finn really doesn't have any good way here, after all, the other party is a seller who keeps to himself, and there is no need to pick what he sells, almost all of them are good things, you can't really not buy it, right?

"If you really can't stand it, then arrange a blind date for that teenager."

Loki also said just now that it is impossible not to buy it, since this is the case, then what else to insist on?

But Loki also knew that if he really did it for such an unwilling one, he might be knocked to death by Riveria and Ace Carbon later.

If there were enough profits, maybe Loki would really do it.

But the silence still gave Finn a bit of a headache, because he knew that Loki really thought about gains and losses before denying it.

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