I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 209 Introduction To Newcomers

"Good! Everyone, pay attention.

After returning to the Loki family, the banquet in the family was just prepared, and Loki, as the main god, directly pulled Lily to the center of the banquet.

"Daphne, Cashan Della, you two come with you too."

The two named looked at each other before standing up and walking over.

Loki glanced at the three children beside him before announcing the official start of the banquet and welcoming new arrivals.

"Good! This welcome banquet has officially begun!"

"These three children are newcomers who have just joined our family, so let's get to know each other."

"First of all, Cassan Della."

Cassanne Della was a little confused when the topic was put on herself.

"Huh? Yes, is that me?"

Loki reached out with a wicked smile and slapped Cassan Della's waist directly.

"Of course it's you, didn't you see the best figure among the three new children?" At this time, you should let people with good figures come out and introduce themselves first. ”

Hearing Lord God say this, Kashan's face instantly turned red, wearing a black dress she is actually a relatively thin type, in the past, few people would really say that she was in good shape, because some people said that she had a gloomy personality.

Everyone looked at the shy Kasan Della, and their hearts were 817 silent mourning for this simple child, which was Loki's favorite expression.

Embarrassed, Cassander blushed and lowered her head slightly, but she remembered the Lord God's orders, so she still opened her mouth to introduce herself.

"Hello everyone, I'm Cassan Della Illion, good at restoring magic, please give me more advice."

"That's right, Cassan Della is good at restoring magic, especially the motherly body, which made me heal all at once. But first of all, it belongs to me, and no one else can go down. ”

Loki is not only an LSP, but also a possessive LSP, and he made his affiliation clear at this banquet at once.

Of course, anyone from the Loki family knows that this is just a joke.

At most, it is deliberately embarrassing newcomers.

Because this is Loki's regular operation, Loki said the same when he faced Ace. However, limited by age restrictions, the Ace Loki said at the beginning was not a body full of motherhood, but a loli full of young fragrance.

Well, the truth once again positively favors Loki's bad eye is divided.

As long as it is cute girls, they are within Loki's hunting range.


Others knew about Loki's operation, and even the other two newcomers standing next to her knew that it was a joke, but Kasan Della really didn't experience such a thing, which made her react very subconsciously.

"Lord Loki, I... I actually like boys. ”


At this moment, all the people who were preparing to watch the play couldn't help but laugh, and even the funny Loki had a smile on his face.

"Poof, hahahaha!"


In the end, under the leadership of Loki, the entire family smiled heartily.

This laughter made Kasan Della laugh with a question mark, but Daphne, who was familiar with Kasan Della, patted the stupid shoulder a little speechlessly.

"Stupid, can't you hear Lord Loki that this is a joke?"

"Huh? Open, kidding?"

This fact once again confused Cassan Della, and she quickly turned to Loki and bent down to apologize.

"I'm sorry, Lord Loki, I thought wrong."

Watching the huge rabbit dangle in front of his eyes, Loki couldn't help but swallow his saliva. Although he was really joking just now, he was just enlivening the atmosphere, but this child's figure is really good, and she looks hungry.

"Ahem, well, everyone pay attention in the future, this child will take the joke as true, don't joke with this child casually in the future."

"Mom, you will take care of these three newcomers in the future."

The title "bafb" made the bruises on Riveria's forehead jump wildly, but considering that today was the welcome party, it was embarrassing to kick her.

Of course, as long as it is Loki's family, everyone knows who the name "mother" in Loki's usual mouth refers to.

The one who is really the biggest mother in the Loki family, not only age, experience, but also the way of doing things, the most inclusive deputy leader. Naturally, everyone agrees with the title "mother".

However, considering that the parties are very resistant to such statements, the operation of calling Riveria "Mom" is now only Loki has the guts to do it.

"Good! The field was already warm, and the next one was Daphne's turn. ”

Daphne took a deep breath and began to introduce herself.

Of course, the Ins also noticed what Daphne was good at.

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But everyone also knows that Loki is only superficially unorthodox, not that she only has an improper appearance.

This is Loki directly speaking a child endorsement, which also made the hearts of the entire family members exclaim.

As for the last one, Loki spoke first.

"Hello everyone, I'm Daphne Lalos, because I used to work as a conductor in the Apollo family, and I am a little good at commanding."

So, this time she got two children with great potential.

Moreover, he often served as a conductor in the Apollo family, so even if he had actual experience in conducting exercises, this was not an ordinary skill.

"Good! Next comes the last newcomer. ”

Loki is such a thought, even if the level of the Apollo family is not high, but can command the Apollo family, then the level of commanding the second army must be there.

"Just now, this child proved her will in front of me and Finn, even in the face of divine wine, she will not be bound and charmed, and this child's consciousness can only be described as "amazing".

Everyone knows that Loki likes to play and usually looks crooked.

Command, which is a condition for measuring whether adventurers are more valuable among talented adventurers.

"Although this kid has a low ability value, he is also a child I like.

After all, Loki doesn't have this kind of endorsement when introducing others, so everyone pays more attention.

It can be said that Daphne was almost certainly trained in the command team of the Second Army.

Everyone believes Loki's words, so everyone will be even more surprised at this time.

Unlike Cassanne Della's twisting, Daphne is very temperamental, and it is okay to describe it as heroic.

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