I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 211 Lord God, Please Wait For Me For A While


Bell looked at the flat layer of trees growing on the ground and relaxed slightly.

"Finally finished the most basic part."

In three days, Bell finally used the seeds of the elf tree to spread a layer of elf tree rhizomes in the space of the above-ground territory, and on this basis, he used the growth ability of the tree species to grow the first layer of annex built entirely of trees.


The familiar flutter, and the familiar feeling of sticking to the back, even if the person behind it does not make any sound, Bell knows who this person is.

"Lord God, it took a little effort."

"Nope. With such a large amount of work, it is already very fast that it can be completed so quickly. ”

Hestia, who threw herself on Bell's back, looked curiously at the treehouse in front of her, and the bottom floor was already "eight or six" to see the specific appearance. With such a scale and follow-up construction, it was already very fast in Hestia's eyes that it could be achieved to this extent in just three days.

However, Bell is still a little helpless, as Lord Kamigami said, the tree house he envisioned at the beginning was too large, which also made it more difficult to build.

Wanting to fully express the treehouse requires some subsequent preparation and time to perfect.

Then there's the surrounding space.

Because the initial psychological expectation for the treehouse has reached a certain height, the scale of the treehouse will also have an impact on the surroundings, so the surrounding space needs to be stretched to make the scale of the treehouse.

"Ah, how did I first come up with the idea of making the treehouse so big?"

Bell once again complained about his original idea.

Although the image of the treehouse in his heart is really good, Bell himself is looking forward to living in a treehouse of this size, but the scale of this construction can really drive himself to death.

But in reflection, Bell fell into it again, not for anything else, but just for God to live with him in this dust.

"Bell-kun, can you go in and have a look now?"

Shining eyes looked straight at this treehouse, and Hestia was now in a very excited mood.

She can actually live anywhere, even in the basement, as long as Bell-kun is around, she can get used to it.

But the treehouse is different now, this is the home that Bell-Jun built for her, which has a different meaning for her.

"Of course. Lord God, let me take you in. ”

Bell's hand dragged the god-sama's leg behind his back.

Hestia directly opened her hands and hung on Bell-Jun's back, since it was Bell-Jun's request, as the main god, she naturally agreed.

With her head on Bell-kun's shoulder, her nose could clearly smell a hint of sweat on Bell-kun's body, but Hestia only felt very relaxed.

"Bell-kun, this will be our home from now on."

The title "home" brought a smile to Bell's face.

"Yes, this will be my home and that of the gods and the heavenly people in the future."

Hestia shook her little feet held by Bell with a relaxed mood, and only then could she and Bell-kun be alone.

"Speaking of which, Bell-kun is already so angry, shouldn't you also affirm Bell-Jun's achievements?"

"Well, it is indeed needed."

Feeling the happy mood of Lord God behind him, Bell was actually in a good mood.

The outside of the tree house is a tree root-like image, after all, the tree house is used as the foundation, which naturally fills the atmosphere.

In the center of the circle of tree roots there is this not very obvious gate, only the pattern of the Rune script engraved on the outside of the gate gives it the feeling of a gate.

Bell walked over with Lord Kami on his back, and the Rune text outside the door shone with a faint light, and was slowly pushed open from the inside.

Step by step, Bell carried Lord God on his back into the tree house, and the situation inside the tree house did not look like the frame outside.

The ground is formed by a layer of trees, and the entire tree house is filled with a faint fragrance, and the refreshing aura is constantly circulating in the tree house, not only making the air fresher, but also making people relax physically and mentally.


Hestia, who was almost close to Bell's face, saw the appearance of the interior and her eyes lit up.

"This is the inside of the treehouse?"

"Yes, Lord God."

Bell crouched down and put Kamigami-sama down.

Hestia stepped on the ground under her feet barefoot, and a warm feeling wrapped around the soles of her feet, making her feel unusually comfortable.0

"The floor here is also so comfortable, it feels warm when you step on it."

"Because this itself is the interior of the elf tree. Although the skin and trunk of the elf tree are very hard, the inner core that absorbs nutrients inside is very soft. And because it absorbs a lot of spiritual power, this allows the inside of the treehouse to maintain the state of the inner core of the elf tree. ”

The fresh touch of her feet made Hestia step around on the ground, confirming that the comfortable feeling was not her delusion.

Bell also smiled and explained to Lord God the reason for this phenomenon.

Hestia nodded understandingly, but she quickly put that question aside.

"Inhale ~ exhale∼"

"This will be our home from now on, and we finally don't have to live in the basement anymore."

Although Hestia can live in the basement with Bell-kun, it is of course best to live on the ground if she can live on the ground.

With that, Hess turned to Bell-kun.


The family is already there, so the next step is that her relationship with Bell-jun will also go further.

But when she thought of her own initiative, Hestia's pretty face was stained with a layer of blush.

"This is.......... Is it allowed?"

Bell's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a little, his previous experience was derived from Lord God and Hertic Faith's initiative 2.7, to be precise, this should be the first time he was given the right to take the initiative.

Bell did not hesitate at all, and quickly lowered his head and imprinted on Lord God's lips.

The warm temperature, the faint fragrance, and the slightly familiar feeling fascinated Bell.

Soon Bell was in control.

Although he may be able to do anything to Lord God at this time, it is still not the time.

"Strength determines my rights."

"If I don't have enough strength, I can't ask for so much."

After taking a deep breath, Bell suppressed her rich feelings.

Reach out and take Lord Kamigami into your arms.

"Lord God, please wait for me for a while."

PS: Ask for collection and flowers.............ask for evaluation.

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