I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 212 Today Is The Monster Festival

Because of the temptation of God Lord around him, Bell's thirst for power is even stronger.

But the more he longed for great power, Bell was in a more cautious state.

After all, to taste the final fruit, you need to live in addition to great strength.

Yes, being alive is an important thing.

In the city of Olali, it is not enough to be strong, but also needs a lot of means to deal with the concept of being alive, otherwise no matter how powerful the force is, there is a possibility of overturning.

Those adventurers must not be regarded as stupid people who can only stand and be beaten, and if those high-level adventurers are really regarded as stupid people who do nothing, then those who think so are the biggest fools.

Even Bell's method of bypassing the adventurer's "abnormal resistance" cannot be used on too many occasions if those people are allowed to invent drugs that can resist any positive state

Then his post was sealed with one move.

Unless it is a one-hit kill, this trick should definitely be used sparingly.

"In the future, we need to continue to develop other directions of use of Lune.10

"Poison and curse are the parts I lack, and I need to deepen the development of Lune in these two directions in the future."

Sitting at the desk in the study, Bell took the notebook he had recorded and wrote the words "poison" and "curse", and the next two directions were also his development direction for Lune

These two directions were previously unexplored, because considering that adventurers have "abnormal resistance", it is a foolish act to develop poisons and curses first.

Of course, high-level poisons and curses are naturally not something that ordinary "abnormal resistance" can resist.

This is also based on the fact that when his one-hit killing method is thought of as a way to crack, high-level poison and curse become necessary. You must know that there is a fierce poison in the dungeon that can also penetrate with "abnormal resistance", and once it is stained with no high-grade antidote, the adventurer will only die.

Therefore, ordinary poisons and curses are not necessary. But advanced poisons and curses need to be developed.

"We need to be more careful."

"In addition, the next thing that needs to continue to challenge is the middle level."

There is no threat to Bell on the first twelve floors, and the actions and attack modes of any monster have been experienced, even if the same monster appears on the subsequent floor, Bell is confident to face it.

It's just that the floor after the middle floor is probably not as mild as in the early stage.

Bell is naturally prepared accordingly, and he is the one who knows best the truth that the city is very dangerous. Therefore, at the beginning, he had already made a lot of preparations when he entered the dungeon, and even if his strength improved to the current level, he was still cautious.

"But you still need to figure out the knife problem before challenging the middle level."

The problems found when he reached the twelfth floor before Bell already knew.

In the case that "Jianshuo" does not have that ability, only the "nine-character combination" strengthening has produced new abilities, so the direct guidance of that question is "nine-character both"

"Let's test what happened to the knife today."

Writing this, Bell added seals and concealment methods to the notes, and put them back into his four-dimensional space master.

"Knock knock!"

After packing up his things, Bell went to open the door, and outside the door stood a particularly excited Lord Kamigami, which made Bell a little strange.

"Lord God, has something good happened to you?"

"Hee hee"

The slightly proud Lord Kamigami also looked much cuter than usual, and always showed his emotions. Bell can be sure that God has indeed encountered something good.

"Bell-kun, do you know what day it is?"

Hestia held her chest up, waiting for Bell-kun to ask more about today's day.

Bell naturally could see this meaning, so he asked at the right time.

"Lord God, today is a very important day?"

"Hee hee ~ for Olali, today is an annual festival, and for adventurers it is a day of relaxation and revelry."

Bell has only been in Olalie for less than a month, and naturally does not know much about the annual festival. So he shook his head and didn't quite understand which festival Lord God was talking about.

"What kind of festival is Lord God talking about?"

"Of course, it's the Monster Festival."

After Lord Kamigami said the name of the festival, Bell realized that today was the day of the "monster festival".

"It seems that I didn't meet the Canisa family in the dungeon a few days ago because they have already completed their homework."

"But I didn't expect the Monster Festival to be today."

Bell has always cared about this festival, after all, this festival is the symbol of the beginning of the story, and he can determine the current time with this festival.

"I don't know if that god of beauty will release those monsters."

Remember that the god of beauty released the monsters in the cage just to confirm that "Bell· Cranel's ability, but now the god of beauty should only exist in the stage of curiosity about him, maybe not to this extent.

However, this time the festival was not only done by the beautiful god, but also by the people of the dark faction.

"You can go and see the situation."

In fact, this time, knowing that the "monster sacrifice" is mixed, Bell's choice not to go is the most correct choice. But just look down at Lord God's excited look and know that there is no way he can't not go.

Therefore, Bell247 does not shy away from it.

"Then Lord God, let's go and take a look."


Hestia is glad that Bell-kun can take the initiative to invite her to the "Monster Festival".

"Now that you've decided, let's go now."

"Of course. But Lord God, everything is still about safety. ”

"It's all right. The annual "monster festival" is the responsibility of the Ganesha family, and if something goes wrong, it will already go wrong. ”

Isn't that not waiting? Bell couldn't help but complain in his heart.

There are bound to be all sorts of problems this year. Although Bell knew this in his heart, it was difficult for him to say such a thing. He doesn't have the ability to predict the future like Cassan Della, especially the current when the plot direction changes greatly.

Bell wasn't sure if his butterfly would fan the wind, so he was always cautious.

"Whether it is absolutely safe or not, it is better to prepare based on insecurity."

With that, Bell took out a black and gray cloak from the four-dimensional space.

Shangren. ”

"Hmm... All right. ”

Looking at the cloak, Hestia was slightly depressed, but she still took the cloak and draped it over herself.

PS: Please collect........ Ask for flowers........ Ask for reviews.

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