I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 214 Dark Faction In Action

"Oh ~ so full∼"

If you eat too many snacks, you will feel your belly.

Finally strolling around the festival with Bell-kun, Hestia relaxed a little and had fun.

"Lord God, you can't eat too much snacks, this situation is actually very bad for your health.

"It's okay, it's okay, the gods are almost unchanged in stature, no matter how much you eat, it's okay."

I'm not saying that. Bell sighed deeply, what he was worried about was not whether Lord Kamigami would get fat because he ate too much, but whether he would make Lord Kamigami want to vomit when he held Lord Kamigami to find a good place to watch the play.

Bell, who was standing on the side of the street with Lord Kamigami, was also observing the aura around him.

"Underground sewers......... The breath has already come up."

On the way to the street, Bell could already feel the breath of the underground penetrating the ground. He was almost certain that Olali's sewers had been filled with something, and that there would be a fierce fight at the festival soon.

Shaking his head slightly, Bell took the initiative to take Lord God's hand and walked to the alley on the side of the street.

"Lord God, I'm sorry to disturb your interest, but we need to get out of here."


Hestia paused slightly, looked around carefully, and she took the initiative to shrink the bottle into Bell-kun's arms.

"Bell-Jun 773, is there also danger here?"


Bell immediately used Lune to block his aura and that of Lord God.

"I've been shopping since I was shopping, and I've felt something moving in the empty sewer underneath the street. The strange stench had reached my nose from the underground water. ”

"It's not."

Hestia was instantly dumbfounded, the "monster sacrifice" she had been waiting for for a long time. At this time, he and Bell-kun just started dating, and they encountered a special situation.

Hmm~ my date. Hestia kept stomping on the ground with her foot in her heart, as if to vent the dissatisfaction in her heart.

But after the loss, Hestia immediately got serious.

"Bell-kun, do you know who is causing trouble?"

Of course, Bell knows which force did this, perhaps even if he, a rookie who has just entered Olali, can guess it by paying attention to the big things that happened in Olali's past. As long as it is an organization that dares to do things in Olali, then it must have something to do with the dark faction.

"Lord God, who do you think dares to do something at this annual festival of Olali (bacc)?"

“........ It must be those guys.


Hestia instantly understood what Bell-kun meant.

The only organization that can do great things in Euler with its ability is actually the only dark faction that once plunged Euler City into ruin. Only they can make such a big move in Olali.

Bell also confirmed Lord God's guess, because this was the real answer. It's just that the dark faction should want to send something more powerful to the ground, in order to completely overturn the Olali that covers the dungeon and return the world to chaos.

"But I remember Herth Faith saying that those guys were completely destroyed."

The thing about this part is what Faith Toss told her, and it is hard not to think that Si said it wrong.

"A hundred-footed worm, dead but not stiff. Lord God, the matter of the Ishtar clan shows that those people are still doing some big things in secret, and they have not been completely destroyed. ”

Bell reminded him, which reminded Hestia of the Ishtar family not long ago. She had heard that during the encirclement of Ishtar, she had captured many people from the dark faction.

Now that I think about it, if the dark faction valve was really destroyed, then Ishtar would not have been grabbed by Bell-jun with such a big handle, and even the underground passage was turned over.

However, it is precisely because of the discovery that there are many underground passages under Olali that it is certain that the dark faction is still not completely dead.

"So what do we do now?"

After understanding that it was the arrangement of the dark faction, Hestia could only give up the date she had to watch with Bell. Just what should they do?

"We don't do anything."

"Do nothing?"


Facing Lord God's slightly questioning gaze, Bell also explained.

"Lord God thinks that only a few gods are involved in the current dark sect?"


Instantly Hestia's face changed drastically.

Bell's gaze was also solemn, and he was equally cautious about the dark faction. Because "the enemy is in the dark, I am in the light", this situation may mean that something troublesome will happen, even if he knows the plot, he is not 100% sure that the dark faction will always act according to the script.

"I don't need to talk about the connection between the Ishtar clan and the dark faction. I think that the dark faction may not have disappeared from the beginning, but has always been lurking among the gods. It is even said that over the years, the dark faction has continued to grow its own team, and it is possible that it has drawn many gods into it.


Hestia looked distressed, didn't she just enjoy a separate date with Bell-kun? How can you still involve the matter of the dark faction?

But she kind of understood the reason for doing nothing.

It is because we don't know which of the gods are the gods on the side of the dark faction, which makes it even more necessary to be cautious. Casual actions at such times may directly attract the attention of the dark faction.

"If that's the case, it's troublesome."

There are hidden gods of the dark sect among the gods, so things will become troublesome.

In the future, she also needs to pay attention to it when she is at the conference of the gods, if she is targeted by those guys, her agreement with Bell-kun will not be able to be fulfilled. As soon as she thought of this question, Hestia's nerves immediately tensed.

"It's okay, Lord God. Now that we are connected with the Loki and Faithtos, they won't be looking at us. We are so conspicuous that they will be targeted quickly if they want to trouble us, and they are not so bold. "

"The people of the Dark Faction are all here to destroy Olali and hope that chaos will re-envelop this world. For this purpose, they will not actively expose themselves because they are looking for trouble with us. If they were so stupid, they wouldn't have been lurking in Olali for so many years. "

The dark faction that has been working in the dark is doomed to fail.

It is because they have been trying to enrich Olali's plan of destruction, which is the biggest shackle of the dark faction. At least until all preparations are made, the gods of the dark faction will not take the initiative to jump out.

"Besides, Lord God doesn't have to worry. The three amulets I prepared for you are still there, and it is not easy for them to do something.

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