I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 215 Blood-Stained Civilian Area

After a few jumps with Lord Kamigami in his arms, Bell found a place that was high and could see the movement of the things in the underground waterway.

"Bell-kun, where is that thing you said?"

Hestia, who was sealed with divine power, did not have the ability to see through the ground, and even if she stood on a high place, she could not see the situation underground.

"Wait a minute.

Bell waved several rune characters around him to wrap the two of them in it, and an invisible wave spread on all the ground in front of him. And at this moment, the things that are hidden on the ground are outlined in bright red, and even the breath of the air is marked red, so that the eyes can better accept this information.

"So much!?"

Seeing those red-marked silhouettes, Hestia took a deep breath.

Through the images that Bell-kun showed her, she could see through the ground and see the roots of plants moving underground. She was surprised not by the rhizomes who were looking for a place to drill out, but by what continued in the potential underground waterway.

Those red marks are too heavy, and the image is no longer the rhizome of the plant, but the existence of a cannibal flower. In the center of the flower bud of the plant also grows a mouth that looks like a human, which is unusually weird, strange ~ usually hideous.

"How could Olali's underground waterways hide so many plant-type monsters? Could it all be the Dark Faction?"

"I think it should be. However, so many monsters can be hidden in the underground waterway, and there will definitely be no fewer gods among the gods who have been pulled into the dark faction. ”

”...... Yes, otherwise how could it be able to hide so many monsters in the underground waterway. ”

Hestia also felt a slight headache, this thing really went in the worst direction. Among the gods, there are people who are dark factions, and there are people who are wooed by dark factions, and there are quite a few of them, otherwise it is possible to do such a thing?

Now Hestia understood very well that she should choose to observe from the wall at such a time.

Knowing that there are many gods among the gods who have been drawn to the dark faction, it is too dangerous to walk up openly. Choosing to watch quietly in the back is actually a way to protect yourself, at least not into danger.

"But it can't always be like this, can it? We can't always hide behind our backs, can we?"

"Yes, you can't hide it all the time. So God-sama, we need some people to rush ahead to attract our attention. ”

"You mean... Loki?"

"Yes. But not only Loki, but also the god Ghanisa and the courtiers. ”

Bell added some additions to Lord Kamigami's answer, the person rushing ahead must not be just Loki God, otherwise how could he help them block most of the attention?

"If the Dark Faction has been prepared enough, even in today's "monster sacrifice", then it will definitely attract the attention of the god Ganesha. After all, the Ganesha family is now responsible for the security and order of Olali, and they will inevitably continue to track it down. ”

"Then there's the guild. They run the entire concentration of Olali's adventurers, and they are also the organization that maintains Olali's economic situation, and they certainly do not think that this does not exist. ”

"Therefore, as long as they intervene, we can attract the attention of the dark faction to the greatest extent, and then as long as we act carefully, we can avoid the risk of being noticed."

"As for Loki God, it depends on whether the dark faction is stupid enough this time to involve Loki God's dependents. If it was the Loki god, as long as her dependents were involved, then she would not cover her wounds and pretend that nothing happened. ”

Bell's analysis of Ganesha, the Guild, and Loki made Hestia nod slightly.

If the Dark Faction Valve is really so blatant, then at least the first two can definitely rush ahead of them. As for Loki's words, it depends on whether her dependents are involved. Once really involved, with the behavior pattern she knew Loki, Loki was calm without copying the knife.

"Boom !!!"

The earth made a roar, and three green plant rhizomes drilled out under the earth, and the top flower bud opened little by little, and inside the flower bud was a white thing as human teeth.

In the sun, the buds dance. The pair of teeth in the bud slowly opened to the sky.


It made a sound like a beast.

"That's... What!!"

The place where these three plants appear is really bad, this is the civilian area of the city of Olali. As it might be taken literally, most of the people inhabited here are ordinary civilians who are incapable of fighting.

0 Ask for flowers... 0

Ordinary civilians who can only do trading work do not have the strength to fight monsters.

The giant flower that roared at the sky suddenly aimed its big mouth at the civilians around who stopped moving, and the huge self-flower suddenly showed a different speed.

A mouthful swallowed a civilian completely in an instant.


No sound was heard, but a large amount of blood scattered on the ground from the buds of the giant flower. It was as if the world had pressed the mute button, and the entire civilian area was lost


"Run away!!!"

The sudden shouts caused all those who stood still to move away from the place quickly with panic.


They don't know what to do with the families who live here, but they know that if they don't run now, they will die here together. The instinctive reaction to danger makes them flee quickly, and no one can control this instinctive fear, which also makes a little girl fall to the ground, and no one can even come back to show the greatness of maternal love.

Perhaps, everyone knows that this is not to show the greatness of motherly love, but to show how strong their ability to give in vain is.

The little girl could only lie on the ground, covering her mouth with both hands that she wanted to cry out in fear.

"Mom......... Father.........

My heart kept crying for help, but I couldn't hear any footsteps.

The little girl also realized that she could not wait for her father and mother to save her life, and her whole body was constantly shaking with fear. It was because of this that the little girl did not see a rune text appear beside her, not only covering her breath, but also forming a small enchantment around her.

But the situation of other civilians except the little girl is not very good.

The entire square of the civilian area was full of corpses in an instant, and everywhere you could see images of broken arms and broken legs [the entire square was covered in bright red blood.

Olali's adventurers are not always in the right place at the most timely time.

However, Olali's adventurers also went out at the fastest speed.

PS: Ask for collection and ask for flowers........ Ask for a price for a towel.

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