I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 216 Hestia's Decision

Hestia saw the whole picture of the monster slaughtering civilians, and for the first time she felt malice towards the dark faction in the depths of her heart.

It's just that Bell-Jun has done enough analysis for her just now, so that she deeply understands that she needs to be careful at this moment. So Hestia restrained her emotions and did not let anger consume her reason.

But even so, Hestia couldn't bear to continue watching.


"I know, Lord God."

Bell is very calm about such a scene, whether here or in the past, as long as there are people, such scenes will occur. Therefore, human beings cannot fully understand those gods with broken braincases, and what is needed is to maintain the greatest malice towards those gods at all times.

Six rune characters formed a circle, and the space in the circle also became the square they saw with the help of Lune's magic. There is a connection between space and space, and at this time, as long as Bell reaches out, he can pull the little girl lying on the ground to his side, but he does not do so.

Reaching into another circle, he wrote a rune around the shivering little girl. Not only did it form an enchantment around the little girl, but it also made the little girl's aura completely disappear around.

After doing all this, Bell withdrew his hand, and the space that was still ambiguous just now returned to its original appearance.

"Returning the world to chaos... Is this the Nether they want to see?"

Hestia couldn't understand why the gods wanted to return such a beautiful Nether to Chaos. Perhaps in essence, she and the gods are not the same person, and she really can't understand what those gods do.

"Lord God, please don't think about the behavior of a group of crazy people. The logic of thinking of a madman is different from that of a normal person, and if you substitute yourself into thinking, you will make yourself a madman.

Bell was beside him to remind Lord God not to delve into the thoughts of those evil gods, but Hestia was very unexperienced.

She knew that there was such a group of gods in the celestial realm who always wanted to do something big, but Hestia never expected that those gods would have such an impact in the Nether

"Bell-kun, why are they?"

"Lord God, maybe this is what they think is right as gods."

"Correct? Where are they doing the right thing!"

Hestia didn't think the gods were right at all. If such behavior can be considered "correct", then how distorted is the so-called "correct".

Bell, of course, as a human, does not understand this behavior, but he knows that this malice may be something that the gods think is right. This is not because the minds of those gods are so distorted, but because they think things are different.

"Lord God, I think it should have something to do with the meaning of the existence of those gods. Each god has a different mission, which means that each god has its own meaning of existence. So what is the meaning of the god of war? What is the meaning of the God of Death?"

"War and Death Bell-kun, you mean they think that's what they exist?"


Hestia immediately understood the meaning of the words, and also understood why there was a dark faction. Because the gods believed that this was the meaning of their existence, they formed the Dark Faction.

But such an answer seemed so ridiculous to Hestia, ignoring the meaning of the Nether Child in order to prove her meaning? If the purpose of the gods is to do these things, then the gods are a bunch of twisted bastards!

At this moment, Hestia recognized how troublesome the twisted bastards were.

So, at this moment Hestia made a decision.

"Bell-kun, if you meet those gods, don't let them stay in the Nether to harm other children.

"Perhaps, it should not be the repatriation of those gods, but the complete removal of everything they used to be proud of."

"Maybe, Lune can do it."

During the time that Olali lived, because she possessed extraordinary magic and was even defined as a power, Bell also had an understanding of the situation of power. That is the privilege given by the gods by the world, and in that realm the gods have the power to manipulate everything.

At the same time, Si'er also had some thoughts in his heart.

Yes, Lune, who was also born on the world, may be able to do it.

A cold light flashed under Bell's eyes. He never felt that it was too much to kill the gods with his own hands, he was an atheist.0 He would only give respect to the gods who were worthy of respect, and as for the damned gods, then he would kill them himself.

If it is really allowed, it needs to be done enough to deal with the aftermath. Maybe it's time to look into the possibility of applying Lune to that place.

"Please rest assured, Lord God."

In itself, Lune is almost powerful, but it is through complex use to simulate the form of power, which makes Lune so versatile. So, if 5.7 is prepared enough, perhaps Lune can also be able to strip the power from the gods.

It is precisely because of this that Hestia and Hector Faithtos were so surprised when Bell awakened the "Thunder". Because this is a force that should not be present in the Nether by its very nature.

Power can be said to be a kind of authority, or it can be called the meaning of the existence of each god.

There is nothing Hestia can do about what has happened, but if it is something that can be avoided, it needs to be avoided as much as possible. She no longer believes that her former colleagues are gods who can continue to stay in the Nether, and those gods who misdefine their meaning should be directly repatriated to the Celestial Realm.

After all, what if.

So there is no way to take power, because it is to take away all the power of a god.

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However, under normal circumstances, there is no way to seize the power of the gods, so what if you are prepared enough?

But this kind of thing is only thinking about Bell's mind at the moment, if he really wants to do this, he also needs to get the permission of Lord God and God Faith, after all, the matter is too involved.

Such an idea is undoubtedly a great rebellion, but it is another matter to aim the guillotine at the gods who are causing trouble in the Nether.

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