I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 217 Invite Hestia To Talk

"Choose this time to make such a thing."

Loki's eyes were cold, standing on the second floor of the teahouse and looking at the three giant flowers that came out of nowhere. Her eyesight, as a god, allows her to confirm what is happening over there.

"Lust girl, you didn't do it this time, right?"

"I don't like to involve ordinary children."

"Hmph, too.

Freya denied it easily, and Loki believed it quickly.

Freya has never been the one to do such a thing, at most, she just sets some homework for the children she is interested in, and then looks at it like a fool from the side, as if ordinary children involved in the Nether are generally not done by this woman.

So, at this annual "monster festival", what other group of madmen will jump out? Loki still had the answer in his mind.

"Those rats even dared to take the initiative to jump out after the Ishtar incident, is it true that Ouranos over there in the guild is vegetarian?"

Loki snorted coldly in his heart, the big god sitting in the depths of the guild was not a vegetarian guy. The guild definitely has some powers that people don't know about, otherwise how did the guild get those clues and intelligence in the dungeon in the first place?

Guilds and dungeons are places that feel a little ambiguous.

"The Great God of Ouranos should not jump out because of this matter. He had been sitting in the guild for many years, and if he could easily stand up then something might happen to the dungeon. I think the biggest reason they jumped out is that our deterrent power is not as good as Zeus and Hera.

That's probably one of the reasons, no, maybe that's the biggest reason.

Think of when Zeus and Hera were still around, these rats hiding in the underground water never knew how to crawl outside. But over the years, since Zeus and Hera's dependents were driven out of Eulari because of the failure of the black dragon, the rats hiding in the sewers began to crawl out.

What this means is all too obvious.

Doesn't it directly show that the current Eulari kings are far less deterrent than Zeus and Hera in those years?

In fact, Loki can't deny this, after all, the family of Zeus and Hera was really strong to be unreasonable. There are many adventurers in Lv.6 like dogs, and almost all adventurers in Lv.7 are primed, and even adventurers in Lv.8 and adventurers in Lv.9 are still the pillars of the family. In such a situation, it is estimated that any sane organization knows to hide.

However, this phenomenon was completely changed after Zeus and Hera withdrew from Eulari, and the rat "Dark Faction" hidden in the sewers began to take more action.

That's the truth, and Loki won't deny it.

As a god, she can succumb to other gods, but she will never deny the truth. As an evil god, she has not reached the point where she needs to deceive herself.

Freya's eyes locked on the giant flowers, and soon the figures of the three children appeared. A closer look at Freya was slightly surprised.

"Loki, your child is getting better."


Loki hurriedly looked in the direction of the giant flower, and sure enough, she saw three familiar figures. Although it is still far away, the insight of the gods will not be completely sealed because the divine power is sealed.

"Didn't Ace Carbon go to visit the Monster Festival with Rephia today? Why are they in that place?"

"It should be Ganicea's plea for help." After all, Ganicea's character is understood. ”


Loki covered her face speechlessly, and she suddenly felt that Freya's words were super reasonable. Such things don't happen easily to other gods, but for Ganeisa, who maintains Eulari's order, he really does it.

"That idiot would definitely do that."

After sighing speechlessly, Loki didn't think of rushing over. Ace plus Thiona and the Thione sisters will not be unable to solve a few monsters, so that the situation of three people going together cannot be handled.

Leaning against the fence, Loki glanced down. The street that was still full of people just now has become extremely cold now, and it seems that they all noticed the roar just now.

Still too close, plus the giant flowers stood too high, people who heard the sound would pay attention in that direction and would find it.

Freya had no intention of getting involved. She doesn't have any feelings for the Dark Faction, but if the Dark Faction Divine Valve dares to hinder her, then she will completely destroy the Dark Faction.

Looking at the huge flowers over there, Freya thought boredly.

"Hestia should also come to the Monster Festival today, right?"

“...... Well, with the greedy nature of a small man, it is estimated that he can't bear it. However, with the carefulness of that kid, even if the little man is outside, it is estimated that he is hiding a specific location.

Loki almost didn't say, "You're dead."

It's just that Freya cares about this is naturally not the problem.

"Since Hestia is outside, then you think that child will not notice what happened to Olali."

No way. Loki added unconsciously in his heart.

Although she met the child a limited number of times, she suffered several losses in such a limited number of meetings. So Loki is 100% sure that kid absolutely 213 noticed the monster thing.

Freya glanced around with interest, and then locked on to a position.

"There's only one place where you can see the whole picture."

"Ota, send me a bottle of wine and invite Hestia over for a talk."


Ota bowed slightly and walked down the stairs.

Loki looked at Freya speechlessly.

"How can you be sure that the little man is over there? And, you let Ota go over inviting? Are you sure that kid won't leave before Ota arrives?"

In terms of the attitude that the little man has been avoiding Freya lately, Loki would never think that the little man would appear in front of Freya.

Freya just smiled at this.

At this time, Ota who went downstairs to prepare had already come up with a bottle of wine. Loki could see a piece of paper pasted on the bottle, which directly said, "Invite the god Hestia to come and talk."

"Lord Freya, you're ready.

"Well, then send it over."


Ota walked to the edge of the fence and raised his hand holding the bottle above his head, then his muscles tensed sharply and threw it in that direction with the most suitable force.

PS: Please collect........ Beg. Fresh flowers............. Ask for reviews.

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