I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 218 The Meeting Between Hestia And Freya


The sound of breaking the sky rushed to the high platform of the tallest clock tower near Olali.

Freya and Loki in the teahouse stared.

Under the gaze of the two goddesses, the high-speed flying wine bottle stopped little by little. The stopped wine bottle floated to the handrail of the high platform, and then two figures standing on the high platform appeared.

It was really there. The corners of Loki's mouth twitched a few times, she didn't expect that the little man and the kid were really over there watching everything below.

Freya also felt a slight headache when she looked over there.

Although the gods' eyesight is not completely sealed, people can be seen from a certain distance, but the gods do not have the ability to wear a hood to see people. This is not something that ordinary eyesight can do.

The two people standing on the high platform of the bell tower are wearing capes and hoods, and if you want to tell who is who from such a distance, you can only judge from their height.

But in that position, in the "monster festival" today, she went out with a cloak and hood, and Freya finally understood why she had been investigating for so long but did not find some useful information. With such a style, even if there is intelligence, it may not be investigated.

"Originally, I thought that only that child had that problem, but now it seems that he is infected with Hess Shiya.

Usually Hestia is completely unguarded, but how long has it been since she let Hestia wear a cloak and hood when she goes out?

"So who do you think Hestia is guarding against?"

Loki's addition instantly muted Freya. yes, Hestia who is this dressed for? Isn't that the obvious answer?

Bell, who received the bottle, handed the paper on the bottle to Lord God. In fact, the meaning on the paper is obvious, that is, an invitation to Lord God.

This line of words Hestia was very entangled when she read it.

"Bell-kun, do you think I need to go over?"

"Naturally, I don't want Lord God to pass. But the key is that this time the invitation was rejected, and it would be difficult to avoid it next time it ran into it directly. ”

Bell naturally didn't want to let Lord God and Goddess Freya directly face each other at this time. After all, the gap in strength between the two sides is too obvious that it will definitely not be a good thing to collide head-on.

I can't hide from it. Hestia pouted with dissatisfaction, she had been avoiding Freya, but today she came out to participate in the "monster festival" with Bell-kun and was found by Freya

Just like Bell-Jun said, this time she can directly hide from the invitation. But what about the next time?

Even if Hestia is very reluctant to meet Freya, everyone is a god living in Olali, and even if they don't want to meet it, there will inevitably be a chance to meet it. So what should I do at that time?

"Accept it. But I'll just go alone, Bell-kun don't follow along. ”

"I see."

In fact, there is no need for Lord God to remind that Bell is not ready to directly confront the goddess Freya at this point in time.

The last time the other person in the "Rich Mistress" did not notice him, it proved that he himself did not have the radiance of a soul. That's the best news for him.

The reason why Freya became interested in him in the follow-up was probably that what he was doing attracted the attention of the other party. Following the channel, it was finally confirmed that it was their Hestia family who cooperated with the gods of Faithtos, and finally locked their eyes on him.

While this is not good news, the latter is definitely not bad news compared to the former. At least the latter shows that Freya's interest in him is only curious, and does not rise to the same height as the original. Therefore, now he still has room for manoeuvre.

As long as the chance of meeting the goddess Freya is minimized later, Freya's curiosity about him will only stay in the stage of curiosity.

So, all Bell needs to do at this time is stay in a quiet place.

"Lord God, I'll bring you back when you leave there later."

Six runes appeared at the same time to form a circle, which quickly expanded to make the space and space ambiguous, and then wrapped around Lord God for the fastest transfer.

"Over there........ I can't see it again. ”

Loki's eyes widened, and in the blink of an eye, the two people standing on the high platform had disappeared.

"It seems that this is a refusal."

Freya was slightly disappointed. I originally wanted to have a good chat with Hestia, but Hestia directly chose to refuse.


The very deliberate coughing sound made Loki and Freya turn around quickly. Where there was obviously no one just now [there were already ten cloaked and hooded girls standing there. And the bottle of wine held in the girl's hand already explained the girl's identity.

'Freya, why are you looking for me?'

"Of course I'm here to talk to you about your child."

Freya's words directly made the atmosphere of the scene become a lot more tense, especially Hestia took two steps back nervously.

"Bell-kun that's my child!"

Freya smiled slightly, of course she knew this, she had never considered the other party's original family when choosing children in the past. It's just that this behavior can only go so far, after all, Hestia's children are very different.

"I never deny that. But that child was also a child I mistook and made a deep impression on me. ”

"Huh? Are you still mistaken?"

The answer "wrong" really surprised Hestia, as far as she knew Bell-Jun did not have the conditions to be wrong. She also knows that Freya looks at people as a person's soul color, but can such an obvious thing make Freya wrong?

"Hey~ I will also be mistaken. If I could see the soul of that child at that time, maybe if I acted at that time, that child might still be able to take it. But the situation is not good, and I will resist if I want to take the child myself. "

"Hmm......... You really want to take away my Bell-kun. ”

"I don't deny that. After all, that kid could make me wrong, and that alone was enough to make me pay attention to him. But that's not my principle. ”

Yes, only by seeing the color of the soul deeply will Freya be sure if that child is the partner she is looking for. Her choice is not so casual, and she will not make reckless choices for some reason.

PS: Please collect... Asking for flowers............ Ask for reviews.

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