I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 219 Gambling

"Principle.......... Freya, you don't mean to see clearly before snatching my Bell-kun, right?"

"That's right."

Freya admitted it completely unabashedly, an operation that even Loki was fascinated by.

"You admit that?"

Hestia thought Freya would quibble.

Freya didn't care at all, but dragged her cheeks with her plain hands.

"Hestia, you and that kid have been guarding me all the time. That kid is still staring at us. But the kid's skills are really good: "Even so, I don't feel any sight."

Even now, Freya still couldn't feel any sight. If someone was watching, she wouldn't even feel it at all. But now she was very sure that Hestia's child must be watching from the side.

"Since you're all so defensive of me, do I admit that there's a difference?"


At this moment, Hestia understood why Freya directly expressed this thought. Those words just now were not addressed to her, but specifically to Bell. 047 "Freya, you don't follow the rules!"

Looking at Hestia, who was angry and jumping on her feet, Yiya only had an elegant smile on her face.

"Hestia, this is actually the rule of the game for the gods. The competition between the dependents and the dependents is the charm of the Lord God and the wealth of the dependents. So, Hestia, do you feel that you are not attractive enough to attract your children?"

"Hmm.......... Says who! As long as you don't play tricks, Bell-kun will definitely not be attracted to you.

"Don't play with means? The gods play with means, Ya. ”

Freya cruelly laid this out this fact. Olali's game is a game of the gods and a game that determines the future fate of the world. Therefore, the gods without means cannot play, and the competition for resources, the competition for talented children, and the cultivation of children are all means.

These means are not played by the main god, then they are played by the children cultivated by the dependents. And this is also the rules of Eularee's game.

"Apollo would use coercion to force children to join his family, and that's the means. Loki repatriates Ishtar for the children he wants, and even robs Apollo, that's the means. ”

"Olali's main god plays with means. You say not to play with means? Hestia, can't you afford to play?"


Freya's words did not aggravate the tone, but they made Hestia constantly suppressed by the momentum. The sentence "Can't you afford to play?" It was already doomed for her to try to escape from Jasmine.

"Of course I can afford to play."

"So, how about a game between us?"

"War games again?"

"If it's a forcible game, the kid won't admit it. Even if I win, that kid won't come to my family willingly. Therefore, our game does not involve "war games". "

This surprised Hestia a little, but it was advantageous for her not to be involved in the "war game".

"I don't choose to press the past with the strength of my family, and I don't need your children to change their past style. I will find his place in my own way, and when that time comes, I will see exactly what color the child's soul is.

"If, in the end, that kid chooses me, Hestia, you will obediently admit it."

——Where could my Bell-kun be found so easily by you?

Loki glanced at Freya, it seemed that this game was quite unfair to Freya, but it could not be ruled out that those words just now were deliberately said to that kid. Although it sounds like a very unfair game, it is recognized by the little man. So, Freya dug the pit anyway.

"You don't need to think about it so early yet. The three pillars of the Loki family have been ignited, and their growth needs an opportunity to move forward."

"So, the Freya clan will look for my location everywhere next."

But after Bell has accumulated enough strength, then the problem of the goddess Freya really has little impact. The next thing he needs to think about is how to guide the growth of the Loki family, otherwise he will really be the only one when he faces the black dragon when the time comes.

"Perhaps, they will use a way to force me out."

Because Freya wasn't sure if she was bad or really not, she didn't talk about the robbery very much. It may seem fairer, but in fact there is no fairness.

"Goddess Freya, she is indeed a god with means."

After watching the whole process of Lord God and Freya, Bell also understood Freya's thoughts.

PS: Please collect... Ask for flowers.......... Ask for reviews.

Hestia knew in her heart that she was stable. Freya's idea of finding Bell-kun with her own strength is a dead end, since this is the case, then what is not to promise?

Steadily improving one's "instrument" is the key now, and this requires step-by-step and steady progress, which cannot be achieved overnight.


While paying attention to the "Kenji" trio against the giant flower, Bell also paid attention to the situation on the side of Lord Kamigami.

Hestia hummed twice in her heart, and there was not much worry. Bell-kun's ability she knows, as long as Bell-jun does not choose to stand up herself, almost no one (baej) can find Bell-kun, let alone let Bell-jun choose Freya.

Bell couldn't help but sigh, and then it became more troublesome to act, and he needed to be more cautious and careful in facing any situation around him.

After being spotted, Bell moved his position above a lower building. In order to avoid being detected again, Bell's position is even more irrational than before.

However, this problem is actually not big, as long as it is not connected. Bell still understands the word "forbearance" very well, as long as it is not something that cannot be left out, Bell can be regarded as not seeing.

Bell knew very well that Freya didn't have to rob just because she was caught in suspicion and speculation, and if she did make a sure, then she wouldn't choose to play this set, but would just rob someone.

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