I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 220 Accident Happened

"It's the other side."

Bell's eyes were locked on the battlefield of giant flowers.

"Sword Ji" Ace Wallenstein's ability is undoubtedly strong, and if you don't borrow Lune's words, your eyes can hardly keep up with the speed of the other party's movement.

"After using magic, the speed can actually increase to this level. It seems that because of the wind, even if part of it is used to protect itself, the acceleration is very good


"The wind spirit rushes away, it is indeed a very comprehensive wind magic. Flesh acceleration, wind attribute weapon entanglement, body protection. Although it is not as comprehensive and extreme as my thunder, it is indeed a million gold oil as an attack magic."

"Although there is no problem with my ability value and I have a lot of combat experience, the problem with weapons is very big."

Bell's gaze quickly locked on the weapon in Kenji's hand, and he clearly saw that the rapier was on the verge of collapse.

"Swords of ordinary materials are really helpless. Attributes are forcibly attached to the weapon, and if the essence of the weapon is not strong enough, it will soon completely crumble due to overuse.]

Just as Bell was thinking so, "Kenji" had just cut off a giant flower, and it was completely broken because of the strong skin of the second giant flower. However, such a result is also a natural result, after all, no weapon can carry such a construction.

It is also used to fight against giant flowers with thick skin and flesh, and it is also necessary to withstand the addition of wind attributes, coupled with high-intensity use, it is difficult to have weapons to resist. Obviously, "Kenji" does not use a weapon with her own "not bad" characteristics, otherwise this phenomenon would not have occurred.

"High-intensity combat still requires weapons with "not bad" characteristics."

But when it comes to weapons, Bell isn't very worried.

The "Hestia Blade" has the characteristics of "not bad" and "growth", and is a typical first-line weapon.

"Xu Della Dagger" has the two characteristics of "Xu Della's blood" and "not bad", and is a first-line weapon with poisonous attributes.

"Nine Characters and Fixed" has the characteristics of "cutting through everything" and "not bad", and considering its own characteristics, this weapon is even above the first-line weapon.

Bell's special weapons are "not bad", so there is no need to worry about how to use them.

Thinking so, Bell couldn't help but fall into thought.

"So can I work with Faith Toth on forging?" Faith forged weapons, and I engraved Lune on them?"

In fact, this practice is not impossible, just like a magic sword. However, under the blessing of Lune, it may not be as short-lived as the magic sword.

But Bell still shook his head slightly. It's not impossible to do such a thing, but it's not too necessary.

Because forging weapons still requires the use of materials that can create "not bad" characteristics. Since the weapon itself has the "not bad" characteristic, it is good to use the enchanted rune stone directly, which is more trouble-free.

Bell continued to look down.

With the shattering of the "Sword Ji" weapon, it directly caused the "Sword Ji" combat ability to plummet, and the broken rapier could not even continue to cause damage to the giant flower. As for the other two Lv.5s are even engaged in empty-handed combat, it seems that they are really just out to participate in the "monster festival".

"The only combat unit you can rely on is the weakest one."

The picture and gaze shifted to the body of the elf girl who had been injured through the right waist. "Thousand Elves] Refia Villidis is a third-order adventurer in the Loki family, and the strongest magician in the Loki family after the "Nine Magic Girls".

With the strength of Lv.3, the use of magic can even annihilate the monsters of Lv.4 or even Lv.5, which can be said to be the hope of the new generation.

It's just that "hope" speaks of the future, not the present. With her right waist pierced, she didn't even have the strength to stand up at the moment.

[Do you want to help?] Huh?"

Just when Bell was thinking about whether to help, Lefia, whose right waist was pierced, stood up with her hands on her own.

It hurts!

It really hurts!

The rhizome of the giant flower rushing up from the ground directly penetrated the waist, and Lefia suffered not only the pain of being penetrated, but also the pain of being shaken by the force. But she knew that she had to stand up, and if she didn't, Theona, Tione, and even Ace would be eaten away by the giant flower.

"Sister Ace's weapon is broken, and neither Tiona nor Tione's weapons have been brought out, if this continues, we may all die here."

Lefia gritted her back teeth and got up from the ground little by little. Her right waist caused a greater amount of blood to flow because of her movements, which also made her face turn pale.

Asking for flowers.........

"Sister Ace, I won't just be the object of your protection."

The longing and gratitude in her heart became her courage to continue to move forward. The pain in her right lower back was numb at the moment, which made Lefia's heart slowly sink, and at the same time began to chant the incantation

"Make a wish in the name of Wei Xian."

"O ancestors of the forest, noble companions. Respond to my voice and come to the steppe.

"The bond of contact, the agreement of the banquet. Dance around the circle. ”

"Come on, Ring of Goblins. Please lend me power!"

With the boiling magic of Lefia's body, a ring of culture appeared beside her.


The giant flower let out a heaven-shaking roar and rushed towards Lefia, who could not even stand firm. But such a thing is not allowed by Ace, Tiona and Thione, even if they don't have weapons in their hands, they can still do it if they want to stop the giant flower.

The three looked at each other.

Ace instantly rushed towards the giant flower that was far away, and used the rapier in her hand that had been completely broken to smash down on the bud of the giant flower.

The two sisters, Thiorge and Tiona, swung their fists at the closer giant flower.

"Boom !!!"

The two-point impact caused the two giant flowers to be smashed to the ground fiercely, and at the same time stopped the attack of the giant flower. And taking this opportunity, the three of them immediately jumped back in front of Refia.

Refia didn't pause, because she trusted Theona, Thiorge and Sister Ace, so she kept chanting the mantra.

"O apocalypse, white snow. In the face of dusk, let the wind blow. ”

"Closed light, frozen earth. Snow blowing all over the sky, three harsh winters————My name is Alver!"

"Ecstasy Fimble Winter!"

The three people standing in front quickly dispersed.

With the end of the incantation, three blowing snow blows towards the giant flower from almost different directions, and the giant flower is completely frozen almost instantly.

However, accidents still appeared.


Just before the last giant flower was completely frozen, the ground in front of Refia also cracked. A vine like steel bars stabbed at Lephia's brain.

PS: Please collect........ Ask for flowers.......... Ask for six prices.

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