The eyes of the three people who jumped away were about to glare out when they saw this scene.


The three people who jumped up couldn't rush over immediately, and now they could only watch the vine aim at Rephia, but there was no way.


Looking at the vines that flew towards her, Lefia felt that she was seeing things much slower. Even she could see the details of the vines more clearly. At the very end of the vine, the effect of freezing has eroded the entire vine little by little.

It's a pity, it's a pity really.

"I'm going to die.......

Lefia already knew that her imminent death had caused her to be missensitive to time. But super unwilling, obviously just started, I didn't expect to die here.

But this "one eighty-zero" is an adventurer, and any adventurer does not have enough strength to say that he can definitely live.

Sister Ace's voice was heard in her ears, and Fei's gaze finally shifted to Sister Ace who was rushing towards her.

"Sister Ace, I can't go down like you."

When facing death, no one can continue to entangle so much, and in the end, all you get is unwillingness, and the relief of death.

Lefia did not close her eyes, but quietly waited for this sensitive time to end and let her life come to an end.

"!!! Rephia"

The emotionless "Kenji" who was like a doll watched the vine stab at Lefia quickly but could not do anything. It's like mom and dad.

This made Ace bite her lip desperately, and the desperate regurgitation also had to speed up her body.

But no matter how the body accelerates, it can't be touched.

Obviously it's just a little bit worse: ......... But it's just a little bit worse.....

The vine is freezing rapidly, but the front part is still maintaining its previous speed. Perhaps as long as you continue to wait for a while, the vine will lose all kinetic energy due to freezing, and even shatter directly because of this kinetic energy.

But time can't wait.

The sense of time disappeared little by little, and the time that had temporarily stood still just now was turning again.


Just when everything was resting, a crisp sound came from the position where Lefia was standing. A stone pillar rose sharply, hitting the vine aiming at Rephia's head.

"When !!!"

The dull impact caused the vine hit by the stone pillar to be slammed out of the trajectory of the attack, pulling Refia back from the line of death.

"I... Still alive....."

Leifia stared blankly at the stone pillar in front of her, and finally couldn't help but completely collapse her body to the ground. The tears in her eyes fell uncontrollably, and she experienced for the first time that death was so close.


"Sister Ace..... Sister Ace... Wow!!"

Lefia's head shifted mechanically, and when she saw Sister Ace standing beside her, she couldn't restrain her emotions and cried directly.

"It's okay . It's okay............ It's already fine. ”

Seeing Ace like Lefia was also a little at a loss, and quickly used her own barren way to comfort Lefia.

Ace's eyes, who comforted Rephia, also looked at the stone pillar that rose in the nick of time, if it weren't for the stone pillar blocking the attack of the vines, Lephia would have died by now. But a question also appeared in Ace's heart.

"Who did this?"

"Refia, are you all right?"

Tiona, who landed on the ground, also immediately crouched down to check on Rephia's condition. But at this time, Lefia was just crying and did not react in any other way.

"I was scared."

It's okay to be able to cry. Theona's worries slowly let go a little, but it was normal to cry uncontrollably. Anyone who faces that situation and survives will have such emotions.

"It's not just scared. Ace, you are fast on your feet, hurry up and get a bottle of elixir. Otherwise, the wound on Leifia's waist would be uncontrollable.

Only then did Ace react to see that Rephia's right waist was also penetrated. She quickly stood up, and her whole body was immediately wrapped in the wind.

"I'll go back when I go."

Ace, who jumped high, immediately rushed from the top position in the direction of the dependents. Lefia's condition is very bad, if she doesn't move fast, maybe the penetrating injury on Lefia's waist will also kill her.

"Theona, you come to help Rephia bandage, I'll go check if there is any danger around"

He is the guide of everything, and he is also the god who wants to completely reduce the world to chaos.

"Now the god Loki can't even want to get involved. When my own children encounter such a thing, I am afraid that God Loki will thoroughly investigate the matter, and the hidden things behind are afraid that they will be thoroughly dug up."

The other gods with unclear goals will not think about it for the time being, and the key is that this Dionysus god cannot be easily let go. There are many crazy gods, but the gods with the idea of destroying the world must be dealt with, otherwise Bell fears that there will be more trouble later.


In terms of the size of the Loki family, once they pay attention to those crazy people, even if they are ruthless, 2.5 will pay most of their attention to the Loki family.

Theona immediately put on her skirt, turned her skirt into a strip, and immediately wrapped Lephia's right waist. Try to control the bleeding so that Lefia can hold on longer.

Bell doesn't know how many gods there are hidden in the dark faction, but there is still one goal that can be clarified.

"If the elves who use magic have more combat experience, maybe this battle will not even be injured. There is a lot of room for growth in the future, no wonder it will become the protagonist of the gaiden."

"The magicians of the Loki family are indeed powerful. Those new varieties of giant flowers with a strength of at least above Lv.4 can be killed with eleven hits so easily."

The magic of leapfrogging really made Bell's eyes grow. With its own Lv.3 power, it can unleash amazingly powerful magic in near-death situations, which is really amazing.

Now there is no need to worry about someone attracting the attention of the dark faction.

"Having Loki in front of the investigation can also help me attract more attention. The dark faction valves also need to be pulled out one by one."

As her sister, Thionne went around to check for potential dangers.

PS: Please collect... Ask for flowers.......... Ask for reviews.



Bell, who was watching from afar, was a little surprised.

After the praise, Si'er was also thinking about the follow-up questions.

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