I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 223 Bell's Reasoning

After returning home with Lord God, Bell still reviewed to Lord God what Freya had said today.


"Doesn't that mean that there won't be any change in my acceptance of Freya's conditions?"

Facing Lord God's questioning eyes, Bell could only nod helplessly.

Freya was clearly going to grab it, but she needed to confirm something from me now, which made her not act immediately. If Freya confirms something from me, she can do it with the right hands.


Hestia suddenly remembered what Freya had said, and the reason why she became interested in Bell-kun was that Freya could not see Bell-kun's soul. So once Freya confirms Bell-kun's soul, Yi Leiya will directly start robbing it without talking about martial arts?

This discovery made Hestia blush instantly.

"She, she's so shameless!"

"In fact, Freya just doesn't want to face."

Of course, Bell knew that Lord God was ashamed, and he was also very shameful about Freya's behavior. But don't take your own shame as the standard of others, in fact, the standard line of others may be low to death.

"Freya has a clear goal, and to put it bluntly, she wants to investigate my situation. If my situation matches the person she is looking for, then she will choose to rob. If my situation doesn't match the person she's looking for, then she might tell you it's a misunderstanding.

"What a misunderstanding!"

Hestia couldn't help but burst into foul language, she wouldn't think Freya was playing with her now, this was really trying to snatch her Bell-kun, and it was the worst means.

"Freya actually violates the rules of the game!"

Bell shook his head slightly.

"Lord God, God Freya is sitting on Olali's strongest adventurer, and she has the ability to rob people. Therefore, Freya God never cares what others think of her, as long as it is something she fancy, then Freya God will do whatever it takes to achieve it."


Hestia was a little discouraged at the thought of this question.

"Hmm... But if this continues, Freya will snatch you over, will I still have to agree?"

Bell laughed and shook his head.

"Lord God, although Freya has a strong attitude, she still has her principles as an action. As God Freya herself said, forcible actions are actions that do not conform to her principles. Just like what Lord God knew just now, why didn't he choose to push God to do it directly?"

"Of course it's because of her.... Ahhh!"

Halfway through the words, Hestia exclaimed.

"Because she can't see Bell-kun's soul color, she's not sure if you're the person she's looking for.


Bell snapped his fingers, which was the crux of today's conversation.

"Lord God, I am very careful when I walk outside, and now I hide my breath when I go out. That is, Freya God met me before learning Lune. But I myself am not so conspicuous in the circle of adventurers, but only once may I have attracted the attention of Freya. ”

"Which time?"

"It was the time when the "rich hostess" went out to dinner together."

Hestia then remembered that because she saw Bell-Jun's rapid growth that day, she was in a good mood and pulled Bell-Jun out with her to have a luxury.

"I remember running into Loki in that store."

"Yes, on the day Loki returned from the dungeon and celebrated in the "Mistress of Plenty". God Loki saw us that day, so he also came over to say hello to us. And that day, I didn't cover myself with a hood, and it should be that time that God Freya noticed. "

Bell actually made a mistake that day, and if he had paid attention, he would never have let Lord God pull him to the "Rich Mistress". If it hadn't been for the mistake that day, perhaps he wouldn't have appeared in the eyes of God Freya.

"Bell-kun, but we didn't see Freya that day." The ability to see the soul of a child in the Nether is unique to Freya, and if Freya wasn't present, she wouldn't have made such a judgment, right?"

Hestia thought what Bell-kun said was very reasonable, but she really hadn't seen Freya that day. At most, you can only see Loki.

"So, that's the problem. I clearly remember that the only chance that Freya could notice me was in the tavern of the "Lady of Plenty" that day. Other times, "God Jasmine doesn't notice a little person like me.

So, what's going on?"

Hestia affirmed Bell-kun's judgment, but Freya's absence was also a fact.

There is only one answer, there are a pair of Freya god eyes in the shop of the "Lady of Plenty". God Freya saw me through those eyes [and then I was willing to go away without any color]. "

"But, in that case, isn't the 'Fertile Mistress' Freya's territory?"

"This should be the most reasonable answer."

Bell was the one who knew the answer early, so he could think in that direction very smoothly. However, according to his behavior style, the statements just now are actually correct. Freya's chance to see him was only "the one time of the abundant mistress."

"Freya even has that kind of eyeliner..."

"It's not a very strange thing. Lord God, if Freya didn't have such eyeliner, do you think Freya could dig up so many (no-good) dependents?"

"Are you saying that Freya found so many good children through those eyes?"

"After all, there are so many excellent adventurers in Freya's family, it can't be found by Freya God alone, right? Isn't it more reasonable to look for a suitable target in a place where fish and dragons are mixed?"


Hestia thought carefully that this was indeed the case.

Freya lived on the Tower of Babylon all year round, and she couldn't just wander around Olali, because that would be too eye-catching. If Freya had a pair of eyes staring at her in a tavern, then Freya could find so many good children.

Bell laughed lightly at the moment.

"Lord God, this is actually the best news for us.

PS: Please collect........ Ask for flowers............. Ask for reviews.

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