I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 224 The Best Situation

"Bell-kun, this has no other benefit than letting us know that the "Rich Mistress" is Freya's territory.

"No, that's the biggest benefit."

Bell shook his head slightly, he did not pretend to be deep but directly picked out the reason.

"Being able to act as the eyeliner of the god Freya means having the ability of the god Freya to see through the soul of an individual. Lord God, isn't this a calendar that can be given to others casually?"

"Of course. This is a special power possessed by the gods, some of the most basic uses of each god's powers, and it is not a power that can be given to the children of the Nether casually

"Well, since it is a power that cannot be given to others casually, then even if this power is accidentally given to the adventurers of the Nether, then there are only a few people who can use this power."

This is inevitable. Hestia nodded slightly, the power of the gods is not something that the children of the Nether can grasp.

"Although I don't know how Freya managed to give her power to the Nether Child, such a case can only be an example. Perhaps that child possessed unusual magic or skills, otherwise it would be almost impossible for the Nether child to wield the power of power.

So this leads to a conclusion.

In other words, there are only 683 special cases, and he is one of the permanent employees of the store of "Hostess of Plenty". Then it becomes easy to hide from Freya God's gaze, as long as I continue to maintain the past style Freya God wants to find me is not easy. ”

"Is it really okay to think so?"

"Of course."

Hestia was still very uneasy, because she felt that Freya might look for Bell-kun more vigorously for this matter. But Bell himself didn't think so at all, so he comforted the gods.

"Does Lord God think that God Freya will step up his efforts to find me?"

"She........ Won't you?"

"No, if Freya was a wise person, she would have known that I would only be more vigilant at this time, and would not let people find any clues. Her increased efforts had little effect under my Lune, and any of her efforts were in vain.

Bell knew that he would definitely be more vigilant about Freya's search, but it was under such circumstances that he would not reveal his position. And this (babf) point Freya God is actually very clear.

"Freya should be very clear that I will never take the initiative to come out from behind, so she will definitely not continue to increase the investigation on the surface."

So, summing up the above situation, it becomes that Freya will not search for my tracks, and will even relax her search for me, and then try to find my place through the eyes behind my back.

"But that's the best situation for me. This means that I can hide well as I just dodge Freya and the eyes behind Freya.

Although the situation is very bad, Bell is not worried about this situation at all.

In fact, he had guessed that there would be a worse situation, but it was definitely not a bad thing to be able to create such a situation, and even relieved his pressure to some extent.

"But.......... Freya stared from behind, does it really matter?"

At the moment, Hestia is like a mother hen who is nervous that the chick will be taken away by other hens. Of course, there is also part of the self-blame that caused this situation.

"Don't worry, Lord God."

I could see God-sama's concern, so Bell was also repeatedly affirming this matter.

"This situation is a good thing for us. Freya doesn't step up her efforts to look for me, and I can avoid Freya's gaze to accumulate my strength and grow up quickly.

"If it weren't for Lord God's meeting with Freya this time, maybe our situation would not be very good for a while to come. Promoting such a situation is actually what I want to see. ”

It's not just comfort, but that's what Bell thinks.

Freya didn't have an accurate eye on him, and this was the best chance for him. If it was certain that Freya was eyeing him accurately, perhaps, this was the problem that gave Bell a headache.

"I'm embarrassed if you say that."

Hestia reluctantly accepted this statement. Although she knew very well in her heart that this statement might be the step that Bell-Jun gave her, she could not refuse Bell-Jun's kindness

Bell shook his head slightly, he knew that Lord God thought those words just now were steps. He did not explain this part of the question, and then Lord God would know that those words were not steps.

"Lord God, if you want to be as careful as possible when you act in Olali. Today's "monster festival" can have such problems, and other things will happen in the future. ”

Today's "Monster Festival" really gave Hestia a warning.

The monsters hidden in the underground waterways, and the hidden darkness behind those monsters, actually show that Olali is not safe in the future.

But the person who stimulated Hestia the most today was Freya, and her words Hestia remembered for a lifetime. At the same time, she also knew in her heart that in the future, it was best for her not to have too much contact with Freya, and today they were completely torn their faces.

After calming the god-sama's emotions, Bell put on his cloak again.

"Bell-kun, do you still want to go out?"

"Hmm. So much has happened today, Freya wouldn't think I'm still out there, so I need to go to the guild today. ”

Bell is definitely going to go to the guild side, which has a lot to do with his subsequent challenge to the dungeon.

"I had already reached the twelfth level last time, and then I was going to start challenging to enter the middle level, and I needed to prepare a lot. The first thing that needs to be collected is the intelligence of the middle-level monsters, as well as some matters that need attention. "

"Besides, I also need to go to Faith this time."

"Still going to Hertic Faith?"

As soon as she heard this, Hestia immediately puffed out her face.

"Yes, that's something that has to be done. Today's matter also needs to be explained to God of Faith, after all, it is impossible to avoid the place where God of Faith needs help in the future. ”

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