I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 225 The Martial Law Oralie

After hiding his breath, Bell went out again.

When I came to the street, it was already nightfall, but today the streets are not as crowded as before, and the streets are full of patrolling adventurers. Looking at the posture, it should be the influence of today's "monster festival" appeared.

Many of the adventurers on patrol wear elephant masks and are supposed to belong to the Ganesha family.

In addition to the patrolling adventurers on the streets, there are only a few sporadic ordinary adventurers walking around the night market.

"The heart is really big."

Bell shook his head slightly and headed directly to the location of the Faith Tosi family.

After three blocks, Bell stopped in front of a large family base. The scale here is not weaker than the "Yellow Dusk House" of the Loki family, which is very in the style of the iron family, and you can hear the sound of non-stop iron from inside when you stand outside.

There were more guards outside the door.

Bell glanced at them and passed directly through these guards, and after entering the annex, Bell found that there were also many ~ guards patrolling inside.

"Although it is a family of blacksmiths, the heritage of the Stoke God Family is also very thick."

Carefully feel the breath of those patrol guards, none of them are weak, which means that these patrol guards are almost all adventurers of Lv.3, and the number is still above 30, this background is really not discussed.

Having been here before, Bell knows a little about the inside of the annex.

This time, after locking the breath of God on Faith, Bell rushed directly over. The same room from last time belonged to the office of God of Faith.

But when he came to the door, Bell didn't knock directly and enter.

When I felt the breath just now, I felt that there was another person's breath in the office of God on Faithtos.

Like a volcanic eruption, just probing makes Bell feel dangerous.

It is Lv.5, and he is the head of the god of Faith. Bell recalled the same feeling in his memory, and he was sure of the identity of the other person.

So Bell waited outside the door for a while.

"Lord Hey Faith, today I went to the guild again to find the team that attacked the dungeon.

Welf? Bell listened casually, and at the same time came with some interest.

"Welf went to the guild to find the team that attacked the dungeon, and it seems that he has reached a point."

"It just so happens that I also have to start thinking about the middle level of the strategy these days."

I felt a little about the coincidence of time, but Bell didn't plan to contact Welf.

"He hasn't given up yet?"

Bell listened to Faith and revealed a little helplessness in his God's tone.

But it is also a matter of course. After all, in the depths of Olali's top production family, its internal high-level adventurers, if you want to improve the level, just ask the seniors within the family to easily raise the level. It's obviously such a simple thing, but it has to be so complicated.

"yes. I told him that if he wanted to level up, I would have a few people from the family team up to accompany him to the dungeon to train for a while. It just so happens that there are also many newcomer craftsmen in the family who are ready to upgrade, and there is no problem for everyone to act together. ”

There will be some new adventurers joining within the Great Dependents clan. Joining the Faith family are naturally some craftsmen who are good at crafting, but these craftsmen also need to consider the issue of upgrading, and only by upgrading can they obtain the "development ability" that is very important to the craftsman.

The ability to develop "forging" is an important criterion for craftsmen, which is an entry condition for excellent craftsmen.

It is precisely because of this that most craftsmen will strive to improve their level even if they are not interested in combat, to learn the development ability of "forging".

Upgrading from Lv.1 to Lv.2 is actually the easiest, especially in the environment of the Great Family, and it is too easy to obtain such resources.

Moreover, craftsmen are not ordinary adventurers, and they need to exercise their ability values to the extreme before they consider upgrading. They only choose to upgrade in order to gain a "forging" development ability, so most of them will immediately choose to upgrade when one of their ability values is raised to the minimum standard of upgrade.

It's just that the development ability of "forging" is not so easy to learn.

0 begging for flowers...

In fact, this is also a problem.

This is really the grand duke who ran out of the big family, and adventurers with ordinary intentions would not have such extravagant ideas.

"Just let him go. There are some things that you can't take that step if you can't accept it in your heart, and for Welf, only after taking that step can you become a competent craftsman. ”

Good weapons increase the adventurer's chances of surviving in the dungeon, which is why adventurers crave good weapons.

For adventurers, "staying alive" is what they need to consider.

If those craftsmen who have not learned to "forge" once, they can only choose to consider continuing to upgrade the level, and when they are promoted to Lv.3, they will not have the ability to develop again.

The purpose of the craftsman to go to the dungeon is only to upgrade, but because the craftsman himself is not good at fighting, Olali's team rarely welcomes the craftsman to join.

PS: Please collect... Asking for flowers......... Ask for a price.

The magic sword is a weapon that can unleash magic, and it can be said that it is an excellent weapon that adventurers crave. However, the magic sword has a very serious use limit, as long as it is used a certain number of times, it will be completely damaged. In fact, the more excellent the magic sword, the more obvious it is, almost without exception.

But there is such a strange person, who regards weapons as his partners, because he can't bear that his companions are forged for destruction, so he gives up forging magic swords.

"Ah, Lord Faith Toss knew from the beginning?"

"His current situation only clears his brain a little when he is in trouble. Moreover, where does he, an unknown craftsman, go to find a team to go to the dungeon?"

"Hmph, that kid is just thinking too much now, giving him a basin of cold water can calm him down." It is useless to blindly take care of him, it is better to let him see the dangerous environment of Olali.

"Pointless persistence."

Bell understood this from the outside, and there was only one feeling in his heart.

"What do you think?"

"Lord HeFaithtos, aren't you worried about Wei Zai getting into trouble?"

"Lord Faithtos, you have a bad heart."

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