I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 228 They Are Not Good Enough

The conclusion is that neither Chief Finn, Deputy Chief Riveria, nor that Grace have the strength to defeat Lv.7 one-on-one. In other words, they are each good at different fields, and the combination of the three of them can be compared to Lv.7. ”

Loki also had to think carefully about what the kid in front of him said at this moment.

Indeed, neither Finn nor Riveria had the strength to beat Lv.7 one-on-one.

It's not that they're not capable, it's that they're not comprehensive enough.

Perhaps the advantage of specializing in one ability value in the early stage is great, and it can even cross the gap between levels. However, in higher-level battles, this advantage becomes dispensable, because other aspects of disadvantage are the biggest problem.

This is the fundamental reason why Finn and they have strong strength, but they can't continue to move up.

Therefore, if they want Finn and them to move forward, either Finn and they will become more comprehensive, or they will challenge monsters that have almost no hope of defeat, only in this way can they accumulate enough to promote to LV.X.

"If you're talking about letting Finn and them take on invincible monsters, forget it.

"I'm not going to let them do that kind of death-seeking thing for a short-term gain."

Bell was not unprepared for this answer, so he continued the topic.

"If you say that exploring unknown territory is also looking for death, then I have nothing to say."

Loki's eyebrows raised, isn't challenging the unknown a thing about the expedition?

"To make it clear what I just said, what is it called challenging the unknown territory and finding death?"

Bell glanced at Loki slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised a slight arc.

"As long as adventurers know the dangers of dungeons, any unknown territory is a great challenge for adventurers. And now the dungeon is full of the danger of uncertainty, like a giant flower like yesterday."

"From the battle between your dependents and the giant flowers, you can know that those giant flowers are monsters of the lower classes. Moreover, it has a hard skin, and even the fist of a first-level adventurer cannot smash it with one blow, in a sense, adventurers who are not carrying first-level weapons will have a headache against the monster in the upper middle. ”

Loki's eyelids twitched, and she vaguely sensed what this kid was going to say, and then she heard it.

"Where do you think these monsters came from?"

"It should be deeper, right? Even uncharted territory that has not yet been explored.

"So, do you think those giant flowers are heavyweight monsters?"

Be.......... Loki wanted to refute it in a self-deceptive way, but she couldn't.

As the "god of lies and tricks", Loki does not choose to lie in fact. And this thing in front of him is not only a fact, and in front of the little man and Faith Toth, Luki really has no face to do this.

"It's just a bunch of minions. For a truly heavyweight monster, it's just a bunch of weeds that spawn... That's what you mean, right?"

Bell just shrugged slightly and didn't object.

"So, the weeds already have the strength that Lv.5 can't solve without a little effort, so what is the level of the meeting that spawned these weeds?"

Loki hugged her chest with her hands unhappily, and the feeling of being led away from the topic made her very unhappy, but at the moment she still answered along the topic.

"Lv.7, or Lv.8. 11

So, that's the answer Bell wants.

"So, don't you think that the current Loki family continues the expedition is not an act of suicide?"

"Of course, you can also restrict the expeditionary actions of your dependents. But is Master Finn, who is working hard for the rise of the race, acceptable to him?"

Damn it! Caught and hurt feet! Loki gritted her teeth uncomfortably, but she couldn't refute it at this moment.

Even if you think about it with your heels, you know that Finn will never agree.

Finn, who has made it his mission to revitalize the villains, has actually done a good job, but Finn still wants to do better, so he needs to continue to climb up.

Looking at Loki's tangled expression, Bell knew that he was just missing a fire.

"On the other hand, those monsters should be deep products, why were they taken to the underground of Olali? Maybe those people don't just want to send these things at all, right? They want to send something more dangerous to the ground. ”

"At that time, the dependents of the Loki God can naturally retreat with their whole body, but can others really hide from it?"

This time, Loki's tangled mood was completely broken.

Because she knew that the kid in front of her was right, the rats of the dark faction had climbed up the sewers, and expecting those bastards not to move was like a dream. Now Loki can't forget the trial that the evil god gave to Olali.

But that's all when Olali's living power is given as a stepping stone to try to train the next generation. But what if this time it was really a bastard evil god? Is it the bastard who came specifically to destroy Olali?

So, she didn't have any choice from the start.

Maybe she could limit the number of expedition layers of the dependents, but she couldn't control the guys of the dark faction from jumping out of the sewers.

There is only one thing she can do now.

........ Let's start with your plan. ”

At the moment, Bell's plan is nearly half successful, and only if Loki herself feels the severity of the form, she will consider this unreliable plan.

"What those three lack now is not combat experience, but what they lack is to let them step into the great cause of Lv.7. However, because they are not opponents of Lv.7, which is a little stronger than (Wang's), if the number of raiders is increased, the "great deed" they obtain will definitely not allow them to cross the stage of LV.6. Therefore, what is needed is a more difficult catastrophe. ”

"However, considering the impact of strength, of course, it is impossible to let those three go on a crusade against the monsters of Lv.8. So, I also made a certain conjecture. If I can control some monsters, I will strengthen the monster's ability for a short time at the cost of monster self-destruction, and it will be controlled by me to a certain extent. Under such conditions, if the three of them take people to the crusade, will they be given enough promotion to "great deeds?"

This conjecture made Loki ponder.

It's not that there is no such possibility, but the possibility of such a possibility is actually very large, and there is only one fault in the current problem.

"You have the ability to do such a thing?"

PS: Please collect........ Beg.. Fresh flowers............... Ask for reviews.

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