I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 229 I Agree

"If it's the ability to fight head-on, I'm really not enough, but I'm really good at this kind of thing.

Bell admits that his abilities are still low, far inferior to those of the top adventurers. However, Bell also admits that his ability outside of non-combat is definitely not a level that those top adventurers can compare.

Eighteen rune characters were written casually in the air.

"These words are the magic words I have mastered. With these eighteen words, I can achieve almost any imaginable ability [and the cost to me is very low.

Loki glanced slightly, and the eighteen words as far as his eyes could see revealed only one taste.

"Power . . . You kid actually holds this kind of power!"

At this moment, Loki instantly understood why this kid could say such arrogant things.

A child in the Nether has powers that only gods can use.

Loki's eyes are not blind, the use of these words is very limited, do not need divine power to use, this is completely limited low power, and can still simulate the power of other powers.

Loki endured the surprise in his heart and looked at the little man and Faith Toss.

"So, you two already knew?"

Hestia and Faithtos did not deny anything, they did already know about 370. However, what they were initially surprised by was not Bell's mastery of the Lune script, but by Bell's other magical power.

"That's how you pit your friends!?"

Loki almost slammed the table and jumped up.

How can a child in the Nether use power at will? Even these gods were restricted from using divine power and power, and as a result, there was even one of the children in the Nether who could use power unscrupulously?

"No wonder that day I felt that the divine power in my body was limited by things other than seals, and it turned out to be power for a long time!?"

Now Loki fully understood why Finn would put it down so easily.

Even she was no exception, after being inexplicably put down, she felt that the divine power in her body that had long been sealed was greatly limited.

Feelings she was put down by power.

But this did reassure Loki a lot.

Power, that's a reason best for her to believe. This is a power that is impossible for children in the Nether to grasp, and it can also be said that it can be mastered by gods.

"Well... I just believe you can do it.

Loki tried to calm his mood a little.

"I was really surprised by the ability to produce different powers through different combinations."

"Dangerous problems can be controlled, right?"

That was the only thing Loki needed to focus on right now.

"Safety cannot be completely guaranteed. Now I haven't done the corresponding experiments, and this time I want to control a monster that is far beyond my strength, and I can't be sure of that kind of thing.

Bell didn't say "safety can be guaranteed" directly, he couldn't give such a guarantee.

Loki didn't say anything about it.

Power is indeed power, but there is a certain difference between the use of children in the Nether and the use of gods, and there is nothing to say about it without guarantee.

"I can only minimize the worst-case scenario as much as possible."

Loki was silent for a long time before he sighed.

"Okay, I agree."

Adventurers need to take their own responsibilities, and there is nothing to say about Roadbed.

This kid in front of him used her family for this reason, but crossing the Lv.6 stage was also an important point for Finn.

One of the biggest issues is security, so what is needed is a big gamble.

Loki didn't know if he had made the right choice, but if this big bet was won, then Finn could go further.

So, Loki knew she needed to participate in this big bet.

The stone in Bell's heart was completely put down, and as long as the god of Baea agreed, his follow-up preparations began.

Got up from the couch and bowed slightly to Loki.

"Thank you very much, Lord Loki."

Loki looked at the kid in front of him with a complicated expression. Although this kid has pitted her many times and earned her a lot of money, this kid in front of him is really good.

"This time it's about your ability."

"I know, so I'll try to get Captain Finn as much as possible so they can cross that line."

Loki glanced at the little man sitting next to him.

"Little man, are you happy now?"

Hestia was very proud to hold her chest, and her face revealed only the word "proud".

"That's of course, my Bell-kun is the strongest."

Loki didn't go to the little boy, and in terms of the power Bell wielded, even if he was a little proud. After all, she had not seen a child in the Nether for so long, who could use power.

"Power.......... Where the hell did you get the luck to meet such a child?"

Loki's words directly made Hestia's smile stiffen, but Hector, who was sitting next to him, laughed at this time.

"Initially, this child found me when he first came to Olali. This child is more aware of himself than other children and wants to join my family first. ”

"So I went to find you."

Loki just looked at this, and she said how this abnormal brat let the little man bump into him. Sure enough, that's the little man's luck.

I remember that Loki remembered that the little man was still glued to Hey Faith's house, so it was definitely luck that the little man could bump into this kid, and it was also stained with He's Faith's light.

But this made Loki look depressed.

"Why didn't the child who just entered Olali come to my family?"

"Loki, what do you think your family is? Is it acceptable to any child?"

"Eh: ......”

In the face of Faith Toth's spit Loki stuck shell, helplessly grabbing her red hair, she felt that she was really missing a hundred million at this time.

Loki could only look at the kid in front of him helplessly.

"Can't you be a little bit daring? If you're a little more daring, won't even this one be gone?"

But what does this make Bell say? He could only scratch his face bitterly.

"God Loki, it's too embarrassing for you to say this."

"As the second strongest family member of Olali, where can I join casually?"

PS: Please collect........ Beg. Fresh flowers............. Ask for reviews.

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