I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 234 Aegina's Leak

When she thought of Bell suddenly saying that she was looking for middle-level monster information, Aegina was almost frightened and stupid.

Just became an adventurer less than a month ago and started thinking about the middle level of the strategy? It's too anxious.

Even if Aegina maintained the purpose of not arbitrarily influencing the adventurer's decision, she couldn't help but say a few words, after all, this is a crossover to the middle realm, this is not a joke.

"Miss Aegina, I'm about to cross over to Lv.B now."

Aegina then took Bell to a separate room, and was about to give the child a little education when she heard the child say these words.

Just like that, Aegina almost exclaimed.

Who believes a boy who has only been an adventurer for less than a month is already close to Lv.3?

Unfortunately, after Aegina, who knew Bell's secret, repeatedly confirmed it, she believed it.

If it weren't for believing what Bell said, Aegina wouldn't have found out the monster information from the thirteenth to eighteenth floors, at least the information would not be shown to adventurers who did not cross the middle level.

Now that Aegina is sitting across from Bell, she still feels a little illusory.

"In less than a month, 237 is close to Lv.3, and your growth rate is simply frighteningly fast."

"It's just luck. When I was sure of my dependents and the main god, I awakened good skills and magic, otherwise I would not have been able to grow so quickly. "

It's a beautiful thing to say, but Ina is not stupid either.

"Awakening magic and skills are only auxiliaries, and if you don't have the ability to grow yourself, you won't grow to this point in such a short time.

Perhaps there are people in the world who have awakened more exaggerated skills and magic, but if they do not have that qualification, they will not be able to cross that line.

Aegina is sure that Bell has that qualification, and she also has that luck, which makes him grow up quickly.

Then Aegina also became much more serious.

"Bell-kun, you know what? The guild has lost something recently.

Bell's brows furrowed slightly, and he immediately understood the meaning of this sentence.

"Is it intelligence related to me?"

Aegina also nodded helplessly.

"Yes, that's some of the application materials I filled out initially. I didn't fill in the seller's (baad) name, but I guess the person who found the guild information already knows.

Thinking about it, if it were not for him, it would not be specifically looking for information related to him.

Bell remained calm and said a possible answer.

"Maybe Freya did it."

"Freya? Why did Freya do this?"

Aegina looked at Bell in surprise, obviously not sure why this topic could involve Freya.

"Yesterday's "monster festival", I bumped into those things while walking down the street with Kamigami-sama."

"You collided with Lord Hestia into that kind of thing!?"

Aegina's voice couldn't help but raise a lot, she knew that the guild was investigating what happened yesterday in the residential area near Daedalus, because there were too many civilians killed, which triggered a strong investigation by the guild and the Ganesha family.

As a member of the guild, Aegina also knows some of the inside story of the investigation.

"Not really. In fact, I discovered those things early, so I left with Lord God first.

Bell calmed Miss Aegina's emotions and then explained.

"We saw the giant flowers on the nearby bell tower and it was clear why those dayflowers were sent to the underground water channel of Olali."

"Dark faction."

This word is not very foreign to Aegina, and it should be said that this word is not unfamiliar to any commoner of Olali.

More than ten years ago, Olali had experienced the test of the dark faction, and that time Olali was really almost razed to the ground. If it weren't for the efforts of many dependents and finally survived that crisis together, Olali might not have been prosperous now.

"It turned out to be a dark faction again."

Although it is not unfamiliar, the word has not been heard for Aegina for many years.

The tragedy on the twenty-seventh floor of the dungeon that year was a bloody incident caused by the dark faction.

The events of that year simply staged the word "tragic" to the extreme.

To this day, the dark faction is still a shadow in the hearts of many people.

"Bell-kun, you should also pay attention to your own safety during this time. Now that those dark factions have begun to act, you will definitely face certain risks when you operate in the dungeon.

In the face of Bell-kun's rhetorical question, Aegina couldn't give any answer, but she knew in her heart that there were definitely dark gods among the gods, otherwise it would not have been possible to do so hiddenly.

"Bell-kun, can you be sure?"

"I don't need to be sure, in fact, what happened at the "monster festival" says it all. Dungeons are all managed by the guild, and being able to control the guild's attention and let people send monsters to Olali's underground can be done if there are not many gods doing cover?"

Therefore, there are still many people who know the original incident when they talk about the dark faction's face will still change.

At that time, many of Olali's backbone forces were completely devoured by the monsters led by the dark faction because of the "monster return", and the direct result was the destruction of a large number of dependents. Even the Asteria family, which was powerful at the beginning, was almost destroyed, and even the god Asteria was forced to leave Olali.

Aegina couldn't help but think of everyone within the guild, because of the frequent incidents of the dark faction recently, many people's work has become less attentive than before. Of course she knew it wasn't everyone's fault, because everyone was in a state of panic.

"Previously, the dark faction was involved because of the affairs of the Ishtar family, and now there is a bigger movement.

PS: Please collect... Ask for flowers.......... Ask for reviews.

Aegina also doesn't think this is the end of the dark faction's operation, and the fact that those people can do so shows that those people's goals have not been achieved.

But what shocked Aegina the most was the following words, "Who is the god of the dark faction among the gods", doesn't this mean that there are those accomplices of the dark faction among the gods?

"I know, so I've always been careful."

Bell continued the topic just now.

Aegina's heartbeat also accelerated a lot for this.

It's just that Aegina can't learn more information, and she really can't get access to this information.

"They can send monsters to Olali's underground, which means that their operation is not over." In addition, who among the gods is the god of the dark faction, we don't know yet. ”

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