I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 235 Hungry Can Heal Mental Trauma

Three days have passed since the "Monster Festival".

Lephia, who was close to death in the battle of the "Monster Festival", also readjusted her state, but it took her two days to adjust her state just out of the death line.

Closing your eyes still shows what happened that day, which is the biggest reason why Lefia is not in a good mental state.


Lefia couldn't help but sigh tiredly, if her courage could be maintained all the time, she wouldn't need to toss for so long.

Holding the wall and walking out of the room, because of the fear of death in the past two days, her appetite was greatly reduced. She didn't eat a lot every day, not because she didn't want to eat, but because the fear of death made her have little appetite.

But this state can't be maintained for too long, after all, it is really uncomfortable to eat less and get hungry.

So that situation Lefia only lasted three days and returned to normal, and the fear of death could not withstand the physical hunger. So it is with the support of this hunger

Lefia's mental condition soon showed a state of recovery.


The earth-shaking belly scream made Lephia, who was holding the wall, instantly blush.


Because there is really no way to go hungry, the elf who can only forcibly recover the side effects of the death experience is probably only her.

At this moment, Lefia really felt super humiliated.

Leaning against the wall, she quickly rushed to the cafeteria.

Early in the morning, there are also many people sitting and eating breakfast in the canteen of the dependents, and many people can be seen sitting in the canteen.

"Lady, give me fried noodles, roast beef, vegetable salad, special grilled fish, and a big bucket of milk!"

In the cafeteria, an elf girl who usually eats very little today ordered a lethal set meal that made everyone around dumbfounded.

As long as the people of the family know this elf girl, who doesn't know Lephia, who has the identity of the first echelon as the second echelon? Who among the dependents doesn't know that Lefia will take over the class of "Nine Magic Ji" in the future?

But hasn't Lefia been unwell these days? Why did you eat lethal breakfast directly today?

Rephia came to the seat next to her with a large bowl of breakfast, and found a random place to sit down.


The melodious belly scream made Lefia's face red, and she quickly lowered her head and entered the state of eating.

The appetite that she usually controls is no longer within Lefia's thinking range at this moment, and she gulps down and starts to eat breakfast.

These greasy set meals that you would never eat in the morning feel extra good today.

The elegance of the elves was completely abandoned, the reservedness of the maiden was also lost, and these external conditions were directly torn to pieces in front of them.

The fork quickly inserted a piece of cut beef and bit down the fatty beef in one bite.

"Oh! It feels really good to eat meat!"

An experience like never before made Lefia's eyes light up.

The teeth chewed the beef in their mouths, and a little bit of the delicate meat flavor of the beef was tasted.

After swallowing, soon the uncomfortable feeling in the stomach disappeared instantly, replaced by a physiological craving for food.

Because she was a little choked on beef alone, Lefia held the bucket of milk and drank a large mouthful, "The taste of the dragon's milk made all her cells cheer with joy."

This may be the final reaction of people who have not eaten for three days.

Refia, who tasted this taste, no longer suppressed her appetite and swept her breakfast more quickly.


Lefia felt a lot of surprised eyes around her, but the only problem she needed to solve now was the problem of hunger.


Lefia, who was still eating, looked up sharply and saw Sister Ai standing opposite her with a plate.

"Sister Ace, good morning, hey~"

Leifia quickly sucked the fried noodles in her mouth into her mouth, chewed a few times quickly and swallowed her stomach, and quickly got up from her seat.

"Good morning."

Ace looked down at the plate in front of Refia, a bucket of milk had been mostly drained, and the plate in front of her was completely empty except for some fried noodles.

"Refia, are you all right?"

"Well, I've fully recovered, making you worry, sis."

"It's okay."

Ace didn't say anything about Lephia's eating, and seeing that Lephia's red face looked much better today than when she came back before.

0 begging for flowers.........

Isn't it better to be able to eat than not to eat it?

Lefia can eat a big meal today, then the impact on the body is definitely not great.

And Ace didn't notice any stubbornness or reluctance on Rephia's face, which proved that she had recovered.

Lefia smirked and looked at Sister Ace in front of her, and then she noticed that there was only a glass of milk and a slice of butter bread on the plate Sister Ace was carrying, and the portion was not like Sister Ace's usual food.

This made Leifia can't help but worry.

"Sister Ace, did you eat so little today? Could it be that he is not in good health?"

"Hmm... Not a physical problem. ”

Looking at her plate, Ace couldn't help but fall into sadness.

"Need to save money, now owes 4,000 Methodase.


"Weapons repair is also in debt."

The main weapon, the Sword of Despair, is repaired after the expedition, and the cost alone can drain all her savings.

In addition, plus the "monster festival" with a bad sword.

Although the sword is not a weapon with "not bad" characteristics, it is also a first-class weapon, so it will pay 40 million Faris if it is broken.

This caused Ace to fall into the abyss of debt.

If the problem of debts is not solved, then she will not even be able to get the money for the repair of weapons in the future.

So, lately, Ace is cutting back on food and trying to save some money where she can. It is also because of this that she needs to think about making money, otherwise her money will not be able to save up completely.

"So it is."

Only then did Leifia remember that the weapon used by Sister Ace on the "Monster Sacrifice" seemed to be completely scrapped, and the rapier also needed to be paid.

"Refia, you're all right."

Suddenly a voice came from behind Lefia, and before she could react, a face came pasted.

"Ah, don't stick it, Theona."

"What's the matter, I haven't hugged for three days."

This kind of picture of the girl's lily blooming is still very loving, but everyone present is used to this kind of scene.

Although Lefia could feel Tiona's kindness, she was still embarrassed to stick to Tiona like this.

PS: Please collect... Ask for flowers... Asked for a price.

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