I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 236 Going To The Dungeon To Solve The Debt Problem

Thiony, as her sister, was slightly speechless beside her.

Then she also saw Ace's miserable dinner plate.

"Ace, have you been losing weight lately? Eat so little. "

At the mention of this sad thing again, Ace's face became very uncomfortable again.



Thionne instantly understood the meaning of this sentence, and the only thing that could make them first-order adventurers in debt was "weapons".

Considering Ace's weapon, the Sword of Despair, and the sword destroyed at the Monster Festival, Tionne estimates that Ace is almost bankrupt.

"Actually, Theona is also in debt."

"Hee hee"

The bankrupt Theona has no worries at all, she is the one who is more indebted in the Loki family. The super-heavy metal used in the large double-edged edge she used is not polite at all in terms of pure quality, so the materials used are also quite unkind.

The "big double-edged "six-four-seven" requires too many materials, and they are all precious metals. ”

"The construction fee of the Gubony family is also very high, and this time I was really bankrupt."

Although Theona doesn't care much about whether she is bankrupt, she also consumes a lot because of the expedition.

And at the thought of the big green bug that corroded her weapon, Tiona's face was still full of "unhappiness".

"It's all new species that ran out of the depths, just a slash, and the blood of those guys corroded my big double blades."

"If it weren't for those new species, I wouldn't have gone bankrupt."

Despite a lot of complaints, Thiona still went to order a new big double edge.

Although she is a first-level adventurer, if she does not have weapons, then she does not have a good way to face monsters like "monster sacrifice". The skin of those plant-type monsters with hard skin cannot be broken with a fist at all, and only the same first-level weapon can open the skin of the monster newly.

"Those new species are a real problem."

Thionne also felt a headache remembering the expedition he had been driven back before.

"The blood of those bugs is corrosive, and even those bugs can actively spit out acid and be fatally injured and explode to spray corrosive blood around.

"And the amount of those new species is still very large, and you can't hide if you want to."

Thinking about the previous expedition that was driven back, it was a trouble to solve those huge numbers of acid bugs.

When encountering bugs that time, not only Tiona's weapons were corroded, but also the regimental leader's spear.

Except for Ace's "Sword of Despair", which has the attribute of "not bad", all other weapons have suffered.

"Fortunately, there is good news from Tsubaki, and a series of "not bad" weapons specifically designed to destroy those guys is about to be built.

"Therefore, Tiliana, who has two first-level weapons at the same time, is also very indebted."

At the mention of this, Theona's grinning face instantly lost its smile.

Weapons with "not bad" characteristics are really not ordinarily expensive, and because weapons are customized, the cost of weapons needs to be borne by individuals.

That alone was enough to make Theona lose her smile completely.

You know, the creation of "not bad" weapons is almost the same price as her big double-blade, or even higher.

This means that the debt that Theona is now saddled is directly double the price of the big double edge, which is simply crazy.

"Hey... Usually I encounter this thing "to borrow a piece of money in the family for emergencies."

Thionne directly gave his sister a roll of his eyes.

"Are you stupid? The dependents have ordered a large number of runes, and they have also bought a lot of space pockets, how much money do you think the dependents have?"

The matter of space props is no longer a secret in the first and second echelons of the Loki family" It can be said that one of the reasons why their dependents attacked the Apollo family is funding.


Theona naturally knew about this, which is why she felt pity.

"Then shall we go to the dungeon together?" On the feet of Riveria and the head of the group, with the space of the waist bag, we should be able to earn a little back.

Speaking of space pockets, Theona suddenly left the idea.

This proposal made several girls present very interested, in fact, everyone is now very short of money. The cost of weapons is too great for them, and if they are not replenished in time, the next repair of weapons will become a problem.

"Well~ if you call the regiment commander together, I can't accompany you."

Hearing the word "Chief", Tionne's eyes suddenly appeared pink hearts of love, and then the standard tsundere words popped out of her mouth.

Very nymphomaniac, very Thiogne.

The three people around glanced at Thionne and neatly took what she had just said to the past.

"Space pockets, it seems that this expedition can reduce a lot of work."

"Not much less. There are only ten space belt packs, and many support personnel still need to continue to do their work, but many materials can be put into the space belt bag .0°

Theogne was a nymphomaniac for a moment before coming back to answer Rephia's question.

The appearance of space belt bags this time really relieved the pressure on them to carry materials, and even some expensive materials did not need to be sold at a cheap price on the eighteenth floor, and they could be put into space belt bags and taken to Olali to sell again.

"I heard the head of the regiment say that if he can make more money after returning from this expedition, he will increase the purchase of space pockets. I thought that the work of the supporters could be easier and give them more opportunities to grow. "

Many of the adventurers of the Loki family who worked as supporters on expeditions were not pure supporters themselves.

They tend to be low-level adventurers with only Lv.2 or even Lv.1.

It's just that they can't help in deep battles, so they have to choose to work as supporters.

"Will the head of the regiment agree?"

Lefia raised a crucial question.

"Try it."

Ace didn't know if Finn would agree, but she could give it a try.

What is there to be proud of. Finn had more headaches, but he couldn't ignore it, Ace and Theona were the main players of the team, and their weapons were indeed a problem.

In the end, there was no way, and Finn could only make one decision.

"Is it the repair and manufacture of weapons that caused the 3.7 debt?"

PS: Please collect........ Ask for flowers.......... Ask for reviews.

Finn felt a slight headache and glanced at Theona.

"In addition to the repair of the main weapon, there is also a compensation of 40 million faris, and there is no more savings."

Ace answered Finn in the simplest of two words.

"I see, Commander~"

"Tiogne, please go and call Riveria over and ask her to bring the rest of the space fanny pack."

"To the dungeon?"

The commanded Thiorge left like a ball of wind, leaving only Finn sighing.

Finn, who was checking his recent income and expenses, suddenly heard this proposal and made him stunned for a moment.


Ace nodded very seriously, and her mood quickly fell low through her debt.

"Why did you suddenly think of going to the dungeon?"

This answer obviously made Finn stunned for a while, and then helplessly covered his head and smiled bitterly.

"Hee hee ~ I am the same, Commander.

After eating, the four girls went to Finn's office to find someone.

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