I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 237 Deeply Understand The Characteristics Of Cutting All Things

Meanwhile, Bell has passed into the dungeon and is speeding up with Thunder.

In just a split second, Bell had already arrived from the entrance of the dungeon to the twelfth floor.

At this moment, Bell had already taken out the "Nine Characters and Determination", and walked directly into the twelfth floor without hiding his breath.

The twelfth floor is the last layer of the upper layer and the only dark layer on the upper level.

With Bell's breath and voice not hidden, just stepping into this floor, the entire floor sounded a "click" sound.

Bell, whose eyes can see the darkness, naturally saw that the skeletons displayed on the ground were combined little by little.

It was obviously a skeleton, but there was a dangerous red light in the eye sockets of the head.

If you look at it with normal eyes, this layer is really in condition, especially when waking up the skeletons on the ground.

The entire dark layer is almost entirely scarlet light.

"It's spectacular."

Bell marveled in his heart, but a trace of azure electric light also appeared on his body.

"It seems that I don't need 10 politeness."

Bell did not want to relax and proceed slowly, and the real need for careful strategy was after the twelfth layer.

The electric light was transmitted from Bell's hand to the "nine characters and fixed" in his hand, and a trace of electric light appeared on the blade body.


The blue light flashed, and Bell had turned into lightning at the moment and was moving rapidly in this layer.

The astonishing speed was almost invisible to the naked eye, and only bursts of thunder could be seen flashing.

But in just a moment, this layer of skeletons flashing red light had been scattered on the ground, and countless skeletons were completely shattered, but there were also countless falling purple magic stones on the ground.

As many shattered skeletons as there are on the ground, there are as many magic stones scattered on the ground.

The thunder light that kept flickering on the twelfth floor stopped in front of the stairs to the thirteenth floor.


Bell looked back at the falling magic stones on the ground, calculating the total number of magic stones in her heart.

"73 magic stones."

This is all the magic stones that have fallen on this layer, and it is also the magic stone that Bell has clearly cut from the skeletons where the pattern inside all the earthly skeletons is.

"Sure enough, I know very well the location of these earthly people's magic stones."

It is very accurate to unfold the magic stone glued to the inside of the skull, and if you want to do this, you need to confirm the position of the magic stone very accurately, otherwise even if it is just a little short, it will be shattered with the magic stone.

"What comes with the characteristics of this "nine-character determination" should be the cognition of attacking objects, so that I can know where the weaknesses of the objects are and how to attack."

After a few times in a row, Bell began to understand a little "what is going on with the characteristics of all things."

"The premise of using the Demon Eye of Death is to understand the death of all things."

"Ordinary people cannot understand death, and once they are seriously understood, the brain will immediately be completely burned out by incomprehensible death. Therefore, this is not a power that ordinary people can have, nor is it a power that ordinary people can use at no cost."

"It is precisely because the root records the life and death of everything that the root type can manipulate the life and death of all things at will."

Now Bell can finally understand why he has that strange phenomenon after strengthening the "nine characters and determination".

The characteristic of "cutting through everything" attached to this knife is not only the special ability to cut through everything, but also allows the person who uses this knife to understand everything and form the effect of recording all things.

Therefore, the most helpful thing that the strengthened "nine characters and nine characters" gave Bell was to make Bell understand death, and in this almost open form.

"It's too much of a hanging!"

Bell couldn't help but exclaim in his heart, recording death is something that can only be done by the root, but now he has achieved the record and even understanding of death with a weapon in his root hand.


The sound of skeletons drilling out of the ground was soon heard from behind, and Bell resisted the surprise in his heart, and he couldn't help but ask another question in his heart.

"So, is this recorded on the "Nine Characters and Fixed", or is it recorded on me?"

Bell immediately put away the "nine characters and determination" and took out Xu Dehua.

This dagger is also a first-class weapon, so it is very good for testing.

Little by little, the earthly creatures as far as the eye could see got out of the ground, and Bell once again turned on the thunder and slashed away.


The dagger made a crisp sound while cutting through the skull of the earth, and the skeleton instantly turned into a pool of white ash, which made the excited Bell calm down instantly.

This cannot be done with other weapons. 400

With the same power, attacking the same position, but the difference is so big.

As long as you don't attack those weaknesses when using "Nine Characters and Determination", can't you control the characteristics of "Cut Through Everything", so that "Nine Characters and Determination" is just a first-level weapon?

As for the "nine-character determination", it is a very useful weapon when familiar with new monsters, directly improving the cognition of monsters, so as to subconsciously know the weaknesses of monsters. In a showdown, the death recorded in the "nine characters and determination" can show the characteristics of "cutting through everything", which is also a kind of opening and hanging.

"Wait! In this case, doesn't it mean that I can control whether the characteristics of "nine characters and two characters" are used or not?"

Bell couldn't help but be a little disappointed by this discovery.

This shows that the cognition of all things possessed by "cutting through all things", and the way to recognize and record death in the general form of opening and hanging is only a "nine-character and fixed" limitation.

Although it is impossible to "cut through everything" without using "nine characters and determination", it is not false to use "nine characters and determination" to let him know the weak position of monsters.

I just thought I was going to open and hang, who knew that it was a special effect limited by "nine characters and determination".

But you can't do it with the "Xu Della Dagger".

It's just that this is useful enough for Bell.

"Nine characters and determination" can instantly cut the head of the earthborn person, and the magic stone of the earthborn person can be completely preserved.

「...... It seems to be recorded on the "nine characters and determination"."

Perhaps the location of the magic stone Bell is very clear, but without the knife that "cuts through everything", it is impossible to completely preserve the magic stone.

Bell held his chin and thought carefully [These ten tricks seem to be used for people.]

This is a limited weapon, not an invincible plug-in in Bell's favor.

"Fortunately, too powerful weapons will make me stagnate, so it will help me a lot."

PS: Please collect........ Asking for flowers............ Ask for reviews.

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